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Saturday, February 4, 2023

Bradley Stuart Bennett, 42,

 "I certainly want to get my life out of the train station and get my life moving again," Bradley Stuart Bennett, 42.

Perhaps he should have taken the same plea bargain his former girlfriend, Elizabeth Rose Williams of Kerrville, Texas, a year ago. Now he is trying to delay his trial by seeking a public defender after defending himself for 13 1/2 months after rejecting the plea bargain and firing his attorney.

Start plea bargain process all over again? How about just pleading guilty, get your sentence and your 'train' can leave the station. 

Friday, February 3, 2023

Phillip Young ~ bike rack

 Philip Young, 61, was among the earliest J6 rioters who used a bike rack barrier to attack guards. He later deflated tires on a government vehicle. 

Just another peaceful tourist day at the nation's Capital. 

Derrick Evans

 Derrick Evans is running for a U.S. Congress House seat. 

“I will not compromise my values or beliefs. That’s what politicians do. We need Patriots not politicians."

His values and beliefs lead him to join the mob trying to stop counting of electoral college votes, at bidding of then president.

Patriots do not try to overturn an election. I see that GOP congress will not let ban of guns in Congress to stand. So add Derrick Evans to Congress, so he, MTG, Boebert, Santos, Hawley, Scott, and the others can try to overthrow the government from within the Congress floor ~ free for all shootout with T/Bannon team winning this time?

I do not know if the AP article by Alanna Durkin Richer & Michael Kunzelman is accurate. It states that Evans plead guilty to a felony, He was sentenced to 3 months in jail for civil disorder. He told the judge he regretted his "crucial mistake."

Now that he is running for office, he says he is" telling the truth" ~ what he told the judge ~ that he regretted it everyday, good person who unfortunately was caught up in a moment," was just for the judge and media. (Hoping for a lighter sentence, which he got.)

He now confesses he regrets that he lost almost everything, his job as state delegate, time with his kids. 

I thought felons are not allowed to vote. How can he serve as an elected official? Makes no sense to me.

Since he is in West Virginia, he is likely to get elected. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Joseph Pavlik ~ heave, ho

 Joseph Pavlik, 65, Chicago Firefighter, was part of "B squad" that forced their way through guards to enter the Capitol building on J6. He wore a gas mask, and tactical vest.

Again, if this was simply a tourist visit (on day Capitol was closed to the public) why dress for war? He and his squad spent hours inside, with Pavlik shouting "heave ho," as they pushed past guards. He is aligned with Three Percenters hate group.

He posted on his Facebook page on 12/14/2020:
"These aren't Americans they are indoctrinated socialists that hate America and hate Americans. We need to be much more brutal than punching and kicking, this is not some simple street disagreement."


They who? He sounds like someone who was successfully taught to accept certain beliefs without any critical thinking. 

GOP loves to call Democrats "socialist" or "communists" or, now Marxists. So I can only assume Pavlik was indoctrinated by GOP and their talking heads.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Daniel Caldwell ~ tourist came ~ prepared with chemical spray

 Daniel Caldwell, a 51-year-old Marine Corps veteran "tourist" came prepared for the tour of Capitol building on J6, with a chemical irritant. He spayed it at about 15 police officers. The chemical spray created a cloud that made it hard for guards to see, and caused  officer who he sprayed began to “vomit uncontrollably.” 

Now this brave, Semper Fi always loyal to the U.S. of A., cries throughout his court hearing. He regrets his actions, says he should have known better, yada yada. 

I think he is crying for the mess of his personal life, more than out of regret for causing so much damage to the country. 

All these MAWAs and their leader say "they had no weapons." GOP congresspeople are anti-American for not impeaching that man and getting out of government forever more. 

Monday, January 30, 2023

"Life at Conception Act of 2023, " or HB 2885,

"Life at Conception Act of 2023" or HB 2885

"preeminent set of divinely created beings commonly and collectively known and referred to as humans or humanity, consisting of two sexes, male and female, which are mutually dependent for procreation ; which are also that same set of divinely created beings descended from the first humans, Adam and Eve, as indicated in the historical record and genealogy provided in the Biblical Book of Genesis..."


Is it any surprise that West Virginia is rated lowest in education?

Jorge Aaron Riley ~ J6 'tourist"

 Jorge Aaron Riley another J6 "peaceful tourist?"

‘I’m here to see what my President called me to DC for. Hello from Sacramento!!!’”

‘We breached over there I think. We broke windows, we went into the door, we pushed our way in, and then we just kept going further and further. ... We went into, there was like a corridor building..We pushed our way to Nancy Pelosi’s office ... and then we were sitting in there yelling ‘f--- you, Nancy Pelosi.’


