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Friday, March 24, 2023

Anthony Puma ~ if he could turn back time

 50-year-old Anthony Puma says if he could turn back time, he would have stayed home of J6. Do not we all wish we could turn back time before making an awful mistake.

Prior to J6, he posted a plan for action:

“On the 6th when we are all there in the capital [sic] and he is givin [sic] his second term the people will see. Then you never know we might have to start killing some commie bastards. #stopthestea"

He claims he should not be held accountable because Trump tricked him. He did not believe trump would "not steer him down an illegal path." Wait a minute, mawas claim trump did not incite a riot ~ just a peaceful, tourist, sightseeing tour lead by guards.

 So why did Puma scale a wall, enter through a broken window, then ask other rioters in Sen. Jeff Merkley's office if he could join them in smoking pot. Did trump trick him into smoking pot inside a government building? 

I wonder if he knew that trump's father-in-law is a card carrying Communist? Melania's dad might not practice Communism, so why not burn his card and pledge allegiance to the United States of America. Rhetorical question. 

Puma's lawyers says he has suffered enough. He recorded that "we were tear gassed," they went back and were "pepper sprayed," and went back to get inside the building. Did trump announce "leave, the building is closed, go home?" No he let them continue the melee for over 3 hours then told them "we love you, you are special." 

Attack guards, do damage, obstruct Congress? Why is trump running for pres again. He loves people who attack the "blue," break & enter, do damage, and obstruct Congress? Insanity. 

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Caught up in the maelstrom

 Geoffrey Sills. 31, of Mechanicsville, Virginia did not go to D. C. wearing gas mask, and  goggles, intending to be violent. He was dressed for protection from terrorists. Oh, my, if a foreign government flew planes into D.C. buildings, the mask and goggles would offer little or no protection.

When he threw pole-like objects at guards, stole one of their batons assaulting at least two guards, it was simply because he got caught up in the maelstrom. 

Well, gee whiz, if a bunch of mawas were jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge at trump's instruction, would he have done so, also? I thought these mawas were all for law and order, obeying officers of the law, Blue Lives Matter & personal responsibility. 

I used to loathe my mother asking me "if your friends jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge..." ~ I was complaining about having to do dishes or not being allowed to carry baby bro' yet friend was; likewise younger cousin. Older, my friends offered me cigarettes. I turned them down. 

I was horrified when my older brother followed the crowd walking over a downed wire fence to get closer to stage to see Dylan perform. I stayed behind, keeping an eye on him, as he was the driver. Caught up in the maelstrom, my arse.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

From whom?



DJT's latest. Does he not tire of sounding like an arse?

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Calhoun ~ "we shut down the government"

 William McCall Calhoun of Americus, Ga. attorney, age 59, posted on Facebook:  “Today the American People proved we have the power. We physically took control of the Capitol building in a hand to hand hostile takeover. We occupied the Capitol and shut down the Government – we shut down their stolen election shenanigans . . .”

The only shenanigans was Trump trying to rig and steal the election. Not man enough to concede, he sells more lies and incites a riot. 

Secession ~ 1975

Other secession comments; almost all agreed that divorcing red states from blue or secession was a great idea.

Democrats say, then Red states no longer get money from Blue states that support them. No more aid to Texas, New Orleans, after hurricanes or Alabama tornadoes, thank you very much. 

Mawas or GOP hate Democrats ~ Communists is common slur. Drag queens, CRT, other stuff being "shoved down their throats." Reality, it is Christian Right that demands we obey their rules. No women shall be allowed to get treatment for ectopic pregnancy, have a D & C, and shall be forced to give birth to a stillborn baby. Supreme Court gave states the right to deny liberty based on gender. Who is forcing who?

One or two people who commented showed signs of intelligence. My words; do we build a wall around Texas, requiring passports for them to travel to the U.S. of A.? What happens to Interstate highways, paid for by U.S. of A. government? Cross country trains? One asked about commerce between states ~ export/import, tariffs, more laws? Another pointed out today's military as compared to 1861. Any state that tried to remove themselves from nation would be defeated in, I think, poster said, 30 minutes. 

I suggest people look at the 1975 Electoral College map. California was red, Texas and New York were blue. Demographics change, people change party affiliations. There are not red states, there are no blue states, there are states with diverse populations. Would a Green be allowed to live in a Red State? A Libertarian in a Blue State. Ridiculous, unintelligent idea. 

We either live together or perish together. China/Russia would simply love a Divided States of America. Peeps need to stop hating and try listening and understanding others. I understand why some people are opposed to doctor assisted termination of pregnancies. 

But I do not understand why they do not understand all the reasons why the choice belongs to the woman and her doctor. Prove that life begins at conception. Most females do not know they are pregnant until missing a period or two. I had a cousin who did not know she was pregnant until she went into labor.

