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Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label President Obama. Show all posts

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Rosh Hashanah greetings

 The Felon's Rosh Hashanah greeting: 
“Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America & Israel because you believed in false narratives! Let’s hope you learned from your mistake & make better choices moving forward!” Sept 17, 2023  Truth Social

Compared to other Presidential greetings: 
"Jill and I extend our warmest wishes to all those celebrating Rosh Hashanah in the United States, Israel, and around the world. May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life. May it be a happy, healthy, and sweet New Year. Shana Tovah U'Metukah. President Biden 2023

"Shalom everybody, and Shana Tova. As they have for thousands of years, the High Holidays mark the beginning of a season of renewal – and also of reflection. An opportunity to start over, as well as an obligation to look back with humility.

From the moment the Book of Life is opened on Rosh Hashanah until the gates are closed at the end of Yom Kippur, Jews in the United States, Israel, and around the world will ask family, friends, and neighbors for that which only they can give: forgiveness for the ways we’ve all fallen short. It’s also a time to ask God for that which only He can give: His compassion and mercy, and His will to inscribe us for a good year.

Just as important, the Days of Awe are a time to ask of ourselves something only we can control: the strength to do better. To be better. To make the world we live in a kinder, more peaceful place. To hear in the sacred shofar blast a call from within to change." President Obama 2016

I send greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah.

On this occasion of spiritual reflection, people of the Jewish faith in our country and around the world recognize the blessings from the Almighty as they commemorate the anniversary of the creation of the world. During this holy time, men and women take time to remember the past, contemplate the sweetness of the new year, and look forward to a promising future.

This special occasion is also an opportunity to celebrate the history of the Jewish people and the values that bind us all together.

Laura and I send our best wishes for a meaningful Rosh Hashanah and L'shanah tovah.
George W. Bush September 29, 2008 

People should be ashamed that they voted for the J6th riot traitor. Some people upset with Cabinet pick: Peter B. Hegseth. Why? Only White Nationalist/Supremacists; Christian Nationalists allowed on the Felon-elect's Cabinet. Shows a lot about Congress who applauded when V.P. Harris certified his election. 😢

Wednesday, December 11, 2024

What would Obama say to scared Americans?

 “Michelle and I hope that you and your families are safe and well,” he said. “If you’ve lost somebody to this virus, or if someone in your life is sick, or if you’re one of the millions suffering economic hardship, please know that you’re in our prayers. Please know that you’re not alone. Because now is the time for all of us to help where we can, to be there for each other as neighbors, as co-workers and as fellow citizens.” Barack Obama April 27, 2023

COVID vs Swine Flu

 MAWAs mocked President Obama about response to Swine Flu, when COVID first made the news.

Swine flu
April 15, 2009 — first infection detected
July 10, 2009 — 37,246 cases, 211 deaths

Jan. 20, 2020 — first infection detecte
April 15, 2020 — 654,425 cases, 32,900 deaths

The number of cases and deaths continued to rise, causing the USA to have more cases/deaths than any other nations. Of course MAWAS went silent on how much better DJT was at handling the pandemic than Obama had been. 

Founder of Isis?

 " ISIS is honoring President Obama. He is the founder of ISIS. He is the founder of ISIS, OK? He’s the founder. He founded ISIS. And I would say the co-founder would be crooked Hillary Clinton.” DJT

I assume that was from 2015 campaign.

Thursday, November 21, 2024

The good guys

 The good guys say, "don't boo, vote."

"We can preserve an individual's right to legally own a gun, while regulating on weapons of war." Kamala Harris

"You can believe that criminals should go to prison, but also stand up against jailing people unjustly." Kamala Harris

Obama says: "shh, let the man (heckler) talk, he has something to say"

Dump says: "take him out on a stretcher," "punch him in the face," "I don't know maybe the 2nd Amendment people can." (get rid of Hillary Clinton)

Bad guys: Bill to make the AR-15 the National Gun. 

