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Thursday, March 20, 2025

Dept. of Government Efficiency

 Congress and media are not doing their jobs. The U.S. Constitution gives Congress the power to create new departments for the executive branch. Yet they remain silent when The Felon-Elect created the Department of Government Efficiency. And appointed a dual citizenship immigrant to run the illegibly created department. Joe Biden's Congress did not create that department in December 2024, The Felon needed to wait until Jan. 21, 2025 to ask his Congress to create a new department. 

So dual citizenship immigrant gets our bank info? He has power to fire Federal Employees? 

What kind of presidential administration would increase unemployment by firing workers. Imagine a 60 year old Park Ranger being suddenly without a paycheck. Needing to find a new job as s/he nears Social Security retirement age. What type of jobs will the younger employees be qualified to do? 

Does he pay the dual citizenship immigrant to head his newly  created department? 

Disgusted with family & friends who voted for the Felon. Too, too sad. 


 I ditched my Service Electric WiFi. Yearly price increase of $2.00 is still affordable. Apartment Complex requires us to have Cable TV. That cost also increased $2.00 I told Cable reps that I was cancelling service due to my age and need to save $$$ for cremation. I was saving $$$ for cremation in local bank Savings Account. I no longer trust the government. The $50.+ WiFi savings is sent to one of my adult children. 

The real reason: election of The Felon.  

Now I use the apartment complex WiFi. It is a metered connection. Do not know if that includes everyone using it at same time, or my computer only. It is 5:04AM. I already did Farmtown, and checked Yahoo mail; still have time to do this. Which is unusual.

I have been going down to the first floor "Computer Lab" to use their wired connection. Better to quit Farmtown; but even more bored now that I can not spend the day on the 'net. 

I enjoyed blogging, even though I never attracted an audience. My paid for URLs for my free websites from Freewebs are gone. I did so much work creating them. Sad someone did not hire me to do that. Work from home. 

Who am I talking to? 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Economic Blackouts

 I do not know why they are called Economic Blackouts. Do not spend any money on Feb. 28, 2025, for instance. My daughter said she would make sure the gas tanks are full before Friday Economic Blackout.  Anyone who would not spend any money on that day, could stock up before hand; thus retailers will not be losing any $$$. 

Unless people participating sid not buy any extras those days; like no Starbucks coffee, not bakery store products, not fast food lunches. If they are used to buying lunch at workplace cafeteria, they bring lunch from home that day. Yet, how much of an impact will these Economic Blackouts actually have?

I would call them boycotts instead of blackouts. Upcoming events:
April 7th to 13th no Wal-Mart purchases
April 18th Do Not Spend Any Money Day
April 21s do not buy any General Mills products
March 5th 40 day boycott of Target
March 7th to 14th Amazon boycott

50501 50 states 50 capitals 1 day
March forth on March 4 
March 14th Do Not Go To Work Day

The last impractical ~ nurses, surgeons, firefighters and such all t aking the day off would wreck havoc with people's lives, more than impacting government.

I 'boycotted' Amazon in December by closing my account.
Likewise Mark Zuckerberg ie: META by ditching Facebook. I was one of the earliest users of that site; it got worse and worse as years went by. Peeps do not pay for Facebook; but the numbers of users influences how many advertisers will pay them by buying ads.

I think large numbers of not using Amazon would impact the site. 

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Project 2025

 One by one, Project 2025's goals are being implemented, despite The Felon claiming he knew nothing about it. The new $5 million dollar Green card was not part of Project 2025. That must be Elon Musk's idea. Does The Felon in the Oval Office think people who want to flee horrible conditions in their countries have that amount of money to come to the U.S. of A. 

Who are they? His and Jared's UAE buddies? What benefits will the billionaires have in coming to the U.S. of A. that they do not have now? A desire to run our government the same was as Musk is doing? 

America: for sale to the highest bidder? 

The First Lie Wins

 The First Lie Wins is a novel by Ashley Elston.

"The first lie wins. The lie that set the stage for everything that comes after it. And once that lie is told, it's what most people believe to be true."

That might explain MAGAs blind loyalty to the Felon. His first lie: successful businessman. Hence when his quid pro quo impeachment trial begins they parrot him shouting: Witch Hunt. Many lies later, came The Big Lie: stolen election. 

Friday, February 14, 2025

Increase Unemployment

 The Felon's mass layoffs and firings will increase unemployment. Is that how to make 'America' great? 

White Nationalist FOX news host has a job as Cabinet member. Every Cabinet member is there to push the Felon's agendas; none of which will make the US of A great; will do the exact opposite.

He sold his MAWAS on "no wars," now he is promoting using military force to take Greenland, Panama and the Gaza Strip. He plans to deport Palestinians, who can never return to THEIR OWN COUNTRY. 

Renaming the Gulf of Mexico day? I guess that is to be like Columbus Day? 

Is this what his loyal MAWAs really wanted to happen to our country? Too, too sad & disgusting.

Thursday, February 6, 2025

Suspend Constitution

 “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution." Trump Dec. 3 

And they put the Felon back in the Oval Office? February 6, 2025 headline news articles I did not read ~ Bipartisan members of Congress calling The Felon in the Oval Office "deranged" and "problematic," due to his Gaza strip proposal. That is, to remove Palistances and relocate them.

How can a US of A president order deportation of residents from another country? Insane. And Congress just now realizes the man is insane? 


  "My administration will always stand against violence, mayhem, and disorder." DJT promise.2016

4:17 PM
“I know your pain, I know you’re hurt. We had an election that was stolen from us. It was a landslide election and everyone knows it, especially the other side. But you have to go home now. We have to have peace. We have to have law and order. We have to respect our great people in law and order. We don’t want anybody hurt. It’s a very tough period of time. There’s never been a time like this where such a thing happened where they could take it away from all of us — from me, from you, from our country. This was a fraudulent election, but we can’t play into the hands of these people. We have to have peace. So go home. We love you. You’re very special. You’ve seen what happens. You see the way others are treated that are so bad and so evil. I know how you feel, but go home, and go home in peace.”

6:01PM “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

Friday, January 31, 2025

DC plane crash

J20 FAA director fired
J21 Air Traffic Controller hiring frozen J22 Aviation Safety Advisory Committee disbanded J29 Buyout/retirement demand sent to existing employees J29 First American mid-air collision in 16 years Making America Great Again? Of course his "common sense" "strong opinion" is that DEI hires caused the crash. He has a list of those DEI hires ~ all false info. Will he start ordering the removal of persons with disabilities from society? Those he claimed were hired by the FFA? Mentally deficient people (more projection on his part,) dwarfs and more?

I hope MAWAS are happy with the Felon they felt worthy of putting back in the Oval Office.

Thursday, January 30, 2025