How can that be? Change of life baby, they used to be called. At that age, the chubby lady was moving towards obesity. Her menstrual cycle had already stopped. She had not reason to suspect the weight gain had to do with pregnancy. 

Nitpicking point, but it is more potential for life, not life itself. A living, breathing, walking, talking female should have more rights than an invisible zygote, blastocyst and even fetus. 

Someone suggested it should be done by county referendum. Okay, so Orange County, California can opt to sede from Los Angeles County? Or secede from the U.S. of A. How would that work? 

No wonder people vote for the likes of M.T. Greene and djt ~ no critical thinking skills. Secession is a terrible idea; can not divorce states without destroying the U. S. of A. 

Secession Comments

The secession article pointed out that divorce involves things like: Who Will Get The Children. So, who would get the National Debt, author queried. The author states %ages of voters who agree with a national divorce. Heavy on GOP/mawas and trump himself. Less than 50% of Biden voters. Notice he wrote, Biden, not Democrats. And what happened to Greens? Or Libertarians? Us Independents do not count in these here United States of America?

Percentages and polls do not interest me. No one asks me my opinion. Unless at the end of the poll, they are asking for campaign donations, thus biased questions, anyway. Judging by comments on the article, those percentages are likely accurate.

MAWAs out in force. They hate Blues or Democrats. One said "then the Blue States would become Police States." How effective that GOP propaganda has been. All my adult life GOP has been yelling that Democrats are coming for your guns. Has that happened? There was a ten year period when military style weapons were banned. Mass shootings were down in those years.

I once believed that if they took away citizens rights to own guns, then only police would have them. Internet, however, allowed me to read sensible gun laws. A nationwide database to be used by gun sellers to deny felons purchase of weapons, to deny domestic violence offenders guns, to deny mentally unstable people from owning guns, is sensible.

The part of the 2nd Amendment about Well Regulated Militia is ignored by NRA lovers. What is regulated, other than laws or rules or oversight? I think that amendment was to ensure people could fight for their state in their military or National Guard. 

Where does that state that law enforcement are militia? 

Monday, March 20, 2023

MT Greene Divorce Blue States

 M.T. Greene wants to divorce red states from blue states. Read an article saying "Secession  is here:" people have been withdrawing from the Union for years. An example is not serving on jury duty. I do not see that as "withdrawing." Some people simply do not want to play judge over other people's lives ~ that is, find a stranger guilty of a crime, based on the best lawyer's presentation.

I raised hand to be excused from a trial once. A homeless man was charged with failing to register as a sex offender. The offense was statutory rape of his girlfriend 30 years back in high school. A 16 or 17 year old having a 18 or 19 year old boyfriend is not at all unusual. If the girl consents to have sex, that is not rape. And how does an unhoused person register an address? 555 Ocean Blvd, where he sleeps, overnight? Lincoln Park where he hangs out during the day?

He had no other "sex offenses" since being charged with having sex with his underage girlfriend. I would not be a fair juror (not guilty.) I also would not sit on trial to give criminal death penalty. I am against that due to innocent people being put to death. Until our justice system is perfect, I do not approve.

I would rather assisted suicide be legal. With cause ~ terminally ill elderly, perhaps, who wants to choose a time and place to end suffering and expense of care.

Was I withdrawing? No, I was excited to be chosen to serve on another jury. After lunch break, when we returned, we were dismissed due to defendant accepting a plea deal. 

Some companies do not pay time off for jury duty. The miniscule stipend does not make up for losing a days pay to do jury duty. A person might have medical condition, such as diabetes and could not chance a long trial. Many reasons to refuse jury duty having zero to do with withdrawing from the Nation.

Mitchell Todd Gardner ~ chemical spray

*Mitchell Todd Gardner II, 34, of Seffner, Florida plead guilty to civil disorder, obstruction of an official proceeding, and assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers with a dangerous weapon. He used a pepper spray canister to shatter a window after others did not do so when he told them to break it.

He handed someone a weapon that looked to be a desk or chair leg. He encouraged others to "Pull the cops out," "drag them out." 

Peaceful sightseer, eh?

Aiden Bilyard of Cary was 18 when he sprayed chemical agents at police and broke out a window in the Capitol, attorney said he did not bring weapons, so where did he get chemical spray? 

Fort Bragg soldier James Mault (30), re-enlisted in Army after being fired from his job, due to his part in J6 riot. He is full of remorse, should have known better, than to pepper spray a guard. He said he wore tactical gear to prepare for counter-protestors. Okay, that shows he did not just go to D.C. to listen to a rally; he planned to actively protest, even prior to DJT telling him to march peacefully to Capitol and then FIGHT like HELL. 

