Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Pregnancy & Cancer


Options for treating pregnant women for cancer.

14th Amendment forbids the states from depriving any person of “life, liberty, or property, without due process of law” and from denying anyone equal protection under the law.

States like Texas deprive females of liberty when it comes to pregnancy, and also want to penalize them, often forcing them to go through court. 

A woman with a miscarriage went to jail due to medical personnel reporting her for a self-induced pregnancy termination. It is a sad precedent that many females will now need to prove a miscarriage was natural. 

A doctor in Ohio is being investigated after ending the ten-year-old rape victim's pregnancy at the request of her parents. 

Luckily an embryo will abort (according to article) by two weeks due to certain chemo drugs or tests. Unlucky the woman who learns that her fetus became deformed due to cancer treatment if she learns that after 6 weeks of pregnancy

The 8th Amendment prohibits cruel & unusual punishment. Forcing a pregnant woman with cancer to continue pregnancy of a deformed fetus is cruel. It would be unusual for men to suffer the same fate. 

How about arresting, fining, jailing the boy/man who created an unwanted pregnancy. 

The Supreme Court gave states the green light to (mis)treat females in any manner they deem fair, for having the audacity to get cancer while pregnant. Or consenting to rape & incestuoud relationships. 

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