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Showing posts with label Roe v. Wade. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Roe v. Wade. Show all posts

Monday, January 6, 2025

MAGAs Are Not Better Than That

 "I write too much, I worry myself to death," to paraphrase an old tune.

In reply to the Substack article I shared, "We Are Better Than This," I wanted to add to the post: no, MAGAS are not better than that. 

#45 took credit for SCOTUS giving states the right to deny liberty to females. (Roe v. Wade) MAGAs obviously approve of that ruling. MAGAs put the felon back in the White House. Note: #45, was a president who said "I take no responsibility at all," many times about many things. When he does publically take responsibility, MAGAS vote for him. That is, they are not better than that.

My daughter's MAWA co-worker, is a "baby killer," woman. You abort a nonviable pregnancy, you killed a baby: "Case closed." Woman like that disturb me as much as the men. A woman should know about ectopic pregnancies, and all the other reasons a female might need a doctor to terminate the pregnancy. 

Amber Thurman is only one of many females that died ~ along with the fetus she equates with a baby. MAGAs like horses with blinders on; just see what they want to see; not open to discussion or logical thinking.

Too sad; I was looking forward to "mind your own business," Tim Walz as Vice President. MAGAs gave us "childless cat ladies," Vance instead. 

We Are Better Than This

 We Are Better Than This  Substack by JoJoFromJerz

The article starts with Amber Thurman's last words: Promise me you'll take care of my son."

Amber died because doctors were afraid to treat life threatening infection, least they be arrested due to SCOTUS giving states the right to deny liberty to females. To wit: Roe v. Wade. 

When GOP's goal was to end Roe v. Wade, I stopped considering them for any elected position. The first thing I would check in any election was a candidate's position on Roe v. Wade. I was pregnant 3 times; the father wanted me to abort all three. His parents tried to convince me to abort #2. I refused. I told him I would abort #3, if he came up with the money. I knew that he would not. So why do I care about Roe v. Wade?

Read the article.

It explains part of my reason. Physicians should not fear being arrested if they assist a pregnant female, because the needed care might cause the fetus (embryo) to abort.  D & C's have been standard care after natural miscarriages for as long as I can remember. 

Medical professions should not have to fear treating a pregnant female involved in a car crash, because treatment might induce a miscarriage.

A raped 14-year-old girl's parents should not have to travel to another state to have doctor assisted termination of the unwanted pregnancy.  No raped female should be forced to carry her rapists fetus to turn. If men gave birth, they would know to force childbirth is cruel & unusual punishment.

Who is adopting all those unwanted babies? Those forced childbirths? Put into the system, abused by foster parents, aged out at 18 with no place to go? 

It has zero effect on my life if a teenager, gotten pregnant by boyfriend  ~ whose first words are: "It isn't mine," ~ leaves her to deal with the unwanted pregnancy, choses doctor assistance to terminate the pregnancy. 

Let the choice be between the pregnant females and her religious beliefs. 

Saturday, December 14, 2024


 "No, I take no responsibility at all." DJT

"I am less interested in passing out blame, than I am in learning from and correcting mistakes to make us safer...For ultimately, the buck stops with me." Obama 2010

2024 Dump claims full responsibility for SCOTUS giving states the right to deny liberty to females. That is for overturned Roe v. Wade. I suppose Christian females think that is a good thing? 

Saturday, December 9, 2023

fatal genetic disorder

 “The State claims that it alone has the power to value Ms. Cox’s current nonviable pregnancy more highly than Ms. Cox’s own life..."

Texas Supreme Court blocks lower court's order to allow a woman to have doctor assisted termination of her pregnancy. The fetus was diagnosed with a fatal genetic disorder; or, it might not survive the pregnancy, resulting in a stillborn baby. 

People gripe on Yahoo  comments calling Joe Biden a dictator, and Democrats taking away freedoms, or rights. The only right I have seen taking away is female's freedom over their own health care. 

And they warned about Obama's "death panels." that never happened? 

