AM thought: Dump's supporters are like "the woman is always last to know," that her husband is cheating on her.
I was told my sister posted "my father must be turning over in his grave to see what happened to his beloved Democratic Party."
I once posted, "my father would be turning over in his grave, if he knew some of his children and grandkids voted for Dump," in 2015. "Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me," oft' repeated axiom.
I had not seen sister's post. If I was still talking to her, I would ask her "what happened to the Democratic Party?" Dad was homophobic, so maybe Democrats supporting equal rights for LGBT would be something that disturbed him? He was also a bit misogynist. He would have loved to see Barack Obama elected as president.
Democrats are still for the people. What is wrong with that? Dad was smart and well informed. He would know things that I have to look up. Such as how much debt/deficit presidents added, and which ones reduced it. GOP says "Democrats, 'tax and spend'." Maybe sister believes that to be true? GOP cuts taxes for the most wealthy, at expense of middle income citizens. Trickle down economics is a proven failure.
Both parties spend. Dump spent more than most. Why does my sister not know this?