Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Michael Oliveras ~ over consumed conspiratorial sources

 50 year old Michael Oliveras attorney said he should be given leniency because he was "an over-consumer of conspiratorial sources of news," and “had no way to independently verify the accuracy of what those sites were reporting as 'fact' when making allegations regarding the integrity of the election process."

Are there TV conspiratorial sources of news? Or is that like Q/Anon websites, @therealdonaldtrump on Twitter? A steady diet of FOX's Carlson? So he heads to D.C. prepared for war. 

"Where are they?" "Drag them out by their effing hair." He also shoved officers, when he tried to re-enter the building after being put out twice.

Why did they put him out? I thought the GOP narrative ~ believed by MAGAs ~ that is was a peaceful, guided sightseer tour by the guards? 

Walking in room with smashed media equipment piled on the floor, he said: "This is what happens to fake news." 

Do they know how idiotic they are saying "fake news?" The real fake is DJT's claim of a stolen election. When I see those two words on article comments, I picture a young guy, or juvenile. Odd, I do not picture females; they have user names such as "IhateLibs" thus do not know gender. I also picture them white. 

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