Riley was videotaping and posting while breaching the Capitol building; the "corridor building" was the tunnel between buildings. 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Chadwick Clifton, J6 sentencing


Just don't arrest anyone else, erase Jan 6 let Trump walk away a hero, not one more news article ! There is nothing to be proud of being an AMERICAN anymore, a sad day

Oh, wait, Barbara really meant

Walter I was trying to say if they are not going to punish these people just stop pulling our leg stop wasting tax money the sentence is a slap in America face,


Most of the comments thought Chadwick Clifton's sentence of 21 days in jail, was too light. His sentence also included  "90 days home detention, three years’ probation and pay $1,000 in fines." His charge was for  “parading, demonstrating or picketing," because he knew he was not supposed to be inside the building due to certifying election results. 

I think the sentence is fair.


Comment by Timothy:

If only he had just burned down Portland and Seattle then he'd be in the clear.

Replies noted that the cities were not burned down, that there had been 14,000 arrests, and Minneapolis fires were set by MAWAs trying to incite a "race war."


Timothy and others like him just parrot what T told them on Truth Social. He used those exact words (burning down cities) in he Carolina rally campaign speech.

True history: Trump will go down as leader of White who tried to incite Civil War. Hope, hope, hope, he does not succeed, and he does not go down as the man who destroyed the once great U.S. of A.

Saturday, January 28, 2023


 "On some great and glorious day," wrote H. L. Mencken in 1920, "the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." 

"In the first eight years of the new century this first prediction is still fodder for debate, but the second is not." ~ unknown


Actually the plain folks got their heart's desire in 2016. Plain folks aka: silent majority, or White Supremacists. Remains to be seen if they will start a new civil war as they have threatened to do.

Trump promised “problems ... the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen” if he is indicted. He has called on his thugs saying it is time to "deal with" the "cancer" "weaponized, thugs, tyrants" "FBI, DOJ, Democrats." 

In 2015 I said he was a believer in conspiracy theories. His QAnon support and spreading of their lies proved I was correct. Maybe he does not believe them? Just uses his sales skills to sell them to citizens?

He tested their willingness to act on his commands twice  ~ Michigan State House, and plot to kidnap Whitmer to execute her. Is not anyone paying attention? GOP House want to expunge the two impeachments. They are forming a committee to investigate the people who investigated him and 4 of them.It seems they want to get DJT back in the White House and then..

...we really will not have a country anymore. 

Friday, January 27, 2023

My Reply to Jack Ward

 Is New Jersey  a Mecca's of socialism? A cousin moved to Florida from New Jersey. He is a big trump supporter.

My two war veteran uncles started a print shop business in their father's garage. One uncle was born in Italy, as were their parents, the other in the U.S. of A. The cousin is son of the U.S. of A. born uncle. 

The print shop business flourished. That uncle retired young giving the business to his sons. He retired to Florida, a millionaire to live a life of ease playing golf, making bad investments. The reason he retired young was that he saw his two brothers die young and he wanted to enjoy life. I think he lived into his eighties. His wife, who still lives in Florida, sold their home to move in with my cousin. She is 99.

Never thought about it before, but my uncle and father who both died young were the two born in Italy. Ah, but the sister born there lived longer. The daughter of the uncle who died young, also moved to Florida. I do not know why she and her husband moved there from New Jersey. She despises DJT. 

I have other family that moved to Florida from New Jersey. One cousin on my mother's side of the family also despises Trump. Her foul mouthed brother who still lives in Jersey is so hateful of Democrats, I had to remove him as Facebook friend. 

I can not say what the rest of nieces/nephews politics are. We only communicate via Facebook, and they do not share political stuff. A cousin's daughter I used to babysit for is such a rabid hater of Democrats and lover T and Q/T social lies, I am likely to soon remove her as a FB friend. She also moved to Florida from Jersey.

Another cousin's daughter, a Jersey transplant to Florida, is also anti-trump lies. Her grandma was the sister of my father and two uncles. I guess she still is the sister even though all deceased now? 

Thursday, January 26, 2023


 Florida Today Letters to the Editor shared at Yahoo news comment:from Martin:

"let's gat the facts straight. these are not readers. they are democrats whining. you don't win a state in a landslide and the media always posts democrat complaining."

Is "gat" a new pronunciation of "get?" I wonder if Martin even read the Letters? The first long letter was praising an author for opinion piece written by a former NYC teacher with educator husband. I do not know if Crosswinds is a political organization.

