Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Proud Boy or Bad Boy Pezzola?

 Dominic Pezzola joined the Proud Boys shortly before J6 to be with like minded men. Reported that he said during the trial, that the charges were "fake," event though he admitted that he used a police shield to break a Capitol Building window, during their "trespassing protest."

He said law enforcement used excessive force during the riot. What did he expect, when he was yelling at the guards: “You better decide what side you’re on motherf-----s,”  &  “You think Antifa’s bad? Just wait.”

Tired of hearing them say antifa as if it is an organization like Proud Boys, 3%ers, Oath Keepers, KKK, Neo-Nazis, Neo-Confederates, Mafia. The rest of his statements were just as dumb ~ parroting whatever  words Q/T Social/Carlson/Greene told him.  MAWAS talk about freedom, yet need others to tell them what to think? Sad bunch of people; sad for U.S. of A. that the mawa leader is GOP frontrunner, rather than being tried for treason. 

Pezzola's hat read: “respect is earned, beatings are free.” He did not earn respect; maybe he will get some free beatings in jail? 

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