Thursday, October 27, 2022


antonewilliam comment:
 The question I ask very conservative members of the republican party who support such ideas as the stolen election claim:

Do you really think that Eisenhower, Nixon, Goldwater, Reagan, Bush, Bush would go along with the current iteration of their party? Really? George B: I disagree that "very conservative members of the republican party" support the stolen election claim. I see these people as radical Republicans that do not exhibit conservative values. Joseph: I'm gonna back you up on this one. The true conservatives, Liz Cheney et al, know that their party was corrupted by the Mango Mussolini stirring up al Qaeda (translation: the base). Unfortunately the American Taliban sect of republicans have managed to shout down the true conservatives. It may not be that there's more of the uneducated deplorables, but since they embrace violence as a political method the true cons live in fear of asserting themselves. George: Agreed, calling magas conservatives is a joke. They are Qpublicans. Daniel Dennis: Depending on the state, I know in Washington there are no polling sites only mail in. Which I personally think is great, I can track my ballot on line and the evidence of voter fraud doesn’t exist to any extent that could alter an election unless it’s a complete tie, which never has happened. No comment, except to say I agree with Daniel Dennis. Or election day needs to be national holiday, with enough polling booths and hours to give every citizen an opportunity to vote. I also believe Primary election days need to be national holiday and all citizens to vote in any and all primaries. Trump would never have been chosen to run as a Republican if all citizens could choose the best candidates to run in all Parties.
The remainder of comments I read were the typical back and forth: "we are a Republic, not a Democracy, Clown," followed by "we are a Democratic Republic, Clown." The MAGA's out in force believing every stolen election lie they were fed. One lady wrote that her very Republican father would turn over in his grave if he saw what the GOP has become today. I once said my very intelligent, political savvy, Democrat father would turn in his grave if he saw Trump elected. My sister meanwhile wrote that our father would turn over in his grave if he saw what happened to his beloved Democrat party. I now question her intelligence due to her adoration of the con-man. I did not think her racists or bigoted (except maybe towards Indian/Americans, the people her ex used to call "dot-heads") ~ although she is common law married to a man I would label: Redneck if I still used that term.
He asked if I liked Hillary of Donny ~ I replied that I did not like either of them. That frustrated him because he could not bait me into an argument. I have seen him gaslight her. No one in the family understands what she sees in him.

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