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Saturday, March 11, 2023

Cale Douglas Clayton ~ Peaceful? Not.

 As reported by Judy L. Thomas of The Kansas City Star, Cale Douglas Clayton, 42,  of Drexel Missouri pleaded guilty to two felony counts due to:

"assaulting, resisting or impeding officers; civil disorder; theft of government property; entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds; disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds; engaging in physical violence in a restricted building or grounds; and an act of physical violence within the Capitol grounds or buildings."

Things he shouted at guards:

 “We are going to win. You don’t have enough for all of us. You might hit me once or twice. You might spray me with pepper spray. I don’t give a f---. There ain’t enough for millions of people here and you know it.”

“You guys realize your President told us to be here. Your President! Hey, how does that make you feel? You’re defying your own f------ country!...Are you a Patriot? Or are you a f------ yes man?” And “think about it. (Inaudible) the revolution. You ain’t gonna stop it. It’s already happening…You guys are just gonna be a little speed bump along the way.”

He picked up a police baton from the floor, took a police shield, when officer tried to take the baton, he grabbed officer's face mask pushing him backwards. Yet, he claims he was just trying to return baton to guard. 

Just another peaceful sightseers on J6, eh. Does not matter how many of them cite djt, he is still allowed to run for president again. Shameful.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Why Some Lie?


"Lying was bad, but revealing my own sense of insecurity would have been worse. It would have been shameful, and I did not like to feel ashamed." 

Quote made me think of djt. Read that narcissists are insecure. Um, George Santos? 

Christopher Maurer ~ attacked guards

 Christopher Maurer, 45 "abandoned his rental home" in Biddeford and appeared to be living out of his vehicle. He was arrested two years after participating in J6 riot. 

It is reported he said  "it never happened, " but did not enter a plea. He is charged with grabbing an officer's shield when in tunnel of Capitol building. He left, returned 90 minutes late, cussing at guards, using obscene hand gestures, grabbed a metal pole and thrust it at guards. 

Just another one of those peaceful, unarmed, tourists that djt loves and thinks are special. Blue lives did not matter to trump's army on J6. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Olivia Pollock, Joseph Hutchinson,

 Olivia Pollock and Joseph Hutchinson, Jonathan Pollock are missing. Olivia and Joseph accused of striking Capitol Guards, tampered and removed ankle monitors before running. Olivia and brother, Jonathan, like using flag poles to assault guards. 

Jonathan helped Hutchinson use a fence to move guards back, to allow unobstructed access to officers, from others of the mob. Olivia, age 32, looks like an attractive young woman. Likes to throw punches at guards, and other violent acts.

Reading comments on the article, there are less hateful mawas than usual. "Barbara" comments several times about the "murder of unarmed woman." When an unarmed black person is killed by cops, they say: "should have obeyed orders." As if Tamir Rice could obey order within 3 seconds. Or John Crawford III had time to process that the men, suddenly appearing at Walmart aisle, shouting at him, were cops telling him "to drop the weapon." 

Our brains do not respond that fast ~ imagine if you are shopping and suddenly men are yelling at you to drop a weapon you do not have. 3 seconds later, bam you are dead.

But poor Ashli who did not back out of window she was climbing through when officer tells her to halt. How would "Barbara" and Ashli's other champions, think the guard would know she was unarmed? That megaphone, could be used as a weapon.The mob pushing on door trying to gain entry into the restricted area of Congress? Guard did his job ~ protecting Congress people and the building. 

She was there to storm the building to stop Congress from counting electoral college votes. A traitor to her military oath to defend; instead she attacks. 

Other comments ~ typical ~ Democrats lie, slurs against liberals and media, false information. I wonder who these people are? Teens? Old white men and women? Somewhere in between? Uneducated? Gullible? Simply haters? Anti-American, pro-corrupt, trump? Sad.

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

disgusting elected reps

Ron Johnson following trump's party line, said Biden is the cancer and should be removed. 

Seems not so long ago peeps said you have to respect the office, when others dissed DJT. Do not like Biden, fine, but likening him to cancer is a low blow.

It is the gop who are like fast spreading, contagious disease. They get worse by the day.

"Our Country is SICK inside, very much like a person dying of Cancer. The Crooked FBI, the so-called Department of 'Justice,' and 'Intelligence,' all parts of the Democrat Party and System, is the Cancer. These Weaponized Thugs and Tyrants must be dealt with, or our once great and beautiful Country will die!!!" ~ DJT

Monday, March 6, 2023

Chris Carnell, Bilyard

 Chris Carnell, and friend, David Worth Bowman, were part of group chat with  Aiden Henry Bilyard discussing plans to attend the Stop the Steal rally in D.C. on J6. Aiden is the man who used pepper spray on guards.

Bowman is reported saying that when he and Carnell got into the building, they had no agenda, did not know what to do.  'like we are in here … like uh … we're a dog, we caught the car, we don't know what to do.'"

