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Thursday, October 27, 2022


 Ocean Commented on article about Schwarzenegger:
We believe in FREEDOM Democrats believe in FREE FREE followed by Elaine who said: You believe in free free for the rich and well connected. To which Ocean replied: No I dispise the Democrats and their cronies...these are the filthy rich in Ameirca spelling errors are as Ocean typed them. So, okay, Ocean which is it? Are they rich or want "free, free?" Actually Democrats do believe in Free-dom as much as many Republicans. Or maybe not, It is the GOP politicians that do not believe in women's right to liberty = Freedom of Choice. Nor do the citizens that vote for them. I almost want to log in to Yahoo, so I can mention that to Ocean. Can not reason with people that can not provide fact based comments; just parrot what they heard a politician or talk show host said.

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