On Jan. 5, 2021, Cody Mault sent text message to Mattice suggesting they bring batons, pepper spray, helmets, eye protection and “asskicking boots. Cody Mault (29) was among those who ripped bike rack barrier from guards, forcing their way into the building. He pepper sprayed guards directly in their faces. 

*A Tampa Bay Times article about Gardner shows an image with photo circled labeled as him spraying officers. But the circled guy is not Gradner; he is standing above the guy doing the spraying.

Sunday, March 19, 2023

More on Larry Brock

Larry Brock's Plan of Action was also "general pardon for all crimes up to and including murder of those restoring the Constitution and putting down the Democratic Insurrection.”

“Do not kill LEO unless necessary.” What would peaceful sightseers need to kill Law Enforcement officers? His attorney said "inconceivable that he was motivated by anything other than genuine concern for democracy.”
I guess that accounts for low jail sentence, when it should be tripled due to being military swearing to protect and serve. Not to attack & disrupt.

I guess he missed fighting he did while on active duty. Blinded, by trump lies? Sad.

Even tho' he was dressed for combat, he just followed the crowd as soon as they breached the doors (windows,) picked up zip-tie handcuffs, holding them in his hand while in Senate floor minutes after VP Pence was removed to safety. 

What makes judge think that the deranged man will change his mind about trumps lies? 

Saturday, March 18, 2023

Larry Brock ~ Air Force

 Larry Brock, retired Air Force, was given two years jail time for storming the Capitol Building on J6.

Sightseers often wear tactical vests and helmets for tours, eh? Reported he wrote:

“When we get to the bottom of this conspiracy we need to execute the traitors that are trying to steal the election, and that includes the leaders of the media and social media aiding and abetting the coup plotters," Brock wrote in a Nov. 9. 2020, post on Facebook.

On Dec. 24th he wrote on Facebook "plan of action if Congress fails to act” One of the “main tasks” “seize all Democratic politicians and Biden key staff and select Republicans.”

"Begin interrogations using measures we used on al-Qaida to gain evidence on the coup. "
Do not know why Blogger suddenly adds a space, and can not figure out how to fix it sigh. AARGH. 

Yahoo Comment Rejection

 I often get told Yahoo is holding a comment for approval. Or asks if I am sure, it might offend members of the community. I reword, reword, reword, than finally give up and report the comment I was replying to. 

Today I tried several times to reply to comments on article about U.S.P.S. employee theft. 

I once had a temp Casual Clerk job at post office distribution center. After watching a training film about theft of mail, I thought, gee they just showed me how to steal mail, if I were so inclined. Another person who commented said something similar. Yet I left out the part about showing me how to steal, and just added "Same." Being held for approval. 

Maybe Casual Clerk might offend? I did not mention theft in my last attempt to add to conversation.

Yeah, I know, I said I was going to stop commenting. Better if I just copy offensive or false info comments and write about them here. 

Just have nothing to do and all day to do it. Wish Windows had not removed my Solitaire games from taskbar. I hate the new and unimproved versions. I intend to get out a regular deck of cards and play offline as I used to do pre-computer days. 

Or do as I once did: play Scrabble Mary vs. Alyce.

Friday, March 17, 2023

Joshua Dooline, Micheal ~ guilty

 Joshua Doolin, 25, of Polk City, and Michael Perkins, 39, of Plant City, Florida, found guilty. Both stole police shields and Perkins assaulted guard with a "deadly weapon." WFTV article by Sarah Wilson did not specify what the weapon was.

I wonder how Carlson and his fans rationalize violence against guards to enter closed building was needed for "sightseers," or "peaceful tourists." 

They were doing what trump told them to do ~ FIGHTING LIKE HELL to stop certifying the election he lost. How slow-witted, or unintelligent or hateful do people have to be to go along with the Carlson, GOP narrative. If trump lovers were actually patriots they would condemn him, Carlson, Hawley, McCarthy, most GOP Congress people, not support them. Sad. 


Thursday, March 16, 2023

Irizarry & Bishai ~ 2 weeks

Elias Irizarry & Elliot Bishai ~ two friends who were charged for participation in J6 attack on Congress, were each given 2 week jail sentence. Bishi was sentenced previously by same judge who now sentenced Irizarry. 

climbed the scaffolding at the Capitol  
climbed in the building through a window
carried a metal pole that came from a broken bike

Now he is ashamed. He is not a victim, he said. His family are the victims, due to the shame he brought upon them. And, oh, yeah, the guards, their families, the country are victims. Or did he say the government. 

Two weeks is hardly enough to deter others from climbing in through broken windows, in an attempt to "fight like hell" to stop counting of electoral college votes, should a future loser refuse to concede. 

Princeton boy

 Princeton boy, Larry Gibberson, opposed the University's decision to remove a portrait of Woodrow Wilson. It is reported that he said: If our University can be intimidated by the transient impulses of the mob mentality to disregard their own esteemed standards, what guarantee is there that the University will stand firm against those who would seek to undermine the Nation, or indeed, Humanity itself?”

