Wednesday, April 19, 2023


 People who commented for the Salon article said trump had good policies. What ones?

He took credit for Obama's Veterans Choice Bill. He undid Admins work ever since Richard Nixon started the EPA. I remember the thick smog in NYC, less so filthy polluted Hudson River. He grew up there and does not? EPA rules is what cleared the air, and cleaned the river. But, trump resented his son's business having to buy environmentally friendly toilets and dishwashers. Need to save $$$ to increase profits. 

Thought like CEO of country, not presiding over citizens. Corporate profits his utmost concern. Which is why he gave the largest wealth holders tax cuts. That single 'policy' lead to even more debt, that was passed onto Biden as is the case with every admin.

It did not matter to trump that coal miner disease increased when his 'policy' undid regulations put into place to keep miners safe. Why would he care? He is not a coal miner. He also does not live downstream from a plant dumping chemicals in waterways. I think that a terrible 'policy,' not a beneficial one.

His COVID policy and quid pro quo with mayors needing PPE from inventory designed for just such an emergency? Drink bleach? Liberate Michigan? Not close to as bright as his "very smart uncle." 

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