Good guys: S.3369 GOSAFE Act aka: The Sandy Hook Promise.

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Greatest Presidents survey

Facebook would not let me share this ~ said it was spam. 

Greatest President's survey

Friday, June 30, 2023

Taylor Taranto ~ attacked guard

  Taylor Taranto was arrested for running towards President Obama's house. He had been writing "alarming" messages on Truth Social, including retweeting a T.S. post with Obama's home address listed. He had weapons on him, and his van was filled with more weapons and ingredients to make a molotov cocktail.

What does Taranto have against the Obama's? Oh, I guess, it is on principle, he loves donald trump so much he was among the J6 crowd that attacked Jeffrey Smith, who later committed suicide. There is an outstanding arrest warrant due to his J6 Capitol riot involvement. 

Well, arrested on that now. Hope he is given a long sentence ~ seeing as he was one of those instrumental in causing a guard's death; and, a clear & present danger, if given one of those slaps on the wrist sentences other rioters were given for trying to stop an election.

Barrack was too nice; he could have sued the donald for slander & libel due to his Birther rantings. This is what trump creates; people like Taranto that will act on his behalf, to commit violence. Is that how one makes "America great again?" That is why I refer to them as MAWAs, not MAGAs ~ make the U. S. of A. all white again? 

Is Taranto an Italian name? Italian immigrants were not considered white; nor were Irish immigrants. White basically blue-eyed blondes, Russians, Germans, English brown hair light skin peoples. 

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Maria Shriver

 Maria Shriver comments during a Los Angeles rally for Senator Obama.

if Barack Obama was a state he'd be California

Think about it...diverse, open, smart, independent, bucks tradition, innovative, inspiring, dreamer, leader

not about himself, it is about us ~ the power of us ~ he empowers all of us

what kind of America do I believe in (have conversation with yourself and ask in your heart)

do I believe in an America that's about  unity, its about coming together, its about seeing beyond the labels,you gotta see beyond the labels that divide us

we should give a shout out to everyone who is running for president of the United States*

California is about unity, and because we're all about leadership, * I really believe these all good people all following their own(truth) (choice?), they're all following their own voice and they all believe they can make a difference in this country
I have been searching for a stump speech from Obama's campaign that impressed me. I thought perhaps it was Carolina Kennedy. What I remember was something like: 

We all want the same thing for the country, we just disagree on how to get it. Maria Shriver's speech was the closest that I found to what I recall hearing.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

United States of America

 Ever since someone complained that the United States of American declare themselves Americans, as if they owned North, Central and South Americas, I stopped saying "Americans." It is easier to say than United States of America citizens. The other countries have unique names: Chili, Brazil, Panama, Peru and so calling ourselves Americans seems correct. 


On my quest to no longer post comments, clearing my copy/paste stuff.



there is not a liberal America & a conservative America
there is the United States of America
there is not a black America, & a white America, & Latino America & an Asian America
there's the United States of America

***                      ***                 *** 

E pluribus unum – Out of many, one vs: divide and conquer?

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Really proud

 My sister hates Michelle Obama, because she said "this is the first time I am really proud of my country."

Never mind that she was misquoted and her words were taken out of content. I told sister she was proud that youth were engaged in the process. She did not say she was never proud, just that this time she was really proud. Kind of hard to be proud of a country that enslaved your ancestors. Hard to be proud of a country that allowed lynching of black/brown children and men. Hard to be proud of a country that allowed Jim Crow laws in the south.

Hard to be proud of a country that jailed women force feeding them, or allowed husbands to lock up wives in insane asylums. 

I was really happy with citizens of the U.S. who voted for a man not based on color of his skin, but based on content of his character. I would not say I was not happy with the country; it is all I know. I stopped saying the pledge of allegiance years ago. My allegiance belonged to god, not country. Even though I no longer worship a god, I did not go back to pledging allegiance. 

