Saturday, July 2, 2022

Baby will cry until it dies

A judge told an 11-year-old girl that if she had an abortion the baby would cry until it dies. A 22-week old aborted fetus probably can not cry. Its lungs and brain are not fully developed; its skin is paper thin; It has an estimated 9% chance of survival with major, expensive, Intensive Care.

I did not fact check the story of the 11-year-old Brazilian child being raped. She did not know that the rape resulted in pregnancy. When her parents realized the child was pregnant due to the rape, they took her to get an abortion. It was denied due hospital refusing to perform abortions after 20 weeks. The child was 22  weeks, 2 days along. 

A court case ensued. 

I want to respond to some of the comments on the article without logging into Yahoo in order to do. Thus my next posts will address my thoughts on some of those comments.

11-year-old pregnant rape victim

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