Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Biden vs Trump

 In previous post it was noted that Democrats and Republicans agree that the U.S. democracy is in danger of collapse ~ according to poll ~ 69% of each group. Republicans blame Biden; Democrats blame Trump.

Loyalty to party rather than loyalty to country, and Republicans call themselves patriots? 

Will President Biden claim he won the election if he loses it? Will he hold a rally on January 6th, tweeting "be there, it will be wild" and telling his supporters to "Stop The Steal" by marching to the Capitol building? No, no, and no. 

Losing candidates have sometimes contested the election results; but none have held rallies on the day Electoral college votes were to be counted. None asked their VP to illegally change state votes in his favor. None, except Trump have called governors asking them to find votes. Crooked through and through. 

Yet Republicans are so blind they can not see that the wannabe President for Life is the enemy of democracy?

I read comments. 😎 Trump fans insist Jan. 6th was a riot, not an instructionss. An insurrectionn is a violent uprisingg against government. They claim that in no way was the sitting president responsiblee for the breaking,enteringg of the Capitoll Building.He told them he was going to march with them to the Capitol to "stop the steal." What were they going to do when they got there? Stand outside chanting: Stop the Steal; give trump the win?

Too bad common sense is not. How did trump think his fans were going to stop Congress from doing their job? How do those 69% of Republicans polled think it was okay for the protestors to break into a government building in an attempt to "stop the steal." If the woman had not been illegally in the Capitol building climbing through a broken glass window, she would not have gotten shot. 

Why was she there? Because her man trump told her to be there to stop the steal.

In a way I am sad that it is highly unlikely I will live to see the U.S. of A democracy  collapse because of an outspoken Birther, corrupt con man. He supports White Nationalists to the extent that he refused to host President Obama at a White House  unveiling of Obama's portrait. 

This is what will destroy the United States of America ~ white Republicans hatred of black, brown citizens. They are also  misogynist, so that if enough white women get disgusted with them, we still have a chance to remain a nation.

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