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Tucker Carlson Unwittingly Describes DJ Trump

 Tucker Carlson unwittingly described DJ Trump in his March 2, 2023 monologue. 

" always imagine in your mind’s eye that it’s evil men who destroy society — wild-eyed spit-flecked dictators pounding the podium, to demand the annihilation of their enemies... real life, people like that rarely get very far. They’re too obvious. It’s not the cartoon demons you’ve got to worry about. It’s weak men in positions of power. 

...they’re the most dangerous. Men with no principles but the desire for self-preservation. Hollow men who live in terror of being revealed for who they really are, men who will do anything to save themselves. That’s who you should be afraid of. 

...sad, insecure, broken men filled with envy and bitterness from their lonely childhoods.

...They hate you because they hate themselves."

He needs to change "you" to "I" and "they" to "I", "their" to "mine." 

Wild-eyed, split-flecked sounds like M.T. Greene to me, although I never heard the phrase "spit-flecked." Seems it is not in the dictionary. Closed meaning is spittle-flecked ~ when one is so angry, shouting causes spit to exit the mouth. 

Trump routinely called for annihilation of his perceived enemies. He is a man of zero principles; does anything to 'save' himself. "I take no responsibility at all." His grandiose ego might come from being insecure. Or from being indulged and spoiled as a child. His lonely childhood may have created fantasies seeing himself as an astronaut, cowboy gunslinger, boxer, and firefighter. 

What he could not achieve in real life, he achieved by selling 8" digital pictures of himself dressed up as his fantasy self. Envy, bitter, aptly describes Trump to a T.

A man of no principles who had uncanny ability to sell his lies and gain loyalty. His MAWAs willing to break laws to keep him in power illegally. That is the most dangerous type of person to hold power. 

Tucker Carlson is suffers from mad delusions. 

Friday, March 3, 2023

Prosecute Bloggers?

 State Sen. Jason Brodeur, GOP,  has introduced a Bill in Florida that would prosecute bloggers who write about elected officials like Ron De Santis. 

"If a blogger posts to a blog about an elected state officer and receives, or will receive, compensation for that post, the blogger must register with the appropriate office, as identified in paragraph..."

Did not the First Amendment prohibit laws abridging freedom of speech or the press? It is my understanding that states can not make laws that violate federal laws.  I do not earn money from my blog due to no readers. 

Does the proposed law apply to non-Florida resident Bloggers? What about a Canadian Blogger? The Bill is way too long and complicated for me to read it all ~ a lot about advertising properties for sale before getting to the part deciding we, the people, do not have the right o redress government for grievances.

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Man's Genesis

 Man's Genesis is a short American film from 1912. 

It portrayed a Stone Age Battle between "Weak Hands" and "Brute Force."

Weak Hands won by inventing the ax. 

And the rest, as theysay, is history. Too bad Brute Force did not use their strength to help Weak Hands, all living in harmony. 

Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Talking to a Wall

 An old Reader's Digest joke:

Journalist asks elderly man, "You come everyday to the wall, sir, how long have you done that, and what are you praying for?"

He replies: "I have come here to pray everyday for 25 years. In the morning I pray for world peace and brotherhood of man. I go home, have a cup of tea, and I come back and pray for the eradication of illness and disease from the earth.

And very, very important, I pray for peace and understanding between the Israelis and the Palestinians." 

Journalist is impressed. "How does it make you feel to come here everyday for 25 years to pray for those wonderful things?"

The man replies calmly: "Like I'm talking to a wall." (Or a brick wall!)

Abolish Abortion in Alabama Act

 Alabama Rep. Ernie Yarbrough new legislation, Abolish Abortion in Alabama Act, calls for labeling abortion, homicide,  and charging women with murder.

Another dumb Republican who is clueless about non-viable pregnancies and D & C's. So, if a female's pregnancy aborts itself (such as in ectopic pregnancy) the poor girl or woman might face murder charges, needing to prove she did not cause the abortion? 

Monday, February 27, 2023

Alaska Rep Dave Eastman

 Alaska Rep Dave Eastman was censured for reportedly saying: 

"In the case where child abuse is fatal, obviously it’s not good for the child, but it’s actually a benefit to society because there aren’t needs for government services and whatnot over the whole course of the child’s life."

The best Yahoo comment to the article:


Good example of Republican "family values and fiscal responsibility": "Ban abortion to ensure they're born, then let them be beaten to death to ensure none of my tax dollars goes to their support." Sadism at its finest.

Naime wrote:

Totally bonkers (who voted against this?), but Chelsea Clinton said something similar about the benefits of abortion helping the economy, but didn't get this type of response by the media.


I do not know if Chelsea said that. Yet if Naime remembers, it must have gotten media attention. If Chelsea said it, she would be correct. A baby born with birth defects has little chance of being adopted (except perhaps in cases of abusers who want an easy target?) ~ kept in foster care until they age out at 18, with no family or resources become homeless?