I am irate. I want to share the article on Facebook; but have mostly stopped posting anything political. Social Media? Well, if I had someone to talk to at 6:15AM I would be venting; and it is called "media."

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Kristan Hawkins

 Kristan Hawkins was 23 when she started her quest to end abortions in the U.S. of A. 

She slept in her office, took showers at Gold's gym, wore an eye mask at night, left the lights on in an effort to keep cockroaches away.

I stopped reading the long BBC article on this woman who decided it was fine to give states the right to deny liberty to females.

At 23 what did she know about stillborn babies? I knew, because my mother had what she called a "born dead" baby, an older sister's twins, since childhood. I never thought about how it would feel to carry a fetus to term, only to have a stillborn baby.

I read a story from a woman who choose to deliver the baby, knowing it had died in the womb. She & hubby wanted to hold a funeral, and celebrate the life that may have been.

Hawkins, also probably is not aware of ectopic pregnancies. I was not, until a sister-in-law suffered two of them. There are other reasons a female  might opt doctor assisted termination of pregnancy. It is a personal matter between the woman, her physician, and possibly a god. 

Kristian's crusade, means, in today's world, females like my sister-in-law, could be arrested, imprisoned, if a physician tries to save the pregnancy, and it ends up aborting. She & doc might avoid jail, proving that it was not intentional. 

But why should any woman have to prove a miscarriage was not a doctor assisted pregnancy termination? 

Thursday, March 30, 2023

No gun violence

 "There’s no such thing as gun violence. There’s only human violence. It’s intellectually unsound to state otherwise, and the number one cause of death for children in America remains abortion.Rep. Clay Higgins (R-La.)

Round and round they go. Comments on article shared at Yahoo News, are typical. One or two agree that abortion is murder. Most are typical. The tired "guns do not kill, people kill," "if knives were used would you say knife violence," "shall we ban cars," vs. "guns only purpose is to kill," "cars are regulated," "knives and cars sole purpose is not to kill".

Show me a child inside a girl or woman's womb, and I will show you a freak of nature. Must be a teeny tiny child to fit in even a very large female's womb. I am guessing that someone with a small body will have smaller internal organs also. Some baby's hearts or lungs have not fully developed before birth. I am guessing that as the baby grows, so do organs. 

Chicago, the south, red states, libs, shared article "leftugees fleeing blue states" (Forbes) "Democrats wonder why the hell are blacks moving to red states" (maybe the title did not say "hell" but that is how it sounded)  did not notice the publication. or the third on the same subject. Maybe "Examiner."

They want to grab our guns or they are not going to grab our guns. 

How many years has the GOP been screaming that Democrats want to take away people's guns? At least 50, methinks. No one trying to take away hunting rifles, hand guns, or pistols. Exception would be when New Orleans was under martial law, and cops confiscated family heirloom rifles after illegal search of car trunk.

I again broke my promise to stop commenting on articles. I never check for replies. I just hope something I say will cause a person to think. Especially the one that slurred everyone's intelligence, that spelled, in all caps VIOLECE. Did not take time to read before posting? Or does not know how to spell violence? Peeps like that make me laugh. 

That poster: pro guns, anti abortion. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Abolish Abortion in Alabama Act

 Alabama Rep. Ernie Yarbrough new legislation, Abolish Abortion in Alabama Act, calls for labeling abortion, homicide,  and charging women with murder.

Another dumb Republican who is clueless about non-viable pregnancies and D & C's. So, if a female's pregnancy aborts itself (such as in ectopic pregnancy) the poor girl or woman might face murder charges, needing to prove she did not cause the abortion? 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Alaska Rep Dave Eastman

 Alaska Rep Dave Eastman was censured for reportedly saying: 

"In the case where child abuse is fatal, obviously it’s not good for the child, but it’s actually a benefit to society because there aren’t needs for government services and whatnot over the whole course of the child’s life."

The best Yahoo comment to the article:


Good example of Republican "family values and fiscal responsibility": "Ban abortion to ensure they're born, then let them be beaten to death to ensure none of my tax dollars goes to their support." Sadism at its finest.

