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Showing posts with label violence. Show all posts
Showing posts with label violence. Show all posts

Friday, January 24, 2025

Both Sides

 2018: Reporter: "Are you to blame at all for what happened, Mr. President? Does it bother you at all?

Trump: "No, not at all. No, I mean — not at all, no. There’s no blame. ... There’s no anything. ... If you look at what happened on — numerous of these incidents, they were supporters of others. No.

Man with ties to trump suspected of sending bombs to prominent liberals; political and religious violence ~ would he apologize for his role in inflaming crowds and contributing to online animosity.

2019: You have people on both sides of that. They admitted their guilt.” Re: Central Park 5, after they were exonerated. 

After being badgered for hours, scared and hungry one kid plead guilty. He later recounted his plea. Many, like DJT, dissed him for doing so. Read: John Grisham's An Innocent Man. Even prior to reading that, I was aware what some cops do to elicit an innocent person's guilty confession.

"Some very fine people on both sides." Alt Right Virginia rally

Very fine people do not carry lit torches chanting "Jews will not replace us." 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Tesla explosion outside of Trump hotel

 "The remains were burned beyond recognition and investigators have not definitively identified them as Livelsberger, but the IDs and tattoos on the body..."

Okay, body burned beyond recognition, yet the tats were visible? 

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Debate:Who was responbile?

The question: people are saying DJT was responsible for the attack on Congress on J6th. 

"I don't think many believe that.

On Jan. 6, we had a great border, nobody coming through, very few. On Jan. 6, we were energy independent. On Jan. 6, we had the lowest taxes ever, we had the lowest regulations ever, On Jan. 6, we were respected all over the world.” 

“I did nothing wrong. We have a system that is rigged and disgusting."

“Look, he encouraged those folks to go up to Capitol Hill, number one … He sat there for three hours. Three hours watching, begging, being begged by his vice president and a number of colleagues on the Republican side as well, to do something. To call for a stop. To end it."

Yet they said DJT won the debate against Joe? The only people who did not say he was responsible were the MAGAS.

Friday, December 13, 2024


 “When you go to the bank and you deposit money in the bank, there are armed police officers at the bank. Why? Because we want to protect the money we save. Why on earth do we protect a stupid deposit more than our children?" Ted Cruz  (wants armed guards in every school in the U.S. of A.)

Ted says banks are safe from mass shootings because of the armed guards. Just days later, a mass shooting happens at a bank where 5 people are killed and more injured, including a responding officer who was shot in the head. The gun used was, as usual, an AR-15

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

Does not do blood

"So what happens is, this guy falls off right on his face, hits his head, and I thought he died. And you know what I did? I said, 'Oh my God, that's disgusting,' and I turned away, I couldn't, you know, he was right in front of me and I turned away. I didn't want to touch him ... he's bleeding all over the place, I felt terrible. You know, beautiful marble floor, didn't look like it. It changed color.

Became very red. And you have this poor guy, 80 years old, laying on the floor unconscious, and all the rich people are turning away. 'Oh my God! This is terrible! This is disgusting!' and you know, they're turning away. Nobody wants to help the guy. His wife is screaming—she's sitting right next to him, and she's screaming." 

I'm not good for medical. In other words, if you cut your finger and there's blood pouring out, I'm gone." 

2018 ~ "You don't know until you test it, but I think, I really believe I'd run in there, even if I didn't have a weapon, and I think most of the people in this room would have done that too."

A whole lot more blood at Stoneman Douglas High, um...

2024 when a bullet nips his ear, the first thing he does is dive down under the podium for safety. When he stands up he uses Hitler's signature fist pump, "fight, fight." Did not ask about if any of his fans were hurt. 

People wrote "he just won the election." How could his getting shot at win an election? Yet, he did, sadly, win it. 

Monday, December 9, 2024

Sandy Hook Promise

 Ads asking to sign The Sandy Hook Promise petition show up at start of You Tube videos.

I signed, which gets me more, more, more e-mails to donate, donate, donate.  I sent letters to some Congress people regarding well-regulated state militia. Actually States' National Guard is regulated. It is citizens who are out of control. 

S.3369 GOSAFE Act was introduced and passed to the Finance Committee on September 2023. What are they waiting on? Another slaughter of school children?
If you care about protecting citizens, please write to Congress people requesting action of the GOSAFE Act.

  • Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) Chair.
  • Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
  • Former Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
  • Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE)
  • Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD)
  • Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
  • Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO)

S.3369 GOSAFE Act

"We can preserve an individual's right to legally own a gun, while regulating on weapons of war." Kamala Harris would have done something. 

Monday, November 25, 2024

No Wars!

 His MAWAS said it so often, I did some research.