And often those children farmed out to families who only foster due to getting paid, the kids get abused. Always better for all if females and their doctors make the decision to terminate. 

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Father and son Johnson rioters

 Capitol rioter Daryl  Johnson and his son, Daniel of Austin, Minnesota, were charged with entering the Capitol through a shattered window and at one point allowing more rioters to enter by rushing a group of police officers who were trying to hold a door to the building shut. 

Prior blog post showed Daryl Johnson being arrested again. Great role model. 

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Patrick Edward McCaughey III ~ Daniel Hodges

 Patrick Edward McCaughey III held a shield pinning Officer Daniel Hodge in between steel doors. I do not see that I posted about him previously. I have a note saying that he holds dual citizenship with U.S. and Germany. Deport him, I say. 

26-year-old Tristan Chandler Stevens of Pensacola, Florida was convicted of 9 offenses, and 63-year-old David Mehaffie of Kettering, Ohio, was convicted of 4 offences relating to J6.

“Mehaffie hung from an archway and shouted direction from above, and McCaughey and Stevens were key players in the melee below,” federal prosecutors said. The three encouraging those reluctant to enter the building to do so. 

The Trump appointed judge acquitted them of obstruction charges, although they most definitely obstructed Congress when they violently entered the building, attacking guards ~ inside and out.

Friday, February 24, 2023

Impeach Rep. Jody Hicks

 "this is our 1776 moment" U.S. Representative, Jody Hicks Jan. 2021

I understand that Hicks later removed his Tweet, and claimed he was misunderstood. Yet, if you read the "Return of 1776" it is clear, Hicks should be impeached. 

Do these people really want to destroy the country they were elected to hold office; violate their oath of office to protect and defend, against enemies? They are the enemies. 

Today's world is so much more advanced than when colonists rebelled against the British. Tobacco users definitely have taxation without representation; but basically lawmakers worked to make the U.S. of A. be of, for and by all people, not just heterosexul white men. (If any of those who wrote The Constitution, they would have been deep in "the closet".

We, the non-Christians enjoy freedom to worship or not.  The gun lovers like their well-regulated militias. The uglies use freedom of speech as it was not intended to be uses. Just read some Yahoo comments or listen to the former guy's vulgar, crude, rude, language. 

So what do these peeps want to change about the government they rule?  

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Jessica Watkins ~ Oath Keeper

 Jessica Watkins ~ Oath Keeper

 “Yeah. We stormed the Capitol today,” she wrote. “Teargassed, the whole, 9. Pushed our way into the Rotunda. Made it into the Senate even. The news is lying (even Fox) about the Historical Events we created today.”

“...underestimate the resolve of the Deep State. Biden may still yet be our President. If he is, our way of life as we know it is over. Our Republic would be over. Then it is our duty as Americans to fight, kill and die for our rights.”

On Jan. 6, Watkins penetrated the nation’s Capitol in a bulletproof vest, fatigues bearing Oath Keeper insignias, and goggles to protect her eyes from tear gas.

What about the rights of all those who voted for Biden or Green or Yellow/gold candidates? 
These people sicken me. Our way of life would have been over if #45 and his army had succeeded on stopping the election on J6th. Our way of life is the same as it has ever been. Except perhaps for this snowless winter. Fear we will pay with a blizzard in April.

Unarmed Garret Miller

 Unarmed Garret Miller arrived at trumps Jan. 6, 2021 rally with a rope, a grappling hook, a mouth guard and a bump cap. I wonder what he needed those things for to attend a rally? Perhaps preparation for storming the "Winter Palace?" 

Garret, age 36, was sentenced to 36 months in prison for assaulting officers, in and outside the Capitol Building. He left Texas to travel to D.C. to stop the verification of the election. 

He posted on a comment made by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on social media, that read Impeach, "Assassinate AOC" on Jan. 6th, 2021. I do not know if he could have used his rope and grappling hook to drag the senator to the gallows built outside the building to assassinate her. 

But if he had found her, no telling what he and the other rioters would have done to her. He also used Social Media to threaten Senator Schumer, Zuckerberg, and Jack Dorsey.  36 months is not long enough for a man who is known to violence against officers of the law. 

People make threats, they have no intention of following through with, to express anger. This man traveled from Texas to D.C. intending to do harm. A danger to society. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Empty Greene

 I do not approve of name calling, but Marjorie Taylor Greene is empty headed, so Empty Greene seems to fit. 

Not completely empty; her mind is filled with hateful things. And what she can do to bring attention to herself, such as parading around the halls carrying a white balloon to mock President Biden. Or wearing white fur coat indoors. Her head it full of conspiracy theories and screwball ideas.

She now wants to divorce Red States from Blue States, due to liberals spoon feeding wokeness on citizens. Despise the use of the word woke to mean anything other than waking up in the morning. I woke up with a hangover. 