Naime wrote:

Totally bonkers (who voted against this?), but Chelsea Clinton said something similar about the benefits of abortion helping the economy, but didn't get this type of response by the media.


I do not know if Chelsea said that. Yet if Naime remembers, it must have gotten media attention. If Chelsea said it, she would be correct. A baby born with birth defects has little chance of being adopted (except perhaps in cases of abusers who want an easy target?) ~ kept in foster care until they age out at 18, with no family or resources become homeless?

And often those children farmed out to families who only foster due to getting paid, the kids get abused. Always better for all if females and their doctors make the decision to terminate. 

Monday, January 30, 2023

"Life at Conception Act of 2023, " or HB 2885,

"Life at Conception Act of 2023" or HB 2885

"preeminent set of divinely created beings commonly and collectively known and referred to as humans or humanity, consisting of two sexes, male and female, which are mutually dependent for procreation ; which are also that same set of divinely created beings descended from the first humans, Adam and Eve, as indicated in the historical record and genealogy provided in the Biblical Book of Genesis..."


Is it any surprise that West Virginia is rated lowest in education?

Sunday, January 22, 2023

At conception fallacy

 Remember when conservatives were howling about alleged 'death panels' making their healthcare decisions?  They are now making healthcare decisions for women.


Pregnancy is established when a fertilized egg has been implanted in the wall of a woman's uterus. The definition is critical to distinguishing between a contraceptive that prevents pregnancy and an abortifacient that terminates it. 

Implantation of the pre embryo in the uterine lining begins about five days after fertilization. Implantation can be completed as early as eight days or as late as 18 days after fertilization, but usually takes about 14 days. Between one-third and one-half of all fertilized eggs never fully implant. A pregnancy is considered to be established only after implantation is complete.

American College of  Obstetricians and Gynecologists

18 states have enacted provisions premised on the notion that pregnancy begins at fertilization or conception blastocyst.

Fairly hard to prove moment of fertilization. Some females claim to know exact moment; most do not know until their period is late or missed. I have read it, did not believe it, until it happened to a cousin. She did not know she was pregnant until she went to emergency room in severe pain, and went on to deliver a baby.

How could she not know? What my mother called "a change of life baby." No more menstrual cycles due to menopause. Her mother and female siblings may not be obese, but way overweight. 


The fertilized egg (zygote) divides repeatedly as it moves down the fallopian tube to the uterus. First, the zygote becomes a solid ball of cells. Then it becomes a hollow ball of cells called a blastocyst.

Sunday, November 6, 2022

Lonely, Bitter, Violent

Lonely, bitter, violent Qpublicans 

"Edwards prides himself on being pro-life, but anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that if abortion is criminalized in North Carolina, many women and girls may meet violent ends. He’ll tolerate that violence, though, because he belongs to a religion more concerned with sanctimony than empathy or people."

I do not know who Edwards is; relation to John Edwards? They claim not to condone violence, yet remain loyal to "punch 'em in the face", "carry him out on a stretcher," "fight like hell" "maybe the 2nd Amendment people can" (stop Hillary) Don. 

It is easy to see they are only pro-life if it means taking away women's right to liberty. It is also to see how Donny's words incite violence. Any true patriotic politician would loudly condemn and ostracize Trump.Instead they push his stolen election lie. 

Recently watched part of a show about militia groups who are training for civil war should trump get indicted for his crimes. I guess justice department is terrified of havoc that would ensue by upholding the law.Those that want a civil war would disrupt life of all, due to loyalty to a sham
artist. Sad.

I recently said that Mastriano would condemn women to death. Author of the opinion piece, P
at Brothwell, expressed it better than myself. 

Saturday, November 5, 2022


 The article KathleenG commented on

Secret wrote:

There is zero guarantee that a pregnancy will be perfect. Best to not chose to breed or to get sterilized if you believe in abortion.

Lord help us. What if a couple wanted to have a child? Why do you pass judgement and believe you have a right to force a woman to bear a dead fetus? 