The Orange Man was about storage units being built in an area that used to be orange groves. The mascot was a a cartoon man with an Orange for his face. That writer mentioned " in a time before our rockets graced the heavens and before a certain rodent came to town," which I think meant DJT. 

The next letter is about a sheriff and public schools. The writer does say Republicans are an embarrassment and need to work with Democrats. It goes on to criticize Biden and Kamela Harris. Might be an Independent or centralist voter.

A letter encouraging men to become guardian ad item, now that the name has been changed from GAL.

Next letter titled: Many Are Blind to Democrats "dual standards." LOL 'nuff said?

The next letter is a rant about George Santos. The writer ends bashing Democrats for this travesty in Congress. 

Followed by a rant about President Biden.

The last explains why Florida is #1. Jack Ward, Melbourne states: "there is a socialist movement rather than a patriotic  movement in the Democrat party."

Jack also asserts "the cost to rent a U-Haul to come to Florida is double what it costs to leave.Soon U-Haul may pay Florida haters to leave in order to return their equipment." Jack does not like people from states like CA and NY and  "Mecca's of socialism."

If the paper is biased, it seems it would be more biased in favor of GOP. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Mr Pezzola's intention

Mr Pezzola's intention was only to seize the Capitol building, and not to disrupt Congress." 

If one seized the Capitol on J6, did that not disrupt Congress? 

As theysay, you can not make this stuff up.


As reported by Graig Graziosi on the Independent. Cleaning up blogs, so many links no longer available, so will stop using links to articles.


"This is f***ing awesome. I knew we could take this motherf***er if we just tried hard enough. Proud of your motherf***ing boy,” Mr Pezzola says in the footage, a cigarette dangling from his mouth.


Interesting tidbit, House just removed ban that prohibited smoking in the Capitol Building offices. Laws prohibit citizens from smoking just about everywhere. Yet makers of laws can make exceptions for themselves.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Maria Shriver

 Maria Shriver comments during a Los Angeles rally for Senator Obama.

if Barack Obama was a state he'd be California

Think about it...diverse, open, smart, independent, bucks tradition, innovative, inspiring, dreamer, leader

not about himself, it is about us ~ the power of us ~ he empowers all of us

what kind of America do I believe in (have conversation with yourself and ask in your heart)

do I believe in an America that's about  unity, its about coming together, its about seeing beyond the labels,you gotta see beyond the labels that divide us

we should give a shout out to everyone who is running for president of the United States*

California is about unity, and because we're all about leadership, * I really believe these all good people all following their own(truth) (choice?), they're all following their own voice and they all believe they can make a difference in this country
I have been searching for a stump speech from Obama's campaign that impressed me. I thought perhaps it was Carolina Kennedy. What I remember was something like: 

We all want the same thing for the country, we just disagree on how to get it. Maria Shriver's speech was the closest that I found to what I recall hearing.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Proud Boy Manel


It is not letting my copy to paste. 

No Wanks

Must tattoo Proud Boy somewhere on your body.

Anthem: Proud of Your Boy from Aladdin  musical, should be sung at each meeting. Meetings should be held at bar with jukebox that has the tune. 

What? No phones to play the song? 

Secret handshake not in manuel, but will be taught at meetings. 

Membership open to all without regard to ethnicity or sexualty. No women. Women need to leave the room when they have a meeting. They have to take an oath, "I am a Western Chauvinist, who refuses to apologize for creating the modern world."

There is more, but almost midnight and I need to go to sleep. Hope link remains active. No wanks is hysterical. 

There are four degrees of memberships, stations, and cereals. 

Sunday, January 22, 2023

At conception fallacy

 Remember when conservatives were howling about alleged 'death panels' making their healthcare decisions?  They are now making healthcare decisions for women.


Pregnancy is established when a fertilized egg has been implanted in the wall of a woman's uterus. The definition is critical to distinguishing between a contraceptive that prevents pregnancy and an abortifacient that terminates it. 

Implantation of the pre embryo in the uterine lining begins about five days after fertilization. Implantation can be completed as early as eight days or as late as 18 days after fertilization, but usually takes about 14 days. Between one-third and one-half of all fertilized eggs never fully implant. A pregnancy is considered to be established only after implantation is complete.

American College of  Obstetricians and Gynecologists

18 states have enacted provisions premised on the notion that pregnancy begins at fertilization or conception blastocyst.

Fairly hard to prove moment of fertilization. Some females claim to know exact moment; most do not know until their period is late or missed. I have read it, did not believe it, until it happened to a cousin. She did not know she was pregnant until she went to emergency room in severe pain, and went on to deliver a baby.