Citizens partition their reps to do things they want to be done. So that CINOs wanted to outlaw abortions, GOP got them outlawed. LGBT want things, such as right to marry, they petition the lawmakers to get it done. 

MT Greene and the rest need to wake up to the tangled web they created for women who need emergency treatment for miscarriage, for one. Doctors refusing a DNC could cost a woman her life.  They do need to wake up! Of be woke. 

Grates on my nerves to hear elected reps using that word: woke. Talk like an adult, not a whatever generation changed the meaning. So cringe.


What is wrong with divorcing states? A) there are blue or green or Libertarians living in "red states." What if they do not want to leave the state where they were born and lived their entire lives. Or, can not afford to do?

B) Take a look at 1975 Electoral Map ~ California was red; Texas was blue. So what happens, Ms. Greene, when red states become blue or blue becomes red? Do you sunset it ~ vote on remarriage or new divorce every 4 years?


Scary so many citizens are right there with her wanting another civil war. Nutty people. It is not like south against north anymore. Do we build a wall around Texas after divorce to keep them from entering the U.S. of A. without a passport? Do we allow them to use interstate highways paid for by the U.S. of A. funds? 

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Kelly Meggs ~ J6

 Kelly Meggs posted on his Faceboook page:

"Trump said It’s gonna be wild!!!!!!! It’s gonna be wild!!!!!!! He wants us to make it WILD that’s what he’s saying. He called us all to the Capitol and wants us to make it wild!!! Sir Yes Sir!!! Gentlemen we are heading to DC pack your shit!!


Why has he not been indicted? Why is he allowed to run for president again? Why did the GOP fail to impeach? He should know about government corruption, he is part of it. 

Imagine if he does not get the GOP nomination ~ will he scream "fraud," and call for his loyal gaga Mawas to revolt again? Or if he gets the bid, and loses the general election ~ again? With Empty Greene and his boy Bannon running the next insurrection, promised to be armed.

WTF is wrong with the GOP! It seems this is what they want. To be on the losing side of their instituted new civil war or "return of 1776?"



Did not share an old Facebook "memory" post about inflation.

Girl Scout cookies cost 23 cents per box of 44 cookies in 1960 ~ minimum wage was $1.00

Federal minimum wage is $7.25; the cookies cost $5.00 a box and have 14 cookies. 

Or in 1960 a minimum wage worker would work 1 hour to buy 4 boxes of cookies; today that 1 hour can only buy one box ~ and get a lot less cookies in today's economy.


My first tax paying job, I was paid, I think, 75 cents an hour. It was part time, in 1964. When I made that post, I did look up how much the cookies cost in 1960 & would think I did the same for minimum wage. 

Even after I went full time after graduating high school, I do not remember $1.00 an hour. Wish I had saved some paystubs. I worked in retail department store in the office, and earned 10 cents an hour more than the sales floor teens my age. 

2022/2023 complaints about inflation ~ I wonder how much those smaller, less tasty boxes of girl scout cookies cost now.

Saturday, February 18, 2023

Matthew Jason Beddingfield

Matthew Jason Beddingfield, age 22 of North Carolina pleaded guilty to assaulting resisting or impeding officers,  30 days after his arrest, a judge ordered him released from jail. Prosecutors said he" had a penchant for matching violent words with violent acts.” At the time he was on 2 years probation for assault with a deadly weapon, for shooting a 17-year-old in the head. 

Now, how can a person who is on probation, be let out of jail after being arrested for more violence?

It is reported that he was on of the first rioters to jump over a barricades, attack officers with flagpole and threw a metal rod at them. Once inside he marched around, joining a skirmish thrusting his flagpole at officer's shield. 

He is known to be anti every non-white, non-Christian, non-heterosexual citizens.

In text messages from his phone, He wished members of those groups a violent end, and also expressed desire to inflict violence or death on them. 

I do hope when he is sentenced the next judge gives him a long jail sentence. He was also arrested for drunk driving after his J6 violence.

Friday, February 17, 2023

Daniel Rodriguez ~ tasered guard

 Daniel Rodriguez, 42 of California pleaded guilty to J6 charges.

"Rodriguez tased Fanone twice in the back of his neck, after the then-D.C. police officer was dragged into the crowd by rioters. Fanone suffered a minor heart attack and a traumatic brain injury in the attack and later resigned from the police force."

Kyle Young and Albuquerque Head also are serving prison time for assaulting Fanone. Thomas Sibick pleaded not guilty and is awaring trial. 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Jeffrey McKellop,

 I thought I posted about Jeffrey McKellop, age 57, ex Special Forces Soldier who showed up on J6 wearing a helmet, tactical vest, protective eyewear and a gas mask. Dressed for a peaceful tour of the Capitol Building, eh.