There's one thing people need to get straight. It should not be misconstrued to be "Reproductive rights" Beyond a shadow of a doubt it's rights to "End life" Don't be confused by the terminology.

Who said anything about reproductive rights? It is about liberty guaranteed to all citizens. Perhaps you need to lobby to stop ending life by treating cancer? Likely a he, and I will shut up to be kind.


Eph preggers s1uts, it's their fault.

Huh? The couple were married wanting the baby. No idea what Eph is ~ google search did not help, used as slang did not make sense. He continues with more few words comments. Must want to get noticed.

Tony Stew peed krak never shouda spread her legs. (reported as inappropriate language)


That is one very brave lady who is also blessed with a very supportive husband. My wife and I lost our first child and our families blamed us for denying them a grandchild they were "owed." I wish this young couple all the best.


Coat hangers are cheap. Done with that article comments.


Dear KahteenG and the rest like you,

Operative word is choice.

I admire the woman who raised her twin daughters ~ two heads in one body. I admire they grew up to become teachers. Grosses me out. Two distrubing to be in a classroom with two headed teacher. Did they teach the same subjects? Take turns talking? Or did one stay silent in the other's classes? I admire parents that raised a baby born with no limbs. She grew up to become a psychiatrist. She could do most things without help except for getting out of bed. (I suppose the same would be for bathing, she used pen-like thing held in her mouth to operate wheel chair, and other things. She did not gross me out. I thought her too heavy for me to pick up, so declined the job. I admire parents who raise disabled babies and children. They did not have such testing when I was pregnant. I worried the entire 9 months, during the first one, wondering if my baby would be born healthy. I do not remember worrying so much with the other two. Maybe I had more pressing problems than to spend worrying about my future newborn's health. All three were healthy.

I do not know that I had it in me to raise a baby with 1/2 a brain or 1/2 a lung or no limbs. Who would have paid for the multiple operations needed to keep a baby with defective heart alive? Not my husband for sure, he barely provided for his wife, one, two, three children. St. Jude's Children's Hospital?

KathleenG, the others like her, the Rigid Religious Right, the pastors, ministers, priests, politicians are not offering to take in the disabled babies. Nor are they offering financial aid to the parents. How many carseats do today's families need to buy. Three different sizes? I would never have been able to afford them when my babies were born.

CHOICE! Let the mother have choice. Liberty. She knows she is unable to care for, to afford extra medical expenses, what do these forced birth people advice? Give the defective infant up for adoption? Good luck with that.

Most parents wishing to adopt want infants, healthy infants. Used to be healthy white babies. Black boy babies were the least adopted. Some will settle for adopting older toddlers; the older the child becomes the less likely they are to become adopted.

In order to adopt an infant that requires multiple surgeries, the future parents need to have enough money. And enough time for caregiving or to pay for quality round the clock caregivers.

KathleenG's friend was to have been born dead, but was just "developmentally ill." (I think she meant disabled?.) 67 years ago the friend's mother would have had no choice but to give birth. Her Mother might have loved the baby unconditionally. I know mothers of autistic children who have problems loving them unconditionally.

I also know parents who beat their children for minor infractions. Can not imagine them caring for a disabled baby/child/young adult. Some have been arrested after locking disabled children in cages and otherwise abusing them. CHOICE! CHOICE! CHOICE!

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Slow but sure

 The Handmaid's Tale: Gilead took over the United States, forcing fertile woman to bear children with men whose wives were not able to conceive.  For a variety of reasons ~ pesticides, industrial waste, polluting water supplies, the air, caused more deformed babies and miscarriages. Birth rates were also down due to abortions. Non white population was overtaking white population. They could not let that happen.

Blacks were either shipped back to Africa or sent to work in agriculture ~ the fields. Photos were shown of Jewish people, smiling, happy, aboard ships being sent to Hebrew counties, like Israel. Rumor had it, after photo op, they were drowned at sea.  Likely non-white citizens were also drowned at sea. 

