Tuesday, November 15, 2022

don't be so smug or else

 A lot of cheering about the red wave being a red dribble. I recall the line from a song: don't be so smug, or else. It was about a girl, and the guy who warned her about another guy. Now he can laugh, laugh, because she got just what she deserved.

Reminder: there was not much of a blue wave either. GOP candidates that lost to Democrats, did not lose by a large margin, some just %age points. I saw one Democrat that lost by a large number of votes. The rest were basically neck in neck.  Gloat now, cry later. 

I hope the trend continues. I am happy Mastriano and Oz lost. Walker should have lost as well. I understand Warnock is not popular. Yet peeps compare Walker's DID to Fetterman's stroke. None of those 3 have prior government experience. They are Trump extremists. If they could not be defeated by a large number of votes, we, the sane, people are still in trouble. 

For the record, I am not Blue, I am Green. I think I voted for the Peace & Freedom party candidate, or some Women's party, that appealed to me. Due to Roe v Wade and #45, I no longer bother checking out other parties, just vote straight Democrat ~ blue no matter who. I like Fetterman's vision, but not so sure about his Charitable foundation.

It seems it is legit, yet I think elected officials should hold off on starting not for profit charitable foundations, until after they no longer hold office. Mainly a way to avoid paying taxes, me thinks. 

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