2017 to 2019, Iraq joined the Syrian Civil War 
2015 onward Saudi Arabia joined nine countries in Yemen conflict 
May 2016, GNA and GNC launched a joint offensive to capture areas in and around Sirte from ISIL. This offensive resulted in ISIL losing control of all significant territories previously held in Libya.
2016 Lake had Basin violent conflict that affected 21 million people
2016 July, violence in Juba Sudan conflict continued until 2020
2016 April 25. more than 430 persons had reportedly been killed, at least 3,400 people arrested and over 230,000 Burundians forced to seek refuge in neighbouring countries.
2016 Afghanistan The Taliban and other insurgents continued to kill security force personnel and civilians, including journalists.

The same MAWAS complained about Joe's removing of troops from Afghanistan. How could he have done that if there were no wars during Herr Dump's term of office? 

Thursday, November 21, 2024

The good guys

 The good guys say, "don't boo, vote."

"We can preserve an individual's right to legally own a gun, while regulating on weapons of war." Kamala Harris

"You can believe that criminals should go to prison, but also stand up against jailing people unjustly." Kamala Harris

Obama says: "shh, let the man (heckler) talk, he has something to say"

Dump says: "take him out on a stretcher," "punch him in the face," "I don't know maybe the 2nd Amendment people can." (get rid of Hillary Clinton)

Bad guys: Bill to make the AR-15 the National Gun. 

Good guys: S.3369 GOSAFE Act aka: The Sandy Hook Promise.

The axe superpower?

 “You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.”  Robert A. Heinlein

 "Truly, those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities". often attributed to Voltaire 

the axe's secret of success ~ see J6th 

"we didn't have guns" ~ he won saying a lot about his MAWAs. 

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Letter to Congress

 How many children and adults need to die before Congress will make laws regarding Well Regulated State militias?

State law can not violate Federal Law (except in the case of female liberty.) thus there needs to be a Federal Law to enforce Well Regulated state militias. 

Liquor sales are well regulated; vehicles and drivers' licenses are well-regulated; prescription drug sales, well regulated. The government well regulates just about every aspect of our lives, starting with birth corticates, ending with burial and death certificates. 

Why is it so hard to well regulate state militias? 

There does not seem to be any state militias; more apt: citizen militias. The Constitution was not written to give citizens the right to kill thy neighbor or slaughter children, concert goers, people watching parades, attending religious services, grocery shopping. 

Children should not have to grow up with active shooter lockdown drills, causing fear to go to school. How do parents reassure their children that they will be safe, when they are not assured themselves?

Japan is greater that the USA in stopping mass shootings of strangers. Surely the USA can do likewise?

Friday, August 23, 2024

Brian Kene Lazo

 Brian Kene Lazo, was sentenced for his part in J6th attack on Congress.

Officers were pelted with batteries, beer cans, soup cans and rocks.

My notes to clear; I think Brian is the one who attached officers with a metal handrail with metal bracket still attached neary 6 feet long.

This just in ~ djt is hosting a party to celebrate the brave people who courageously attacked Congress and law enforcement on J6th.  

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Another "non violent" J6th rioter?

Another one bites the dust? 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Jamie Buteau, Jennifer Buteau

 Jamie Buteau, 50, and Jennifer Buteau, 46

Jamie Buteau picked up a chair and threw it at the officers. The chair bounced off a wall and hit one officer in the arm.

Peter Francis Stager struck the Metropolitan Police Department officer with his flagpole at least three times as other rioters pulled the officer, head first, into the crowd outside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. 

Stager also stood over and screamed profanities at another officer, who was seriously injured when several other rioters dragged him into the mob and beat him

After the beatings, Stager was captured on video saying, “Every single one of those Capitol law enforcement officers, death is the remedy. That is the only remedy they get.”
Back the blue? Law & Order president thugs decided Capitol Guards should be dead? Why?

More traitors to the U.S. of A.

 “Today the American People proved we have the power. We physically took control of the Capitol building in a hand to hand hostile takeover. We occupied the Capitol and shut down the Government – we shut down their stolen election shenanigans . . .” William McCall Calhoun, Jr., Georgia Attorney

“The tree of liberty often has to be watered from the blood of tyrants. And the tree is thirsty,” he wrote on Jan. 7 under the Parler name @PatriotBruno. “WE THE PEOPLE have a right to rise up and overthrow a tyrannical government.” He wrote in another post that there “will be no ‘warning shot’” the next time the people rose up. And he wrote on Jan. 8 that everyone in Congress “is a traitor to the people and deserves a public execution.”

 “Bring other weapons if you prefer, like pepper spray, tasers, baseball bats, whatever you want,” he wrote on Parler days before the attack. “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but they can’t arrest all of us. Do not back down and do not be discouraged. Show up and be ready to fight. This really is our #1776.”