So then he goes along with mob mentality to disregard our Constitutional standards, and common decency, by attacking guards on J6, in attempt to undermine the country.

My father used to say: Do as I say, not as I do.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Larry Fife Giberson ~ heave ho

 Larry Fife Giberson was part of the heave-ho crowd pushing guards in the tunnel. He waved other rioters to join them, in second round of pushing the guards; he tried to lead a chant, "Drag them out" but the crowd did not join him. 

21 year old New Jersey resident attending Princeton College. Peeps always repeat "he loves the poorly educated." I do not know if 21 is his age now was in 2021. Need good grades to be admitted into Princeton. One would think he was too smart to fall for trump fantasies. He could be racist, but I do not understand how any intelligent person could thinks skin color makes them superior to others. 

We are all the same inside. College student should know that. Yet, Michelle Obama felt some discrimination when she attended Princeton. 

Yvonne St Cyr ~ window climber

 At age 55, Yvonne St Clair, was able to crawl through a window to invade Senate office on J6. Unflattering photo attacked to article about her being found guilty. She looks a bit crazed, especially her eyes. She said she was looking for a place to charge her phone. 

I guess she needed a charge due to live streaming the mob while inside the building. She later posted it on Facebook. She should have went back to where ever she was staying to charge her phone, rather than push the guards with others of the mob, to gain entrance to obstruct counting of electoral college votes. 

Tristan Chandler Stevens ~ heave-ho

 Tristan Chandler Stevens, 27, from Pensacola, Florida was sentenced to 5 years in jail for his actions on J6. I wish I could share the images of this peaceful, sightseer.  

He is one leading guys trying to overpower guards in Lower West Terrace Tunnel entrance. Their assault lasted for 90 minutes. Stevens took charge, co-ordinating the rioters, to count 1-2-3 heave ho. He took a guard's shield to use for more pushing leverage.

Capitol Police Sgt Aquilino Gonell, testified: 
 "...the mob yelling, screaming, chanting, the fire alarm going off, the sprinklers going off, the pepper spray, the bear spray, the WD-40 spray, the firecrackers being thrown at us, the weapons that they used, flagpoles, the heave-ho push movement, back and forth,” 

He was unable to defend himself being pinned by Steven's stolen shield. 

Did Carlson's video show the guards leading the sightseers to the tunnel, and leave off the violence that followed? I thought not.

The ever faithful mawas post their pro-trump comments. 

One named aint simply wrote: how many cops were executed that day?

Monday, March 13, 2023

Sara Carpenter ~ former NY Cop

 Sara Carpenter , 53, a retired New York Police Officer was found guilty of two felonies and 5 misdemeanors for her involvement on J6 attack on government. 

"I'm a fucking animal" "The breach was made. It needs to calm down now. Congress needs to come out. They need to certify Trump as president. This is our house."

She was pepper sprayed by guards inside the building. Has Carlson shared that bit of footage with his fans?

Tired of "this is our house" peeps. It is a government building, built for elected government officials to do their jobs. My son-in-law was inside recently with Army union, to petition Congress to pass a bill to help military to be allowed to do civil duty, not be forced to retire at a young age.

Jan. 6th the building was closed to the public, due to counting of electoral college votes. Tours can be arranged on days when it is open to public. It is not a 24/7 convenience store, people. 

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Cale Douglas Clayton ~ Peaceful? Not.

 As reported by Judy L. Thomas of The Kansas City Star, Cale Douglas Clayton, 42,  of Drexel Missouri pleaded guilty to two felony counts due to:

"assaulting, resisting or impeding officers; civil disorder; theft of government property; entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds; and an act of physical violence within the Capitol grounds or buildings."

Things he shouted at guards:

 “We are going to win. You don’t have enough for all of us. You might hit me once or twice. You might spray me with pepper spray. I don’t give a f---. There ain’t enough for millions of people here and you know it.”

“You guys realize your President told us to be here. Your President! Hey, how does that make you feel? You’re defying your own f------ country!...Are you a Patriot? Or are you a f------ yes man?” And “think about it. (Inaudible) the revolution. You ain’t gonna stop it. It’s already happening…You guys are just gonna be a little speed bump along the way.”

He picked up a police baton from the floor, took a police shield, when officer tried to take the baton, he grabbed officer's face mask pushing him backwards. Yet, he claims he was just trying to return baton to guard. 

Just another peaceful sightseers on J6, eh. Does not matter how many of them cite djt, he is still allowed to run for president again. Shameful.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Why Some Lie?


"Lying was bad, but revealing my own sense of insecurity would have been worse. It would have been shameful, and I did not like to feel ashamed." 

Quote made me think of djt. Read that narcissists are insecure. Um, George Santos?