Showing posts with label inflation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label inflation. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 21, 2023



Did not share an old Facebook "memory" post about inflation.

Girl Scout cookies cost 23 cents per box of 44 cookies in 1960 ~ minimum wage was $1.00

Federal minimum wage is $7.25; the cookies cost $5.00 a box and have 14 cookies. 

Or in 1960 a minimum wage worker would work 1 hour to buy 4 boxes of cookies; today that 1 hour can only buy one box ~ and get a lot less cookies in today's economy.


My first tax paying job, I was paid, I think, 75 cents an hour. It was part time, in 1964. When I made that post, I did look up how much the cookies cost in 1960 & would think I did the same for minimum wage. 

Even after I went full time after graduating high school, I do not remember $1.00 an hour. Wish I had saved some paystubs. I worked in retail department store in the office, and earned 10 cents an hour more than the sales floor teens my age. 

2022/2023 complaints about inflation ~ I wonder how much those smaller, less tasty boxes of girl scout cookies cost now.