Sunday, June 26, 2022

Gun Rights

A Facebook meme showed a woman holding as sign: "I dream of the day women will have the same rights as a gun." Nitpickers mock that, saying "guns do not have rights". Yet a Google search for "gun rights" will bring up results related to "gun rights bills," "gun rights groups or advocates," in addition to right to bear arms.

Guns do have rights to be manufactured and sold and used. 

Women, however do not have the most basic right to life, liberty or pursuit of happiness. It would make most women happy to bear a healthy, wanted baby that they can afford to have. Some women may be happy to carry a dead fetus to term; others less likely willing to do so. 

Yet Supreme Court just decided the Federal laws regarding women's right to choose is now up to states to decide. States like Texas will consign a woman to death, if her abnormal pregnancy is not discovered before 6 weeks ~ which, in most cases the fetal fetus pregnancy will not be. 

Guns have the right to be used to slaughter strangers. Women have no right to using a medical services to save her own life. Disturbing.

Sensible people will know what the sign holder meant: that guns are not as regulated as women's reproductive organs. 

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