50-year-old Anthony Puma says if he could turn back time, he would have stayed home of J6. Do not we all wish we could turn back time before making an awful mistake.
Prior to J6, he posted a plan for action:
“On the 6th when we are all there in the capital [sic] and he is givin [sic] his second term the people will see. Then you never know we might have to start killing some commie bastards. #stopthestea"
He claims he should not be held accountable because Trump tricked him. He did not believe trump would "not steer him down an illegal path." Wait a minute, mawas claim trump did not incite a riot ~ just a peaceful, tourist, sightseeing tour lead by guards.
So why did Puma scale a wall, enter through a broken window, then ask other rioters in Sen. Jeff Merkley's office if he could join them in smoking pot. Did trump trick him into smoking pot inside a government building?
I wonder if he knew that trump's father-in-law is a card carrying Communist? Melania's dad might not practice Communism, so why not burn his card and pledge allegiance to the United States of America. Rhetorical question.
Puma's lawyers says he has suffered enough. He recorded that "we were tear gassed," they went back and were "pepper sprayed," and went back to get inside the building. Did trump announce "leave, the building is closed, go home?" No he let them continue the melee for over 3 hours then told them "we love you, you are special."
Attack guards, do damage, obstruct Congress? Why is trump running for pres again. He loves people who attack the "blue," break & enter, do damage, and obstruct Congress? Insanity.