Monday, October 24, 2022

 Fred wrote:

That's a nice thought, that others would view this as a warning but that's not the way the world works. Most parents I know treat their children like furniture or at best, a pet. They ignore their lives and are surprised when they get in trouble, fail classes or end up with a biker boyfriend 10 years their senior.

Fred replied to a comment saying parents should be held accountable for their children's crimes, so that other parents would see it as warning.

I come from a big family. Only one aunt is still alive. I lost track of how many cousins I have. Facebook has introduced me to many of those cousins' children many of whom are married with children also. My nieces and nephews are making me a great aunt. 

My point: I know a lot of parents. They do not treat their children like furniture or a pet. Most all those children I have known were excellent students. The boys were drafted or joined a branch of the military at 18. I assume some were poor students due to their FB posts. LOL I do not know if any of them failed classes or ended up with a biker boyfriend 10 years their senior.

They never spoke about it, but I am guessing some parents were taken by surprise to learn their sons or daughters were homosexual. 

Peeps asked Fred if his daughter married a biker. No, he does not have a daughter. One commented that he must live in a rough neighborhood.

I did not sign in to say he must not know many parents.

Someone commented that she felt the opposite ~ that parents lavished attention on their children, spoiling them, and blaming others when their children got into trouble. Their kids could do not wrong.

Maybe Fred's parents treated him like a piece of furniture or a pet. I wonder how old he is. He said he does not have a daughter. Might be a teen himself, eh.

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