I am slow but sure. GOP and DJT are for White Nationalists. Whites scream that the U.S. white population is being overrun by minorities. There fear is becoming a minority themselves. Oh, if only!

Thus, like the book's Gilead, the GOP hopes to force white births by banning abortions. I have been saying they are ignorant. They do not know anything about non-viable pregnancies. Maybe they are just misogynists.  

Some complain that allowing abortions is the government's way of reducing black population. It can not be both ways. If one goes state by state, one sees a whole lot more white abortions than black. Now I am confused. Are the white men discriminating against minorities by banning doctor assisted abortions?

Yes, some women politicians, are also anti female liberty. I fear for democracy if these election deniers, trump pets win elections. Especially Mastriano and Oz and Ron Johnson and Michelle Steel to name a few.

The Handmaid's Tales

 I may have read The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood many years ago. My non-reading daughter asked me if I ever read it. As soon as it was announced that Roe v Wade was overturned, my reader daughter mentioned the book. She talked about at other times as well. After Roe v Wade went bye,bye, women protested, dressing as handmaids as depicted int he novel. I did not know there was a movie and TV show. 

Aside: my cable box died. Guy installed new one and gave me a new remote. Instead of two, I now have one. I wanted to see if I lost NetFlix and Amazon Prime my son-in-law set up on the TV. I could not get the remote to move along the row of options. I did something and got stuck on channel 50, remote not doing anything. Enough. Suffice it to say, I was not able to watch TV unless I wanted to watch channel 50. 

I put batteries in my Samsung remote. After much frustration, my TV was back to normal. Except the remote still would not navigate to NetFlix. Too late, I resigned myself to channel surfing until bedtime. I now have Amazon Prime, and wanted to set up my own account. Maybe I will try later with my Samsung remote. Or ask son-in-law to help.

Bottom line, was not able to watch the show. Do not know if I really want to. The series, I read, deviates form the novel a bit. The sequel, The Testament, has a two week waiting list at my library on Kindle. The autobook was available but I do not do audio books. I tried to put a hold on it, but Kindle kept telling my e-mails did not match.You have to enter it twice. Aargh, no difference.erased and started over, "do not match," slowly read and read again each letter and said duck this shit.

Life imitating art. 

Monday, October 31, 2022

CNN Opinion

 Some people who comment take opinion articles (or opinionated talk show hosts) as news. 

This CNN opinion article includes news. I have already read about President Obama's speeches at campaign rallies. Several weeks ago I had a knock on my door from campaigners. I wondered who let them in the building. They asked if I was registered to vote, what my most important voting issue for me.

Roe v. Wade I likely shouted. They were probably sorry they asked, inching away from door to talk to the next person. They did learn that I was an Independent, that I might as well change to Democrat because I will never choose a GOP candidate ever again. I stopped voting for them years ago due to their now realized desire to overturn Roe v Wade. 

Polls show that voters biggest concern is Inflation. I am guessing those polls are factual, due to my habit of reading comments on articles. But I am with Obama. Do you want freedom? First they came for women's rights, then they came for transgenders, then lesbians and homosexuals... is not a good time to be reading The Handmaid Tale. Do not know if I read it previously; I got to the part at the Wall, abortion doctors hanging by hooks. I am at the part describing how things happened. "Machine gunned Congress." Oh, my, Capitol Building riot instigated by the sitting president. 

Barrack asks: Who will fight for your freedom? I already know that the trumpets will say The Don. The guy who wants a family dynasty ruling much like what  the colonists revolted against. I want to cry. I guess I can save my tears for mid term election results. Especially here in Pennsylvania. How I wish I was physically able to go back to Long Beach. 

I was wondering where the wheelchair brigade spends their nights now that the library was torn down. Oops wrong blog for that one. The Senate candidate is anti-female liberty. He will probably win due to his opponent's stroke. I hope I am wrong. If that worse anti freedom guy wins for governor, I told my daughter I have to leave the state. Hence my pondering wheelchairs in Long Beach.

Will they come after the unhoused? The elderly? Muslims? Refugees? You? 