How could she not know? What my mother called "a change of life baby." No more menstrual cycles due to menopause. Her mother and female siblings may not be obese, but way overweight. 


The fertilized egg (zygote) divides repeatedly as it moves down the fallopian tube to the uterus. First, the zygote becomes a solid ball of cells. Then it becomes a hollow ball of cells called a blastocyst.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Jan 9, 2011

 Jan. 9, 2011

Judge John Role, Rep killed 

Gabby Giffords, Democrat, wounded

Christina-Taylor Green, child, killed, was born on September 11, 2001

Her mother, Roxanna said: "As young as she was, Christina-Taylor talked about getting all the parties to come together so we could live in a better country," Green told ABC News. "She was going to Giffords' event to ask questions about how she could help and to learn more about politics in our country."

"She was proud of her country and wanted to know more about the political process..."

"All I want is awareness and change, just like Christina would."

"Things like this should never, ever happen again, I want there to be a stop for the violence and hatred and all the bashing of politicians isn't not helping, and it's not working."


I did not credit source for this news article. I saved the info to rewrite with just the quotes and a reminder of political violence generated by GOP.

Friday, January 20, 2023


 "As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." ~ H L Mencken, July 26, 1920


The United States Congress first organized in 1789, is an elected bicameral democratic legislative body established by Article I of the United States Constitution, ratified in 1788.


The Truman Doctrine 1947 ~ to peeps complaining about aid to Ukraine


Anytime someone comment's says "Democracy" someone points out that "we are not a Democracy, we are a Republic." Than another points out "we are a democratic republic." 

I equate democracy with freedom/liberty. Most of us do not want a dictatorship, we want democratic elections; the illusion that we are in charge of who rules us. 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

United States of America

 Ever since someone complained that the United States of American declare themselves Americans, as if they owned North, Central and South Americas, I stopped saying "Americans." It is easier to say than United States of America citizens. The other countries have unique names: Chili, Brazil, Panama, Peru and so calling ourselves Americans seems correct. 


On my quest to no longer post comments, clearing my copy/paste stuff.



there is not a liberal America & a conservative America
there is the United States of America
there is not a black America, & a white America, & Latino America & an Asian America
there's the United States of America

***                      ***                 *** 

E pluribus unum – Out of many, one vs: divide and conquer?

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Cheryl Hall cheat for Trump

 Clermont Florida resident Cheryl Hall changed voter's registration cards from Democrat and Independent to Republican. She was caught when residents complained that their Voter ID party had been changed. 

Chery,l a Trump supporter, posted on her Facebook Timeline attending political events for Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Rick Scott, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, Sean Hannity, Roger Stone and Donald Trump, Jr.


Trump raved about Democrats doing exactly what she did. His accusations unsupported. 

When you listen to Trump accuse others, it shows he is guilty of what he claims they  do. My ex-husband did that to me, which is what caused me to see it in Trump. 

Minor Voter Fraud

 *Alma Yadira Juarez ballot abuse 

*Joseph John Marak convicted felon

*Bradley Haugen, convicted felon 

*John Mallozzi Democrat City Committee forged signatures

*Kimberly McPherson Troy NY GOP resigned city council after casting absentee ballots in the names of two people

*Frederick Gattuso Carteret NJ GOP mayor candidate voted twice using similar names

*Jerry Trabona, former Police Chief, member of City Council in  Amite City, Louisiana, offered people money to vote for Kristian "kris" Hart, Democrat

*Tennessee Richard Garret false address for his primary residence lived outside of district he represented Clarksville non partisan

*Alex Campbell, GOP Crescent City, CA city council man,mayor pro tem claimed he lived within city limits

*Guillermina Fuentes ~ collecting and depositing other voters ballots for them
*Trenae Mysehs Rainy, forged signatures nursing home Michigan
*Carless Clark, forged grandson's signature, grandson voted in person

*Edward Amirault voted in NH and Massachusetts
*Sigmund Boganski AZ & NH
*Joan Marie Halstead GOP voted in Florida, voted in her home state New York.*
*Jay Ketcik GOP voted in Florida and mail-in home state Michigan
*Charles Barnes, voted twice, Florida & home state of Connecticut

*Richard Patton Pueblo, DEM voter, accused of trying to put something in usb port
*Tina Peters GOP election worker copied hard drive, gave to an outsider

*North Carolina 61% voted GOP 16% registered as GOP contractor indicted, new election
The above information came mainly from Heritage Org. I verified most of these claims and found Heritage Org. info to be reliable.