He is accused of "assaulting officers, throwing bottles at police and allegedly picking up a flagpole and striking a police officer in the face, causing a wound. He then reportedly threw the flagpole at the same officer like a spear." 

He has been in jail for two years. His trial will be delayed due to his attorney quitting and needing new council. It says he is from Fisherville, which I assume is in Virginia due to report being from The Staunton Ledger. 


The article mentions Marine Vet, Thomas Webster,  who was sentenced to 10 years for attacking an officer with flagpole, tackling and choking him. Wester was also a retired police officer. 

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Return of 1776

Special Mention
Mitch McConnell, Kevin McCarthy, Mike Pence, & Bill Gates
           we the people are watching you

Rand Paul & Ron DeSantis
  We the people love you

Oh, so that is who they were watching. Bill Gates? What was Kevin McCarthy's position in Congress in 2020? I am not even sure what McConnell's position was at that time. 

No, I am one of the people that do not like anti-liberty DeSantis. I do not recall disliking Rand Paul, but maybe I am mixing him up with some other guy. Ron Paul? 

It is true that these anti-Americans found their place in history. Unless, of course, DeSantis manages to whitewash history. Not a Patrick Henry, or Paul Revere among them. 

Demand New Election

Demand new election:
Paper Ballots Only
no electronic voting
no mail-in ballots
no absentee ballots
In person with an ID or NO VOTE
Monitored by National Guard

Okay, so mawas thought it their right do demand that no military is allowed to vote by mail, absentee ballots? That disabled people are not allowed to vote? That people in hospitals undergoing treatment not be allowed to vote? That seniors not be allowed to vote?

Are there enough National Guard members to monitor elections in every small rural area, college town, large city with multiple voting districts and even multiple voting places within large districts? 

Talk about logistics! It sounds like a proposal from an elementary school child. Even if there are enough guards people to cover every voting location, would there be enough to relieve them, so that THEY can go cast their ballots? Do they also plan to extend voting hours so that all citizens get to cast their votes?

Or is their proposals a plan to hold unfair elections? Nurses often work 12 shifts ~ will their demand provide for giving them enough time to leave work to get to polling place before it closes?

Paper ballots only? So someone like Tina Peters can shred the ones from non-GOP voters? It seems to me voting by electronics is the safer than paper ballots. As long as people like Peters are caught tampering with hard drives. I, for one, would not trust a voting machine manufactured by Ivanka Trump's  patent. 

I needed to show ID to register to vote to get a voter ID card. Need proof of address in order to assign district. Voting in person, had to show ID a few times, but mostly just sign roster next to my name. 
The reason they make those demands is trump told them so and he is great salesman of his propaganda. If these mawas thought about the "Return of 1776" provisions, they might see how absurd it sounds.


Lead, Second or Hypman lead the following chants
*Free and fair elections
*Liberty or death
*We are watching
*No Trump, No America
*No Justice, No Peace
*We the People
I did not know we had to pay to vote. Would think they would want to end gerrymandering and redistricting to keep elections fair. 

Ah but they complain about Ashli Babbitt. Many are losing liberty, so will they ask for death in jail? (no they cry, and say "sorry")

We, the people did not want trump, only mawa people did. They would rather have a lying, corrupt, cheating, vulgar president than a United States of America?

What about our rights to a fair election. (I do not know what "free" means.) No djt and you plan to toss out our votes? 

Ah,yes, we know ~ you were watching your man trump to give the signal to "march peacefully to the Capitol to fight like hell." They were watching to see Mike Pence "do the right thing" as expressed by the sore loser. 

"No Justice, No Peace" co-opted from Rodney King riots? 

Patriot Plan Logistics

Patriot Plan Logistics
for release to the public
You are the revolution
Be part of history & fight for this country, so our children don't have to.
It's all or nothing Patriots, boldness and bravery is necessary.

Planning to storm government buildings with goal of stopping counting of electoral college votes makes one a patriot, how? 

Were the 1776 people who revolted, patriotic British residents? 

Return of 1776

 Return of 1776 document 

I might have to download the PDF document to read it all. 

It is plans to "Storm the Winter Palace," preparation January 1 to January 5; Jan. 6 Execution Day. There is a list of government buildings and map circling their locations. The document has a form to fill out ~ listing manpower assignments. 

"These are OUR buildings. They are just renting space."

I did not know that presidents and Congress people rent space in their place of business. The White House was not built for the people, it was built for president to live. In addition to it being his (and his family) home, it is where he conducts presidential business. 

Imagine if he lived "downtown" or in nearby Delaware, Maryland; when the country is attacked on a weekend. All departments of Federal government have offices in the White House. 

So some ignorant person decided the Capitol building (and the other 6 or so listed) belong to citizens, the J6 rioters believe they have the right to go inside to stop the counting of electoral college votes? 

Erika Flores ~ 1776 Returns

 Erika Flores, lady friend of  Enrique Tarrio, provided him with a copy of "1776 Returns" written by Samuel Armes. She  pleaded the Fifth when subpoenaed in May.

