Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Really proud

 My sister hates Michelle Obama, because she said "this is the first time I am really proud of my country."

Never mind that she was misquoted and her words were taken out of content. I told sister she was proud that youth were engaged in the process. She did not say she was never proud, just that this time she was really proud. Kind of hard to be proud of a country that enslaved your ancestors. Hard to be proud of a country that allowed lynching of black/brown children and men. Hard to be proud of a country that allowed Jim Crow laws in the south.

Hard to be proud of a country that jailed women force feeding them, or allowed husbands to lock up wives in insane asylums. 

I was really happy with citizens of the U.S. who voted for a man not based on color of his skin, but based on content of his character. I would not say I was not happy with the country; it is all I know. I stopped saying the pledge of allegiance years ago. My allegiance belonged to god, not country. Even though I no longer worship a god, I did not go back to pledging allegiance. 

I could not pledge allegiance to a government lead by a Nazi, or a dictator like Putin. After the glorious day when people of all skin colors, elected President Obama, they went back to voting for a man of low character. What happened?

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