Sunday, August 28, 2022

More Comments

Mote Comments 

Peter Clemenza
Liberal mentality, no problem killing babies but go nuts about criminals getting the death penalty,they need some seriuos mental help

Jane Morris
Democrats want to slice and dice babies alive in the womb until birth. Pure evil.

Unintelligent people who spew lies that were fed to them. 

No, #Jane Morris, Democrats want females and their doctors to determine if a pregnancy is viable; and they want females to have their 14th Amendment right to liberty. Of course, #Jane Morris, maybe you do not believe women are now to be given the same rights as male citizens of the U.S. of A.?

#Peter Clemenza, no, Democrats do not condone killing babies. They believe in a woman's right to make her own choices regarding her health. Do not see rapists being castrated ~ not that castration prevents them from raping again with other objects or parts of their bodies.

The reason, #Peter Clemenza, people oppose the death penalty is that innocent people have already been put to death for crimes they did not commit. I do not label myself other than Independent voter, I choose candidates, not parties. Although I will probably never vote for a Republican again, even for City Council or other local election.

A person proven guilty of raping, killing a child, for instance; yeah, let the parents do as they want to them. I would not want to see them coddled; lock them up with other serial killers, rapists, heinous criminals, no cells to keep them safe from each other. No TVs, radios, mail, canteen. Just the basics. That they may suffer the same fate as they visited upon the children. 

Death does not punish them, it might save tax dollars in the long run, and prevents them from repeating their crime. I personally could not do the killing ~ except in a state of rage, perhaps. Perhaps you would be willing to "pull the switch," administer the injection. My Democrat sister (may she RIP) would gladly have pulled the switch. As righteous religious Christian as she was, she favored the death penalty. 

Just to be funny, 
 #Peter Clemenza, "Republican spelling..."

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Doctor Shortage in Texas

"laws limiting the procedure have created confusion and uncertainty over what treatments are legal for miscarriage"

This is why government officials should not be making laws regarding women's health care. Doctors are considering moving their practices to Blue states to avoid unwittingly getting arrested for say, perhaps, providing a D & C after spontaneous miscarriage, that happened after restrictive states deadline for doctor assistance.

Those government officials need to pass a course on non-viable pregnancies, and female anatomy. I recently read about twins born with two heads, but only one body. Their parents did not abort the abnormal pregnancy, refused operation to separate them as one of the two would die.

Not my business, but it would disturb me to see a two-headed woman, and feel for the poor children who has her (them?) for teachers. 

Act of God?

 IN state Rep. Bartlett (D) introduces an amendment to the anti-abortion bill to outlaw erectile dysfunction drugs: "We're forcing young girls to be mothers, but not forcing the men to be fathers ... If an unwanted pregnancy is an act of God, then impotency must be an act of God." At least one man understands.

Sunday, July 31, 2022


 I miss mentioning the blastocyst stage of pregnancy when I rant about a female's right to liberty ~ freedom of choice ~ liberty guaranteed to citizens via 14th Amendment. Some one needs to start a class action lawsuit against the Supreme Court Justices who voted to overthrow Roe v Wade.

Most woman who miscarry do so in the first trimester of pregnancy. That blastocyst or newly developing embryo has something wrong with it or where it was attached as it slid down the fallopian tube. That blastocyst is considered a human life to be protected ~ personhood. What if that defective or implanted fertilized egg does not spontaneously abort itself? 

Why ever should a female or attending physician need to prove in a court of law that it was not a medically assisted early termination? What a waste of time for overcrowded courts. Why must doctors be leary of treating, helping a pregnant women for fear of arrest? 

How I wish all those antis would take off their blinders and realize that there are multiple reasons Roe v Wade was necessary law.  Sure some females abused the law, but I only know of one that choose to abort due to her husband not wanting another girl. 

I personally know of two ectopic pregnancies, one still born; several teenagers, one for sure, raped that choose to abort.  The teens went on to later marry, have children, who now make them grandmothers.  I no longer recall how many I personally know who had miscarriages. Many.