I did not know that people could plead the Fifth to a subpoena. 

Armes claims he "did some 'war-gaming' about what might happen if a sitting president refused to leave office after the election." That Flores took his rough outline and created the "1776 Returns" document. 

It mentioned the Winter Palace, and a plan to storm government buildings. Ashli Babbitt posted about the "storm coming" so perhaps that is where the idea was generated. I think she is among others who texted, posted, shouted, "the storm is HERE!" 

I have not yet checked link to "1776 Returns" to read the document. Some government office also claimed "this is our 1776." Those people who applauded the J6 riot, refused to impeach DJT, need to be removed from Congress. 

It is odd they are part of the government they want to overthrow. But I guess they would expect high appointments in a trump dictatorship. 

Andrew Alan Hernandez

 Andrew Alan Hernandez, 45, "entered the building via the East Rotunda Door, which was forced open, then milled about with others who had breached the Capitol."

He posted on social media before entering the building:  “They are trying to steal the vote and will perfect and protect their fraudulent voting system when in power.” Hernandez is among 6 other Riverside County, California residents to be charged in J6 insurrection. 

Kevin Strong, 46, ~ 24 months in prison for picketing inside the building. 

Rafael Valadez Jr., 43, same charge, 30 days in prison due o plea bargain.

Derek Kinnison, 41, of Lake Elsinore, Felipe Antonio Martinez, 49, of Lake Elsinore, Ron Mele, 53, of Temecula, and Erik Scott Warner, 47, of Menifee are awaiting sentencing. (as of Jan. 30, 2023)

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Bruno Cua ~ shoved guard to ground

 Bruno Cua, 20, is among those who forced themselves into the Capitol building on J6. He also shoved a guard to the ground. So much for peaceful tourist visit, eh.

Many angry MAWA comments on articles that report arrests, or sentences of the rioters. Typical "What about BLM who burned down cities?"

Today, a person upped it to "burned down the whole country." A lot of foul language. One very long post from Michelle, was full of false info, including biased media. I spent much of the summer of 2020 hospitalized and not up on those riots. 

I am sure the news reports at that time mentioned the numbers of people arrested on the same day they rioted. Unlike the J6 rioters who basically went home, to be arrested at later dates. BLM, antifa, other Alt Right riots, the police were well-prepared to deal with the mobs. J6 guards were not; outnumbered by the mob.

Daryl Johnson ~ arrested again

Daryl Johnson, 52 was sentenced to 30 days for participation in J6 attack on government. He and his son, Daniel (who was sentenced to 4 months) were charged with entering the Capitol through a shattered window and at one point allowing more rioters to enter by rushing a group of police officers who were trying to hold a door to the building shut.

Daryl's new charge is "invasion of privacy" by using his cellphone to film a woman in tanning booth. The salon is registered to an entity owned by his father, former St. Ansgar Mayor mayor. The family owns 9 laundromats, a car wash in addition to the salon.

Daryl's reason for going to D.C. on J6 was anger that some of his properties were damaged during George Floyd riots. 

Monday, February 13, 2023

Thomas B. Adams ~ no regrets

 Thomas B. Adams has no regrets "I wouldn't change anything I did," it is reported that he told a journalist. He was in the building but did not leave because "no one told him specially to leave the building" on J6. 

 Adams told The State Journal-Register "I didn't do anything. I still to this day, even though I had to admit guilt (in the stipulation), don't feel like I did what the charge is.

"I was never asked to get out until a group of officers came on the Senate floor and told everybody in there it was time to go. We all lined up and walked out."

He was found guilty of obstructing an official proceeding, aiding and abetting others in committing said obstruction. Also guilty of misdemeanor charge of remaining in building. 

If they had not stormed the building, the count would have continued. (obstructing) Congressional business resumed 4 hours later, keeping Congress people (and staff) working until 3AM. He knows he was in the building, on Senate floor, no Congress people there,yet did not do anything? 

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Kevin Seefried~ Confederate flag

 It is reported that Kevin Seefried, age 53, tearfully apologized, saying he never wanted to send a message of hate to anyone. He carried a Confederate flag to the Stop the Steal rally on J6. He and his son climbed through a broken window. Prosecutors claim Kevin was the 12th person to illegally enter the Capitol building. 

Inside Kevin jabbed at guard with the end of the flagpole, using it as a weapon. He was part of the group that chased guard up stairs. The officer lead the rioters away from chambers where VP Pence and Senators were being evacuated. Goodman testified that Seefried asked where members of Congress were counting the votes and said “You can shoot me, man, but we’re coming in.”

His son, Hunter Seefried, then age 22 was sentenced to two years in prison. 

Seefried claims he did not know that the Confederate flag is considered a symbol of racism. I guess he also did not know that it is an Anti-American symbol, representing southern states that did not want to be part of the U.S. of A. Seems to me his tears are that he is going to jail. Even 22 year old son should know the south lost the civil war. 

