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Saturday, December 28, 2024


 "I will go to war on this issue the likes of which you cannot possibly comprehend." ~ Musk

Sounds like dump "the likes of which."

“problems ... the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen” DJT

"the likes of which the world has never seen before" (North Korea)  DJT

Not to mention the "eff yourself in the face" Musk comment.  I assume my "red dog" nephew would approve. Do the dumpster's Christian supporters actually believe this is who should be running our government? 

Friday, December 27, 2024


 "A culture that celebrates the prom queen over the math olympiad champ, or the jock over the valedictorian, will not produce the best engineers," Ramaswamy wrote, calling for a 1950s-style "Sputnik moment" to prioritize "nerdiness over conformity."

Okay, I have USA born nephews and a grandson; college graduates, tech jobs. So another trumpet that looks down upon US citizens, like his lord, Dump? 

Google founders: Sergey Brin was born in Moscow; he grew up in the United States, since his parents immigrated here, when he was six years old.
Larry Paige, born in the US of A. 

Google does hire H-1B employees, the majority of their hires are US citizens; the majority graduated from Sandford, and Berkley colleges. 

Then there was Steve Jobs, and Steve Wozniak. Prom kings?

Thursday, December 26, 2024

So true


meme copied from Substack post

What did Liberals do?

Copied from a substack post.


Wednesday, December 25, 2024

voter fraud?

"If you buy a box of cereal — you have a voter. They try to shame everybody by calling them racist, or calling them something, anything they can think of, when you say you want voter ID. But voter ID is a very important thing.” Nov 14 2018

July rally 2023: “You know, if you go out and you want to buy groceries, you need a picture on a card. You need ID,"

“You have voter ID to buy a loaf of bread. You have ID to buy a loaf of bread,” Sept 2023

“The Republicans don’t win and that’s because of potentially illegal votes, When people get in line that have absolutely no right to vote and they go around in circles. Sometimes they go to their car, put on a different hat, put on a different shirt, come in and vote again. Nobody takes anything. It’s really a disgrace what’s going on." November 2018

“You know, if you want to go out and buy groceries, you need identification. If you want to do almost anything you need identification. The only thing you don’t need identification for is to vote, the most important single thing you’re doing – to vote, campaign rally in Lake Charles, Louisiana Oct. 2019

Sarah Sanders said he meant when buying "beer and wine," after his Florida 2018 rally, but that is not what he said. Beer and wine are not groceries or a box of cereal. 

Debate:Who was responbile?

The question: people are saying DJT was responsible for the attack on Congress on J6th. 

"I don't think many believe that.

On Jan. 6, we had a great border, nobody coming through, very few. On Jan. 6, we were energy independent. On Jan. 6, we had the lowest taxes ever, we had the lowest regulations ever, On Jan. 6, we were respected all over the world.” 

“I did nothing wrong. We have a system that is rigged and disgusting."

“Look, he encouraged those folks to go up to Capitol Hill, number one … He sat there for three hours. Three hours watching, begging, being begged by his vice president and a number of colleagues on the Republican side as well, to do something. To call for a stop. To end it."

Yet they said DJT won the debate against Joe? The only people who did not say he was responsible were the MAGAS.

What is right?

 “Elected officials have to do what’s popular, and sometimes not what’s right, and that’s a problem. That’s I think why people get nervous about Trump. He doesn’t do what’s popular or what’s right. Er, I should say he only does what’s right, he doesn’t do what’s popular.”Alina Habba said.

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

John Fetterman

 "He had the energy and almost a sense of fearlessness to just say all those kinds of things. You literally were shot in your head and had the presence of mind to respond, you know, 'Fight, fight, fight!' I mean, that's a political talent." John Fetterman

"Fight, fight, fight," is encouraging violence. Did Fetterman watch J6th violence?

Fascism is a word ordinary citizens use. 

"I think people are going to decide who is the candidate that's going to protect and project, you know, my version of the American way of life, and that's what happened." Fetterman

DJT made it clear he was not going to protect female right to liberty; he was not going to protect LGBT equal rights. The only thing DJT will protect is keeping himself out of jail. He is not going to protect the environment or citizen's health. 