I could not pledge allegiance to a government lead by a Nazi, or a dictator like Putin. After the glorious day when people of all skin colors, elected President Obama, they went back to voting for a man of low character. What happened?

Monday, October 31, 2022

CNN Opinion

 Some people who comment take opinion articles (or opinionated talk show hosts) as news. 

This CNN opinion article includes news. I have already read about President Obama's speeches at campaign rallies. Several weeks ago I had a knock on my door from campaigners. I wondered who let them in the building. They asked if I was registered to vote, what my most important voting issue for me.

Roe v. Wade I likely shouted. They were probably sorry they asked, inching away from door to talk to the next person. They did learn that I was an Independent, that I might as well change to Democrat because I will never choose a GOP candidate ever again. I stopped voting for them years ago due to their now realized desire to overturn Roe v Wade. 

Polls show that voters biggest concern is Inflation. I am guessing those polls are factual, due to my habit of reading comments on articles. But I am with Obama. Do you want freedom? First they came for women's rights, then they came for transgenders, then lesbians and homosexuals... is not a good time to be reading The Handmaid Tale. Do not know if I read it previously; I got to the part at the Wall, abortion doctors hanging by hooks. I am at the part describing how things happened. "Machine gunned Congress." Oh, my, Capitol Building riot instigated by the sitting president. 

Barrack asks: Who will fight for your freedom? I already know that the trumpets will say The Don. The guy who wants a family dynasty ruling much like what  the colonists revolted against. I want to cry. I guess I can save my tears for mid term election results. Especially here in Pennsylvania. How I wish I was physically able to go back to Long Beach. 

I was wondering where the wheelchair brigade spends their nights now that the library was torn down. Oops wrong blog for that one. The Senate candidate is anti-female liberty. He will probably win due to his opponent's stroke. I hope I am wrong. If that worse anti freedom guy wins for governor, I told my daughter I have to leave the state. Hence my pondering wheelchairs in Long Beach.

Will they come after the unhoused? The elderly? Muslims? Refugees? You? 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

The United States of America

There's the United States of America
there are those who are preparing to divide us 

I say to them tonight

there is not a liberal America & a conservative America

there is the United States of America

there is not a black America, & a white America, & Latino America & an Asian America

there's the United States of America

the pundits like to slice and dice our country into red states, blue states,

we are one people all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes,

all of us defending the United States of America


The good ole' days. 

Thursday, August 25, 2022

President Obama & Jacob

President Obama and Jacob Time does seem to fly. 

Sunday, June 26, 2022

Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights Rise Up 4 Abortion Rights

I do not care for "abortion rights." Abortion has become a dirty word. Every miscarriage is an aborted pregnancy. I prefer Rise Up 4 Women's Rights, or Rise Up 4 Liberty, Rise Up 4 Equal Rights for Women, or something like that. 

President Obama said it neatly: "no one approves of abortion." He was a thinking man, not one to rule by emotion. He considered what would happen if law required the father's permission to terminate a pregnancy. He did not want doctors to have to choose between saving a woman's life or violating restrictive laws.

What if, he pondered, a woman was in a vehicle accident that required her to be rushed to hospital for emergency surgery. If medical staff could not perform surgery until the father gave consent, the woman (along with fetus) could die.

What if the father was not to be found; or dead in a war; or denied paternity? 

The Supreme Court did not take into consideration all variables as to why a female might choose a doctor assisted early termination of pregnancies. President Obama was denied the right to choose a (right thinking) Supreme Court Justice. Those who denied him the right, were glad to bestow the right onto corrupt, con man #45. 

Today I read that #45 Junior claims that his papa was responsible for Supreme Court decision to set back women's rights 50 years ~ due to Obama poking fun of him for Birther Conspiracy. People liked to claim #45 was not a misogynist. Seeing as he got to appoint 3 SC justices, easy to see that he is.