Joseph Bierbrodt and brother, William who wrote on Parler app

"Obama cronies" should be "shot in the head" "Time for revolution French style."

They entered the  building through Fire Exit, Williams used cane to break a window, on the exit door, allowing other rioters inside, causing over $1,100. damage.

Joseph slammed an officer against a wall, guards stopped them with pepper spray. William was riding a mobility scooter and held a cane due to foot injury.

Monday, August 21, 2023

Christopher Michael Alberts

 Christopher Michael Alberts, 35 military vet 

metal-plated body armor and a gas mask 
loaded gun

said he "wasn't trying to hurt anybody,” he said. “I just wanted it all to stop.”

Judge Cooper told Alberts that he was one of the leaders of the mob that day.“You were not simply a bystander."

Alberts, a former Virginia National Guard member, spent six hours on Capitol grounds on the day of the riot. He was armed with a 9-millimeter pistol — loaded with hollow point and high-pressure rounds — and
brought an extra magazine of ammunition.

urinated on a wall
Why bring a deadly weapon if there was no intent to hurt anyone? He wanted it to stop, but stayed for 6 hours? 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Peaceful tourists? Not.

 Dustin Martin, 29, and Cody Lee Tippett, 32

Stephen Roy Sexton, 38
broke chair and carried leg with him, "We need the militia. The Civil War has begun."

Jacob “Jake” Hiles wearing a gaiter
“Feelin cute … might start a revolution later, IDK — in Capitol Hill.

suing CNN for reporting about his involvement 

Chad Dustin Suenram, a U.S. Marine veteran
had flag painted on his face & wore face mask with stars

Matthew DaSilva, 51, pushing against an officers outstretched riot shield, grabbed and pulled it away from officer, swatting the officers arm away when he tried to deploy pepper spray 

Michael St. Pierre, 46, 
"Hopefully they’ll bust through, and I’ll join them to rush the Capitol, to grab Nancy Pelosi by the hair and f—— twirl her around,” he said in video he posted online. 

Wednesday, July 12, 2023

William Stover

 William Stover, 46, arrived at the tunnel, joining the mob trying to push past the officers. He hoisted himself up over the side of a tunnel and reached over the heads of the rioters to grab the helmet of the nearest police officer

He grabbed a U.S. Capitol Guard Shield, handed it to someone who climbed up behind him, who started attacking the guards with the shield.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Matthew Beddingfield, ~ weapon of choice: flagpole

 Matthew Beddingfield, 22, was given a 3 year sentence for attacking a guard with flagpole on J6.  Why attack a guard who is waving one inside, eh? Heil Trump, is probably his motto. 

On J6 he was out on bail for attempted murder charge. He took an "Alford plea," assault with a dangerous weapon, and was given probation. And they wonder why there are protests. For killing a black teenager, he is free to attack guard on J6? 

Friday, June 30, 2023

Jeremy Rodgers ~ attacked guards with a flag pole

 I am starting to lose track of which violent J6 rioters I posted about previously. Jeremy Rodgers is another one who attacked guards.He was seen on video striking a guard 3 times with a flagpole, then swinging at other guards. The flag said "Trump 2000, Keep America Great."

He used the flagpole to prevent guards from closing the rotunda door. (What, I thought the guards waved them inside?) Video showed him removing a railing that was blocking the mob, shouting "come on in," heading towards the Chamber where Congress people were still barricaded inside. He scuffed with police when they sprayed a chemical to try to disperse them. 

Taylor Taranto ~ attacked guard

  Taylor Taranto was arrested for running towards President Obama's house. He had been writing "alarming" messages on Truth Social, including retweeting a T.S. post with Obama's home address listed. He had weapons on him, and his van was filled with more weapons and ingredients to make a molotov cocktail.

What does Taranto have against the Obama's? Oh, I guess, it is on principle, he loves donald trump so much he was among the J6 crowd that attacked Jeffrey Smith, who later committed suicide. There is an outstanding arrest warrant due to his J6 Capitol riot involvement. 

Well, arrested on that now. Hope he is given a long sentence ~ seeing as he was one of those instrumental in causing a guard's death; and, a clear & present danger, if given one of those slaps on the wrist sentences other rioters were given for trying to stop an election.

Barrack was too nice; he could have sued the donald for slander & libel due to his Birther rantings. This is what trump creates; people like Taranto that will act on his behalf, to commit violence. Is that how one makes "America great again?" That is why I refer to them as MAWAs, not MAGAs ~ make the U. S. of A. all white again? 

Is Taranto an Italian name? Italian immigrants were not considered white; nor were Irish immigrants. White basically blue-eyed blondes, Russians, Germans, English brown hair light skin peoples.