Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Jeanette kicked guard in groin

 Jeanette Mangia, 44, kicked guard in the groin. She and husband, Joseph Pastucci, 49, entered the Senate Wing door, which was unlocked by rioters who broke windows on either side of the door, to gain entrance. The pair seemed to know their way around, arriving at Nancy Pelosi's office. 

After sitting on a chair in the office, twelve minutes later, the couple followed a herd of rioters to the second floor Senate Chamber. After climbing over chairs, sitting in Senators' seats, they left. Guards asked them to leave the building. They refused.

Pastucci grabbed a wooden table, held it between himself and guards, and he had to be physically pushed out of the Senate Carriage door. Mangia, resisted officers that tried to carry her to the door. She then dropped to the ground, where she began kicking the officers. They left the building, only to return, a few of the last that entered the rotunda, before guards were able to close the door.

Did Carlson show footage of this pair as they fought with the guards who were trying to get them to leave the building? Oh, no, that would not fit the sightseer tour narrative created for gullible magas. 

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