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Brian Scott McGee, Jeremy Ghristian Harrison

 Brian Scott McGee, a former member of the Missouri National Guard was arrested and charged with misdemeanor offenses relating to J6.

He was in the building for under 2 minutes and spoke to Jeremy Christian Harrison.

Harrison from Florida was also arrested on same charges.

"McGee said that he heard people in the crowd saying that U.S. Capitol police officers were allowing people to enter the U. S. Capitol building. He observed four or five U.S. Capitol police officers wearing riot gear gesture for people to enter the U.S. Capitol and fist bumping them as they walked by.”

Video does not support his claim.

McGee said he and a 3rd man met online. Harrison said they met McGee at Crystal City Marriott in Washington. (I believe writer meant Washington DC)

Harrison also thought guards were blocking one area, while directing those who entered the building to go another way. When he heard "chaos" and screaming, like, McGee, he left the building. 


3rd man's name was redacted from affidavit. (writer said "charging document)


These two guys suddenly realized they had to leave the building. I wonder if they still support the man who sent them there?

Friday, February 10, 2023

Daniel Lyons Scott

 Daniel Lyons Scott, 29. of Bradenton, Florida plead guilty to multiple charges for his part in J6 riot. The Proud Boy member goes by his nickname, Milkshake. He looks like he consumed a lot of them, along with a lot of chicken wings, steaks, burgers, beers. 

"Scott helped lead a charge against law enforcement that ultimately led to the rioters gaining access to the interior of the Capitol building." 

He faces up to 28 years in prison. Of course judges have been giving slap on the wrist lenient sentences. Dangers to the U.S. of A. ~ trump still leading them to do more violence. I would not trust them to be free. 

Jason Farris

 Jason Farris, age 44, of Arlington Texas: 

 *hit the baton of officer holding bike rack

*other rioters grabbed one of the bicycle racks and tried to pull it away

*Farris  shoved an officer in the back with both hands, knocking him to the ground

*the others pulled the bike rack away from guards and carried it into the crowd


Why do mawas keep saying it was a) not a riot, b) peaceful protest, c) no violence? 

'Cause Mawas are good #45 parrots, I imagine. 

Thursday, February 9, 2023

The State of the Union

"Because the soul of this nation is strong, because the backbone of this nation is strong, because the people of this nation are strong, the State of the Union is strong.

As I stand here tonight, I have never been more optimistic about the future of America. We just have to remember who we are.

We are the United States of America and there is nothing, nothing beyond our capacity if we do it together."

Quote is from President Biden's 2023 State of the Union transcript. In my mind, he ended the speech, loudly proclaiming: "the State of the Union is strong," followed by the typical "God Bless America." 

Yesterday I skimmed through a few articles about the SOTU address. I did not find those words; hence searched for the transcript. I started reading the entire thing, but quickly scrolled to the end, to find what I wanted to share. I forced self to watch it all, although I was tempted to change channels several times.

I read a CNN fact check. Basically the stats Biden quoted were true. But CNN noted that they did not accurately prove Joe's claims, as to being responsible for positive outcomes, such as low unemployment rates. 

I do not know that the state of the union is strong. I would say the state of the union is discontent. 

Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Who Is Nicholas Adamopoulos?

 Who is this guy, Nick Adams, who tweeted:

"This snub of Kid Rock only confirms what we already knew, the Grammys are rigged against respectable pro-God musicians."

An Australian born FOX news political commentator, born Nicholas Adamopoulos. 

Someone replied to the Tweet: Kid Rock should be the most popular artist out there, he's being blackballed for singing about the truth! 

I assume by "the truth" he meant the F*** laden :We The People Tune," which was a rant against "Brandon," Fauci, vaccines, masks and so on. 

Sample lyrics from Kid Rock's Cool Daddy Cool song:

“Young ladies, young ladies
I like 'em underage see
Some say that's statutory
(Joe C.) But I say it's MANDATORY!”

LOL This is what passes as "respectable pro-God" now-a-days? What god would that be?

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Lauren Boebert

Lauren Boebert sermon used: 

 "May his days be few; may another take his place of leadership. May his children be fatherless and his wife a widow. May his children be wandering beggars; may they be driven from their ruined homes. May a creditor seize all he has; may strangers plunder the fruits of his labor." Psalm 109.8

As her prayer for President Joe Biden. "But he has an insurance policy ~ Kamela Harris." Those "good Christians" in her church laughed in agreement. 

So basically Boebert is saying she will not assassinate Joe because she does not want Kamerla to take over? 

A good example making the case for separation of church and state. Of course, she believes that her church should run the government.

GOP is The Party of Rule-or-Ruin, putting those types of haters who call themselves Christians  into Congress. 

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Grayson Sherrill ~ peaceful?

