Saturday, July 16, 2022

Article Comments

  "Her child now doesn't have theirs because she decided to get pregnant as a teenager."

"If you care about it that much, dennis... you can move states. The tire fire of California would welcome your stupidity." "yup - no concern for the murdering of a child."

"Every single woman I know who has had an abortion thinks about that murder on the murder day and on the day that would have been the child's birthday."

"Or birth control. Doesn't anyone even think of that anymore??"

"abortion is the worst form of child abuse in this case the child never has a chance to recover from that (abortion) abuse"

"I'm sorry, but I feel that if someone did not want a baby, there was enough ways such as the pill, or safe sex rather than killing a life that is in fact only God's choice, not yours to murder."

 " but this is how these tunnel vision pro-abortonists have been proven to think." (their spelling error, not mine)

*50+ years ago it was not likely a teenager would be given birth control pills.
*I do not know of any female who had an abortion as a teen that thinks about terminating an unwanted pregnancy.  
*Yes, the boy who sweet talked or pressured his girlfriend into having sex should have used condoms. 50 some years ago a young virgin teen girl probably did not know anything about birth control.
*I guess one could say that chemo kills cancer cells. I do not know why they consider a zygote as life to be killed or murdered. 
*At 6 weeks an embryo's heart is not fully formed. The cluster of cells that will become the heart, emits electrical signals that could be mistaken for a heartbeat.
*The fetus will not be able to survive outside the female's womb until 6 months. 
*Terminating a pregnancy prior to that point is only taking away POTENTIAL life.
*There can not be a child without first giving birth to a baby.

But this is how the anti choice people's tunnel vision have been proven to think. I did not reply to any comments on the article. Waste of time explaining about ectopic and other non viable pregnancies. Talk about tunnel vision, they are like horses with binders on their eyes. 

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