If it were not for Dr. Oz, I would not have voted for Fetterman. A DINO.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Lynching postcards

 People who buy Dump's mugshot merchandise, are like those people who bought lynching postcards. Dump would be like the men who took the photos, published and sold them as postcards. The postcards often had racist text and poems along with the victim of the lynching. 

There may have been other celebrity presidents, before Reagan; but Dump is hero worship of a villain. Does this make America great again?

Friday, December 20, 2024

Say it, say it

 Memory returned: the year Dottie sent me one of those mass e-mail Xmas greetings. All glittery, Care Bears type Xmas tree. "Say it, say it, this is a Christmas tree. This is not a Hanukkah bush.." I forget the rest of it. Pure hatred spewed at Non Christians, especially Muslims. 

I went away. Hours later I went back and replied to all. I blasted Christians for their ugly, hate thy neighbor greeting. Someone replied "who is this," spewing more hatred my way. Dottie said, she shared it because it was "pretty" she did not notice the message. I suppose the memory came back to me, due to our Facebook tiff. Love. Thy. Neighbor. 

Looking back, of course she noticed the hateful message. 9 years of listening to Dump preach hate was 9 years too much. Anyone who supported him, supported hate. Immigrants are vermin, pensioning the blood. Our father was an immigrant, how dare you! Oh but he did not mean all immigrants, they say. Does she really think our father and his family were not subject to the same hate that other black/brown immigrants face today? 

Oh, he meant illegal immigrants. He did not say that. It is reported that immigrant Elon Musk was once an illegal immigrant. But that is okay, he is white? Ditto Dump's immigrant wives. 

There was never a War on Christmas. MAWAS, easy sell on lies. Bible says "by their works, you shall know them." Christians who voted for Dump and spread ugly Xmas greetings, are the works of Christian leaders. Too sad. 

For the record I am an atheist. 

The Greek word for Christ, Christos, begins with the letter "X", or chi. This led to the use of "X" as an abbreviation for Christ in early Christianity. The "X" in "Xmas" is also a reference to Christ

Government Shutdown

 Too bad I did not hang on to my Facebook account a bit longer. New Terms of Service will start of January 1, 2025, so I had planned to end it on December 31. Some computer glitch at 3AM insomnia unable to fall back to sleep had a hissy fit removed all neighbors and bye, bye, bye. I permanently deleted the account, rather than taking the option, so that I could reinstate it. Does not matter; Dottie is gone. Maybe I should send her a postcard?

How do you feel that Freddy might lose his paycheck due to looming government shutdown? Thank you very much. Son-in-law Freddy is National Guard, army war vet. Daughter said they will manage, but it will not be fun. That is, her paycheck will carry them for as long as shutdown continues. Last shutdown was 6 weeks, courtesy of Dump. 

I am curious as to how she and other MAWAs are dealing with Elon Musk being part of his Cabinet? Not even in office yet; Musk influenced GOP Congress? He will not be hurting if the government shuts down at midnight tonight. Happy Christmas military families as we take away your paychecks, for who knows how long this time? I suspect 7 weeks; than Dump can sign executive order, being 'hero' reinstating Federal Employees paychecks? 

Is this what you wanted Dottie? To hurt others due to love of  Dump? Whatever.


 Sister yelled at me once for calling her Dot or Dottie. Said "you know I always hated that nickname." No, I did not know that. You were "Aunt Dot," ever since I had my first baby. You somehow forgot to mention it. My last convo with Dorothy was on a Facebook post. Might have been a copy/paste deal.

"Don't let two people who do not know your name end relationships." 

Sorry. You voted to make history with our first felon, convicted of sexual assault J6th traitor, instead of making history electing our first female president? YOU are the reason I am ending out relationship. Birds of a feather; if you approve of J6th attacks on law enforcement and Congress, it shows who you are. And YOU call yourself a patriot? He is now above the law; the US of A used to hang traitors, not put them in the highest office in the country. 

During that "conversation," I brought up her yelling at me, but not at her Facebook friends (and common law husband) for calling her Dot, or Dottie. She misunderstood, and I had to restate ~ no I am talking about YOU yelling at me. Bla, bla. He son had upset my daughter with a post mocking "liberal tears," and another vulgar comment. I asked sister dearest if he ever asked his 1/2 sister why she and her daughters were up all night on November 5th, crying literal tears?