 Grayson Sherrill of Cherryville, North Carolina, age 23 plead guilty after family members turned him into FBI.

"As Sherrill approached the Capitol, Sherrill saw downed metal barricades and broken fencing around the Capitol building. Sherrill and his co-defendants made it to the West front of the Capitol, where Sherrill observed other rioters climbing scaffolding, scaling walls, and fighting with the police, including spraying chemical irritants and throwing objects at police officers. Sherrill witnessed police officers retreating from the rioters.

Sherrill and a co-defendant each picked up a metal pole that had been broken off from a metal bicycle barricade. They carried the metal poles with them throughout the remainder of their time on restricted grounds and inside the Capitol building, according to the U.S. Attorney's Office."

As per staff reporters from The Gaston Gazette/ Penalty for assaulting officer penalty sentence could include 8 year prison term. He bought a "Faraday bag" prior to going to the rally to stop government from tracking his movements. Seems pre-medicated crime.

Duttin Sargent

When Dustin Sargent, 30, of Kunkletown, Pennsylvania, was asked via Facebook message how he thought the protest would go he wrote, that he would want his wife to visit him in hospital if he is dying and that government offiials “may be publicly hung.”

Premedicated violence? 

Saturday, February 4, 2023

Bradley Stuart Bennett, 42,

 "I certainly want to get my life out of the train station and get my life moving again," Bradley Stuart Bennett, 42.

Perhaps he should have taken the same plea bargain his former girlfriend, Elizabeth Rose Williams of Kerrville, Texas, a year ago. Now he is trying to delay his trial by seeking a public defender after defending himself for 13 1/2 months after rejecting the plea bargain and firing his attorney.

Start plea bargain process all over again? How about just pleading guilty, get your sentence and your 'train' can leave the station. 

Friday, February 3, 2023

Phillip Young ~ bike rack

 Philip Young, 61, was among the earliest J6 rioters who used a bike rack barrier to attack guards. He later deflated tires on a government vehicle. 

Just another peaceful tourist day at the nation's Capital. 

Derrick Evans

 Derrick Evans is running for a U.S. Congress House seat. 

“I will not compromise my values or beliefs. That’s what politicians do. We need Patriots not politicians."

His values and beliefs lead him to join the mob trying to stop counting of electoral college votes, at bidding of then president.

Patriots do not try to overturn an election. I see that GOP congress will not let ban of guns in Congress to stand. So add Derrick Evans to Congress, so he, MTG, Boebert, Santos, Hawley, Scott, and the others can try to overthrow the government from within the Congress floor ~ free for all shootout with T/Bannon team winning this time?

I do not know if the AP article by Alanna Durkin Richer & Michael Kunzelman is accurate. It states that Evans plead guilty to a felony, He was sentenced to 3 months in jail for civil disorder. He told the judge he regretted his "crucial mistake."

Now that he is running for office, he says he is" telling the truth" ~ what he told the judge ~ that he regretted it everyday, good person who unfortunately was caught up in a moment," was just for the judge and media. (Hoping for a lighter sentence, which he got.)

He now confesses he regrets that he lost almost everything, his job as state delegate, time with his kids. 

I thought felons are not allowed to vote. How can he serve as an elected official? Makes no sense to me.

Since he is in West Virginia, he is likely to get elected. 

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Joseph Pavlik ~ heave, ho

 Joseph Pavlik, 65, Chicago Firefighter, was part of "B squad" that forced their way through guards to enter the Capitol building on J6. He wore a gas mask, and tactical vest.

Again, if this was simply a tourist visit (on day Capitol was closed to the public) why dress for war? He and his squad spent hours inside, with Pavlik shouting "heave ho," as they pushed past guards. He is aligned with Three Percenters hate group.

He posted on his Facebook page on 12/14/2020:
"These aren't Americans they are indoctrinated socialists that hate America and hate Americans. We need to be much more brutal than punching and kicking, this is not some simple street disagreement."


They who? He sounds like someone who was successfully taught to accept certain beliefs without any critical thinking. 

GOP loves to call Democrats "socialist" or "communists" or, now Marxists. So I can only assume Pavlik was indoctrinated by GOP and their talking heads.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Daniel Caldwell ~ tourist came ~ prepared with chemical spray

 Daniel Caldwell, a 51-year-old Marine Corps veteran "tourist" came prepared for the tour of Capitol building on J6, with a chemical irritant. He spayed it at about 15 police officers. The chemical spray created a cloud that made it hard for guards to see, and caused  officer who he sprayed began to “vomit uncontrollably.” 

Now this brave, Semper Fi always loyal to the U.S. of A., cries throughout his court hearing. He regrets his actions, says he should have known better, yada yada. 

I think he is crying for the mess of his personal life, more than out of regret for causing so much damage to the country. 

All these MAWAs and their leader say "they had no weapons." GOP congresspeople are anti-American for not impeaching that man and getting out of government forever more.