Showing posts with label Vote Blue. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vote Blue. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

don't be so smug or else

 A lot of cheering about the red wave being a red dribble. I recall the line from a song: don't be so smug, or else. It was about a girl, and the guy who warned her about another guy. Now he can laugh, laugh, because she got just what she deserved.

Reminder: there was not much of a blue wave either. GOP candidates that lost to Democrats, did not lose by a large margin, some just %age points. I saw one Democrat that lost by a large number of votes. The rest were basically neck in neck.  Gloat now, cry later. 

I hope the trend continues. I am happy Mastriano and Oz lost. Walker should have lost as well. I understand Warnock is not popular. Yet peeps compare Walker's DID to Fetterman's stroke. None of those 3 have prior government experience. They are Trump extremists. If they could not be defeated by a large number of votes, we, the sane, people are still in trouble. 

For the record, I am not Blue, I am Green. I think I voted for the Peace & Freedom party candidate, or some Women's party, that appealed to me. Due to Roe v Wade and #45, I no longer bother checking out other parties, just vote straight Democrat ~ blue no matter who. I like Fetterman's vision, but not so sure about his Charitable foundation.

It seems it is legit, yet I think elected officials should hold off on starting not for profit charitable foundations, until after they no longer hold office. Mainly a way to avoid paying taxes, me thinks. 

Thursday, November 3, 2022

Democracy vs Republic

 Too bad no one reads my blogs. Someone would comment: we are not a Democracy, we are a Republic. Others would reply, we are a Democratic Republic. Or something like that. I opt for democracy, a government of, for and by the people. 

Others will say we are a capitalist country or socialist democracy. The definitions of both words show little difference. I think of democracy as freedom, and republic as ruled. We are a bit of both. 

Democratic might also be related to unbiased; which movie shall we go to, a show of hands, please. 

Before this constant bickering over Democracy vs Republic, I viewed republic as meaning a country. In the same manner when I was in elementary school and learned "all men are created equal," I thought "men" meant "human beings."

Oh me. Older I realized they did mean men. White men. Not natives on the land, not women (or little naive girls,) or slaves. I understand the concept but we are not created equal. Some, born without limbs, twins joined at heads or two heads on one body. If you are born to wealthy parents you are less equal to one born in poverty.

If you have two intelligent parents, you will likely be created more intelligent than a child born of less intelligent parents. And so on.

Monday, October 31, 2022

Russian Trolls

Russian Trolls 

People often comment "troll" or "bot." I guess I assumed Russian Trolls used bots to spam comments. Silly me. I never much thought about it. The back and forth bickering annoys me. 

The real sheep calling others sheep. Intense hatred of liberals. Dissing conservatives. Hatred of racists. Bigots. Parrots passing off thoughts or opinions as their own. TDS, free rent in your head, woke (stfu will ya) and so on. The falsely attributed statement that T said he loves the poorly educated. (oh, wait, there is a transcript of a full speech, maybe he actually did say that?)

Since I do not use Twitter Russian trolls can not fill the newsfeed with music. The quoted names shows they were trying to reach young voters or old gangsters ie: people who like rap music. (Apologies to non-gangsters who still listen to today's awful rap music.)

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Doug Mastriano

 TY Doug Matriano for forcing me to vote Blue no matter who.

 Doug Mastriano ~ he thinks "my body, my choice" is "ridiculous nonsense” ~ he wants to outlaw all abortions and jail time for doctors who help save a woman's life by performing them.

We need a law to castrate rapists and other criminals. Then, Doug, you might think "my body, my choice" is reasonable.