I do not know if Jamie considers herself liberal. ("your body, my choice," 'nuff said?) Sis claimed she did not see those posts, bla, bla. She told me "how about 'turning the other cheek," in reply to my "love thy neighbor," comment. I wrote "what do you think I have been doing with you for years?" Like 'sitting on my hands' every time one of her friends wrote "Dottie?" Do not recall the rest of it; just removed her as FB friend. Tore up her Xmas card. 

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Drump's Drugs

I mentioned that it looks like the dumpster lost weight. People disagreed with me. A Google search showed he was probably using Ozempic to lose weight. I was thinking, maybe cancer?  

Reported that person who worked closely with him on The Apprentice said he popped Adderall like it was candy. Unconfirmed reports say during his term of office the White House was "awash in speed" and drugs, like Xanax. 

People also suspected he was on a cocktail of drugs for various mental health issues. 


 "No, I take no responsibility at all." DJT

"I am less interested in passing out blame, than I am in learning from and correcting mistakes to make us safer...For ultimately, the buck stops with me." Obama 2010

2024 Dump claims full responsibility for SCOTUS giving states the right to deny liberty to females. That is for overturned Roe v. Wade. I suppose Christian females think that is a good thing? 

Michelle Steel drop boxes

 Jordan Tygh, a regional field director for the California Republican Party, posted a photo of himself on Twitter on October 8 (which was since removed), holding an official ballot next to a metal box designated “Official Ballot Drop Off Box '  encouraging voters to vote for Orange County Republican Congressional candidate (and current OC Board of Supervisors Chair) Michelle Steel “DM me for convenient locations to drop your ballot off at!” Oct 8, 2020” Oct 8, 2020

The unofficial drop boxes placed by her campaign, were deemed legal, because CA law allowed people to drop off other people's ballots for them. BUT is their proof that those illegally placed drop box ballots were ever turned into the OC election board? 

Ivanka complicit

 In an interview with Gayle King on CBS This Morning, Ivanka responded to critiques' that she was complicit in alleged civil rights violations by her father’s administration. Her response? “I don’t know what it means to be complicit, but I hope time will prove that I have done a good job. If being complicit is wanting to... is wanting to be a force for good and to make a positive impact then I’m complicit.April 2017

Like father, like daughter? Does not know what complicit means; and thinks she made a positive impact? Ukraine Quid Pro Quo phone call? She wrote "forgive them father for they know not what they do." As if he were innocent. Her husband did good with lucrative Saudi deal. 

Friday, December 13, 2024

More Important than living?

 "We’re crushing the average worker,” Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick told Fox News’ Tucker Carlson. “We’re crushing small businesses. We’re crushing the markets. We’re crushing this country. ... There are more important things than living, and that’s saving this country.”  04/20/2020

These are the same Republicans who believe an embryo has more rights to life than the "host" body?

"Were you better off today, than four years ago?" MAWAS ask. I guess they forgot that 4 years ago "we were crushing jobs?" 


 “When you go to the bank and you deposit money in the bank, there are armed police officers at the bank. Why? Because we want to protect the money we save. Why on earth do we protect a stupid deposit more than our children?" Ted Cruz  (wants armed guards in every school in the U.S. of A.)

Ted says banks are safe from mass shootings because of the armed guards. Just days later, a mass shooting happens at a bank where 5 people are killed and more injured, including a responding officer who was shot in the head. The gun used was, as usual, an AR-15

Senator John McCain

  "I thank you for the honor you have brought to our country, and the medal you are about to receive means that our country honors you." G W Bush 2007

"He’s not a war hero. He’s a war hero because he was captured. I like people that weren’t captured." Trump 2015 

I posted Senator McCain's concession speech to Senator Obama when Obama won the presidential election, on Facebook. My sister said she voted for McCain. And her point being? My reason for posting was to show that McCain was a scholar and gentleman, unlike her hero Dump, who refused to concede his lost election. 

Hollywood Access tape

 "I did try and fuck her. She was married. I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's now got the big phony tits and everything. She totally changed her look. I've gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful ---I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything...grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."

2005 oh Hollywood Access bus ~ quite presidential?