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Showing posts with label Kamala Harris. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kamala Harris. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 01/15/2025 4:55AM another insomnia night 

Tried to drive thoughts of the election out of my head. What is wrong with Congress people applauding when Vice President Kamala Harris certified the election results? Many of those people were there on Jan. 06, 2021. Did they agree with Dump's Thugs for attacking law enforcement and trashing the Capitol Building?

How is it possible that the manchild rated 3rd worst president in U.S. history won all swing states? How is it possible that millions of U.S. citizens approved of that domestic terrorist attack on our own government, led by a sitting U.S. president? Do they not hear his lies? Do they believe his boasting about how wonderful he is?

I tried to lull myself back to sleep with dreams of winning the lottery, getting a passport and leaving the country. Maybe Belize. Someplace warm. Saw a movie last night. Longed to go to Killarney, Ireland. In the movie "the ocean is not far from here." Looking at a map, the town is not walking distance to the ocean. I miss water. I miss Long Beach, California, the Pacific Ocean. Memories of my beach days, did not lull me back to sleep. 

I have been finishing up my Dump documents, by posting them with future date. To keep things in order, posted this today, to be published next week. Who cares!

Monday, December 9, 2024

Sandy Hook Promise

 Ads asking to sign The Sandy Hook Promise petition show up at start of You Tube videos.

I signed, which gets me more, more, more e-mails to donate, donate, donate.  I sent letters to some Congress people regarding well-regulated state militia. Actually States' National Guard is regulated. It is citizens who are out of control. 

S.3369 GOSAFE Act was introduced and passed to the Finance Committee on September 2023. What are they waiting on? Another slaughter of school children?
If you care about protecting citizens, please write to Congress people requesting action of the GOSAFE Act.

  • Sen. Ron Wyden (D-OR) Chair.
  • Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-MI)
  • Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-WA)
  • Former Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ)
  • Sen. Tom Carper (D-DE)
  • Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD)
  • Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH)
  • Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO)

S.3369 GOSAFE Act

"We can preserve an individual's right to legally own a gun, while regulating on weapons of war." Kamala Harris would have done something. 

Thursday, November 21, 2024

The good guys

 The good guys say, "don't boo, vote."

"We can preserve an individual's right to legally own a gun, while regulating on weapons of war." Kamala Harris

"You can believe that criminals should go to prison, but also stand up against jailing people unjustly." Kamala Harris

Obama says: "shh, let the man (heckler) talk, he has something to say"

Dump says: "take him out on a stretcher," "punch him in the face," "I don't know maybe the 2nd Amendment people can." (get rid of Hillary Clinton)

Bad guys: Bill to make the AR-15 the National Gun. 

Good guys: S.3369 GOSAFE Act aka: The Sandy Hook Promise.

Friday, October 18, 2024

3 Things

 Okay 3 things I like about Kamala Harris. Her smile and positive vibe. 

I am stumped. I do not mind the sound of her voice, her face, her style of dress. I am glad she praises people; does not brag about herself. I like that she is for women's right to chose; that she is pro LGBT, in that she does not discriminate, not saying she is rah-rah about them. Intelligent, mature.

I do not like that she recently said we should talk about reparations for Blacks. The country is way too in debt; where is the money to come from to repay people for what was done unto their ancestors? Oh, and I guess they want $$$ for job, education, housing discrimination in the past? 

How does it work? Michelle Obama, Craig Robinson get reparations, in addition to Shasa and Malia? Then will the young ladies' children also be entitled, if they have them? Whoopie Goldberg, Michael Jordan, Denzel Washington? Hakeem Jeffries? Jasmine Crockett? Walter Mosley?

Should citizen's today be made to pay for the sins of long dead U.S. citizens? Even though most citizens today are descended from immigrants, whose families had zero to do with slave trade or Jim Crow south? Do Crips/Bloods gangsters deserve $$$ when they are costing $$$ though thefts, court, jail, and costing lives, often of innocent people? 

DJT has the Klan types on his side; so maybe she would not lose votes due to the unpopular reparation's comment. 

Monday, December 26, 2022

SoThis Is Christmas

 Texas Governor Abbott bussed asylum seekers to D.C. dumping them in frigid temperatures outside V.P. Kamela Harris' residence. 

Yahoo held everyone of my comments for approval. MAWAs out in full force making ugly, rude comments about President Biden and our V.P.

I can not mention "give us your tired, your hungry, your poor." One comment I questioned if there are no Christian churches in Texas.Then I tried Christian houses of worship. Yahoo tells me they hold comments for approval; do not take it personally.

Well damn it, I do take it personally. They can say any nasty ole thing they want about Biden, and others who comment, yet I am not allowed to say most anything. I felt like posting a cuss laden post, starting with Duck You Yahoo. It is too sad, that the ugliest comments were getting 131+ likes. 

The clairvoyant effectively indoctrinated masses of citizens. So much false info, misspelled words, slurs, personal attacks. 

I was enjoying doing a jigsaw puzzle when an overwhelming urge to smoke came upon me. I guess back before COVID when smoking was a daily habit, when I got stuck doing puzzles, I would go outside and have a smoke. Years earlier, when I lived in places where I could smoke indoors, I would light up, to help me think while writing. 

I read a how to quit smoking book and it claims that a cigarette does not actually help us to think better. Nor does it calm us down. I do not know. I think breathing in and out while smoking is as relaxing as meditative breathing. 

"We are a Christian nation," barf. Maybe no MAWAs are Christians, but GOP sure favors them over secular citizens.