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Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts
Showing posts with label propaganda. Show all posts

Monday, January 13, 2025


 "...the one with the most propaganda can persuade people to believe something do something or despise something" unknown

I guess I answered my own query about why anyone would consider the Felon-elect to be qualified to be president. Again. 

Friday, April 7, 2023

The Secret Sales Pitch

 GOP MO (modus operandi)

"We attempt to escape fear-producing stimuli. By producing fear we can alter people's behavior. When caught in fear we regress step by step to even more infantile and animistic drives." from  The Secret Sales Pitch by August Bullock.

"Democrats (or Liberals) are going to take away your guns."

There was a time I considered getting a pistol, because, if government took away our right to own guns, than only the police would have guns.

I doubt that I knew that was GOP propaganda, nor would I have known that it was GOP saying it would be done by Democrats. I once was a registered Democrat. Now: Green or Independent. No, Democrats are not coming for your guns.

I visualized scenarios and decided I would rather be killed than kill. It was during President Obama's admin when he explained about assault weapons. I slept through Clintons 10 year ban of assault weapons and quick loading ammo. Due to mass shootings, many done with AR-15s and other military style weapons designed to quickly shoot many, I support bans on those weapons of mass murders of strangers.

I in favor of sensible gun laws. Nationwide database, for one. When I read The Secret Sales Pitch it was concerning salespeople. A locksmith (in today's world doorbell ring) salesperson states stats regarding local area burglaries. Cite rise of car thefts; sell The Club or car alarms. 

"Hurry supplies limited!" "Order now, only 5 left." I have checked some of those ads. Usually from badly reviewed, obscure company. Often a newly created company. Creating urgency is a oft used sales tactic. It creates the fear that the home you want to make an offer on will be gone if you take time to think it over. 

Trump effectively uses those tactics. "Weaponized DOJ" "need to get rid of cancer NOW." Cancer being DOJ and Democrats. "Or you won't have a country left anymore." 

Fight like hell! And they did; they lost, and yet the country is still here. He continues to do so, and his fans buy it. Too sad.