Thursday, July 21, 2022

heartless Tudor Dixon

Tudor Dixon opposes abortion due to uncle raping 14-year-old niece

Not allowing a doctor assisted early termination of pregnancy for a child is to impose cruel & unusual punishment upon the girl. As one reader commented:

(Gena wrote:) 
My 14 year-old granddaughter's hips are 9.5 inches from hip point to hip point. I cannot imagine her carrying a baby in that tiny cavity. It would cause excruciating pain and she would be in danger of getting a fistula or some other horrible condition. The baby would have a low birth weight and be at risk of other congenital conditions. And that doesn't even address the mental anguish that children forced to give birth experience. It seems a bit ironic that these anti-abortion people claim to care about life--what about the life of a little girl? Doesn't she matter? This is all so cruel and senseless.

Another reader also commented about her 14-year-old granddaughter's size. Some readers suggested that heartless Tudor Dixon might feel differently if her husband raped one of her daughters. And wondered how many couples would care to adopt a baby produced by incestous rape.
Politicians, Supreme Court justices are not gynecologists. They do not have enough information about pregnancies to forbid choice. Other readers pointed out that it would be these same politicians/government that will get to decide if a female's life is endangered during pregnancy.
President Obama presented the example of a pregnant female being rushed to hospital after car crash. The doctor should be free to administer life-saving treatment, without worrying that s/he might have to go to court to prove s/he had to perform a surgery or administer medication that caused the fetus to abort.

Consulting with 3 other physicians to determine if the woman's life is truly in danger, might consign her to death. Government needs to stop meddling in females' health concerns. And ditto those who vote for politicians like heartless Tudor Dixon.

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