I ditched my Service Electric WiFi. Yearly price increase of $2.00 is still affordable. Apartment Complex requires us to have Cable TV. That cost also increased $2.00 I told Cable reps that I was cancelling service due to my age and need to save $$$ for cremation. I was saving $$$ for cremation in local bank Savings Account. I no longer trust the government. The $50.+ WiFi savings is sent to one of my adult children.
The real reason: election of The Felon.
Now I use the apartment complex WiFi. It is a metered connection. Do not know if that includes everyone using it at same time, or my computer only. It is 5:04AM. I already did Farmtown, and checked Yahoo mail; still have time to do this. Which is unusual.
I have been going down to the first floor "Computer Lab" to use their wired connection. Better to quit Farmtown; but even more bored now that I can not spend the day on the 'net.
I enjoyed blogging, even though I never attracted an audience. My paid for URLs for my free websites from Freewebs are gone. I did so much work creating them. Sad someone did not hire me to do that. Work from home.
Who am I talking to?
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