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Showing posts with label Protests. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Protests. Show all posts

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Economic Blackouts

 I do not know why they are called Economic Blackouts. Do not spend any money on Feb. 28, 2025, for instance. My daughter said she would make sure the gas tanks are full before Friday Economic Blackout.  Anyone who would not spend any money on that day, could stock up before hand; thus retailers will not be losing any $$$. 

Unless people participating sid not buy any extras those days; like no Starbucks coffee, not bakery store products, not fast food lunches. If they are used to buying lunch at workplace cafeteria, they bring lunch from home that day. Yet, how much of an impact will these Economic Blackouts actually have?

I would call them boycotts instead of blackouts. Upcoming events:
April 7th to 13th no Wal-Mart purchases
April 18th Do Not Spend Any Money Day
April 21s do not buy any General Mills products
March 5th 40 day boycott of Target
March 7th to 14th Amazon boycott

50501 50 states 50 capitals 1 day
March forth on March 4 
March 14th Do Not Go To Work Day

The last impractical ~ nurses, surgeons, firefighters and such all t aking the day off would wreck havoc with people's lives, more than impacting government.

I 'boycotted' Amazon in December by closing my account.
Likewise Mark Zuckerberg ie: META by ditching Facebook. I was one of the earliest users of that site; it got worse and worse as years went by. Peeps do not pay for Facebook; but the numbers of users influences how many advertisers will pay them by buying ads.

I think large numbers of not using Amazon would impact the site. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Twitter comments

 Twitter comments on video showing women dressed as Handmaids protesting in front of  Justice Amy Coney Barrett's home.

From KingFreak49

They need to read and comprehend the book. Not being able to abort a child is no where near the Handmaid's Tale.

Castem Embers Saved $8

It's like they don't realize the book is about a shutdown of free society and imposition of religious coverings due to a pandemic and to show piety by religious zealots, and that they are religious zealots doing this.

My favorite, Kay B

Do they understand that abortion is not banned just going back to the states to vote on so maybe just maybe spend their time focused on the voters in their own states.

Ian Howorth

You know this is just like the Handmaid's Tale because they are allowed to protest and then go home afterwards, all while no-one is raped to procreate for the wealthy elite.


So we have a bunch of women that no one would sleep with protesting for abortion rights. This is laughable.

It goes on, with criticizing them for wearing masks; another shows an image of Patriot protesters wearing masks, with comment saying they refuse to wear a mask on airplanes, yet...

Sunday, July 24, 2022

Thumb females are voters

"Nobody wants to impregnate you if you look like a thumb." Rep. Mark Gaetz 

Does Gaetz think he will win votes from 5'2, 350 pound women? Perhaps like his supporter ~ the former guy ~ he thinks disparaging comments are funny? 

I do not know how a female looks, so that he considers them looking like a thumb. Maybe his thumbs are short and fat, seeing as he followed that comment mentioning height and weight, calling them "
 odious inside and out." 

He claims that short, obese women are the only ones marching, rallying for female's liberty. The photos I have seen of protestors show men & women of all sizes. The senators that were arrested appear taller and slender to me.

It angers me that females would vote for men like Gaetz. I know many wonderful males, but know even more that are as misogynist and demeaning as him, with regards to females' body shapes and conceived beauty. 

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Children in Foster Care


 Landed on my FB Timeline. I did not verify accuracy.

Friday, July 15, 2022

Bans off our bodies photos

White House protest photos 

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Guido Reichstadter

Father of two, Guido Reichstadter, arrested twice for protesting Supreme Court ruling on Roe .v. Wade.

I can not imagine how one climbs such a bridge. Applaud the man for being concerned about females' rights to make personal choices that affect only themselves.

Molar Pregnancy

"Kemp said when she was 27 years old, she had a medical abortion due to a molar pregnancy, which is an unviable pregnancy in which the fertilized egg or placenta does not correctly develop and would not survive."

A molar pregnancy can be detected around 8 - 9 weeks ~ meaning in Texas women will not have the legal right to choose to terminate the pregnancy.