Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Reasoning Wins wrote:

It is sad but so crystal clear that Trump is targeting the uneducated voters who think with their passions and not their brains. 

The sad part is that these unfortunate people are such easy targets and he knows it.

He plays to all the things that the lack of education make obvious. The fear of the unknown, hatred of "the other" (xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia and a log list of many other passion triggers).

It seems impossible for them to see that all the things he claims will help them are in actuality against their best interest. They vote their heart-felt passions without using their brains to figure out that if Trump actually does the things he says they will be hurt even worse while the storied 0.01% will profit "Yugely". 

Thankfully I believe there are enough reasonable people left in this country that Trump will go down in flames come November. Only time will tell but I, for one, will continue to hope that Americans are much smarter than the ones that Trump is targeting. 

From same random saved document ~ 2015. I do not know who Wins is; I am guessing I meant this was his or her reasoning? 

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