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Showing posts with label miscarriage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label miscarriage. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2025

We Are Better Than This

 We Are Better Than This  Substack by JoJoFromJerz

The article starts with Amber Thurman's last words: Promise me you'll take care of my son."

Amber died because doctors were afraid to treat life threatening infection, least they be arrested due to SCOTUS giving states the right to deny liberty to females. To wit: Roe v. Wade. 

When GOP's goal was to end Roe v. Wade, I stopped considering them for any elected position. The first thing I would check in any election was a candidate's position on Roe v. Wade. I was pregnant 3 times; the father wanted me to abort all three. His parents tried to convince me to abort #2. I refused. I told him I would abort #3, if he came up with the money. I knew that he would not. So why do I care about Roe v. Wade?

Read the article.

It explains part of my reason. Physicians should not fear being arrested if they assist a pregnant female, because the needed care might cause the fetus (embryo) to abort.  D & C's have been standard care after natural miscarriages for as long as I can remember. 

Medical professions should not have to fear treating a pregnant female involved in a car crash, because treatment might induce a miscarriage.

A raped 14-year-old girl's parents should not have to travel to another state to have doctor assisted termination of the unwanted pregnancy.  No raped female should be forced to carry her rapists fetus to turn. If men gave birth, they would know to force childbirth is cruel & unusual punishment.

Who is adopting all those unwanted babies? Those forced childbirths? Put into the system, abused by foster parents, aged out at 18 with no place to go? 

It has zero effect on my life if a teenager, gotten pregnant by boyfriend  ~ whose first words are: "It isn't mine," ~ leaves her to deal with the unwanted pregnancy, choses doctor assistance to terminate the pregnancy. 

Let the choice be between the pregnant females and her religious beliefs. 

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

7" grain of rice

What Early Abortions really look like

Women (and at least one man) comment telling their heartbreaking stories of miscarriages at 11 or 12 weeks, wanting a child but forced to have an abortion due to non-viable pregnancies, needing a D & C a month after her miscarriage and so on.

So along comes Mimi:
I have had miscarriages, too, but I still mourned the potential child that I was carrying because I wanted that child. Wanting it or not wanting it does not negate the FACT that it is a human being in the making. These pictures are just to make pro-choice people feel better about their stance. So, do you have to see a hand or foot or eyes to not want to kill a growing human child? In 2-3 weeks from that 6 wk picture, there will be a heart and a spine and a head. Is that too late? Excuses and emotional justification for murder is all that is. You either accept that you are ending the life of a human in development and you are okay with it or you aren't. You can't call it something else to feel better about it because it is inconvenient to carry to full term and give he or she up for adoption. Yes, it is a hard choice, but it is the choice for life of another human. The other choice is death of another human so you can go on your merry way. Plain and simple. If Mimi had read comments she might realize it is not plain and simple. That clump of tissue is not a human being that is being murdered or killed. There is no guarantee that the clump of tissues will fully develop a brain, heart or lungs. It might develop into conjoined twins. It is of no concern to Mimi or the government to force a pregnant woman to carry a dead fetus to term. My mother had a stillborn baby. A friend had two ectopic pregnancies. She desperately wanted children. When physician attempted to save the pregnancies they aborted. People like Mimi bring out the violence in me. She is a hateful person, who would condemn strangers to death. By the way, Mimi, those 7' clump of tissues you care so much about saving. might not only kill the mother, those tissues will die along with her.

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Amniotic Sac

If this woman began bleeding 16 weeks into her pregnancy and the amniotic sac ruptured causing separation of the placenta, resulting in an incomplete miscarriage ~ in TEXAS (and other states) ~ she might have died due to infection.
What is wrong with people who think a physician that performs a necessary D & C should go to jail for attending properly to his or her patient? Sad for females who will suffer due to unintelligent, unfeeling, unthinking masses who vote for misogynist Republicains.