Other secession comments; almost all agreed that divorcing red states from blue or secession was a great idea.
Democrats say, then Red states no longer get money from Blue states that support them. No more aid to Texas, New Orleans, after hurricanes or Alabama tornadoes, thank you very much.
Mawas or GOP hate Democrats ~ Communists is common slur. Drag queens, CRT, other stuff being "shoved down their throats." Reality, it is Christian Right that demands we obey their rules. No women shall be allowed to get treatment for ectopic pregnancy, have a D & C, and shall be forced to give birth to a stillborn baby. Supreme Court gave states the right to deny liberty based on gender. Who is forcing who?
One or two people who commented showed signs of intelligence. My words; do we build a wall around Texas, requiring passports for them to travel to the U.S. of A.? What happens to Interstate highways, paid for by U.S. of A. government? Cross country trains? One asked about commerce between states ~ export/import, tariffs, more laws? Another pointed out today's military as compared to 1861. Any state that tried to remove themselves from nation would be defeated in, I think, poster said, 30 minutes.
I suggest people look at the 1975 Electoral College map. California was red, Texas and New York were blue. Demographics change, people change party affiliations. There are not red states, there are no blue states, there are states with diverse populations. Would a Green be allowed to live in a Red State? A Libertarian in a Blue State. Ridiculous, unintelligent idea.
We either live together or perish together. China/Russia would simply love a Divided States of America. Peeps need to stop hating and try listening and understanding others. I understand why some people are opposed to doctor assisted termination of pregnancies.
But I do not understand why they do not understand all the reasons why the choice belongs to the woman and her doctor. Prove that life begins at conception. Most females do not know they are pregnant until missing a period or two. I had a cousin who did not know she was pregnant until she went into labor.
How can that be? Change of life baby, they used to be called. At that age, the chubby lady was moving towards obesity. Her menstrual cycle had already stopped. She had not reason to suspect the weight gain had to do with pregnancy.
Nitpicking point, but it is more potential for life, not life itself. A living, breathing, walking, talking female should have more rights than an invisible zygote, blastocyst and even fetus.
Someone suggested it should be done by county referendum. Okay, so Orange County, California can opt to sede from Los Angeles County? Or secede from the U.S. of A. How would that work?
No wonder people vote for the likes of M.T. Greene and djt ~ no critical thinking skills. Secession is a terrible idea; can not divorce states without destroying the U. S. of A.