Saturday, August 27, 2022

Truth Social

 Read an article about Truth Social not paying their bills. What else is new for a #45 founded project? 

Surprisingly the comments were anti-Don-the-Con. They pointed out that his grifting was well-known prior to his running for presidency. Like me, many who commented wondered why any citizen would vote for a corrupt, lying, business person. 

I did not copy the comments. A guy (or could be a female) named Chris got offended. Someone wondered how anyone could not know about T's long history of cheating contractors. Chris replied something like  "how could you know that ~ by reading Yahoo news articles, and fake news? 

I can not sign in at an article comments to add my own. I need to sign in, then go back to article, and hope to find the comment I wanted to reply to. Decided not to try; people like Chris are not interested in known facts. He probably gets his news from Truth Social or QAnon or the former guy's repeated lies, via Twitter or at his rallies. 

Many already told Chris the same as I wanted to say. I do not get news from Yahoo news. I recently started checking out headlines, maybe skimming an article, but mostly am there for the comments. Roe v Wade overturned by Supreme Court is factual news reported many places, not just at Yahoo. Are all those sources peddling Fake News?

The other day a I did sign in to Yahoo to ask a woman a question. I wanted to know where she got her info. She told me to do my own research; truth is out there if you look, and Stop doing Google searches. Huh? I no longer recall what she said ~ it sounded like Fake News to me. If her comment had any basis in fact, she could have given me the source. Instead she insults me. She also sounded off about using Yahoo as a source for news.

😎 I am guessing she got the lie, she was passing as fact, straight from Truth Social.

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