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Monday, January 13, 2025


 "...the one with the most propaganda can persuade people to believe something do something or despise something" unknown

I guess I answered my own query about why anyone would consider the Felon-elect to be qualified to be president. Again. 

Veterans & Vermin

 2023 Veterans day He "made a “pledge” to “root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country in honor of our great Veterans on Veteran's Day."
”get rid of vermin within"

Example of #45 messages. Why people think that is presidential and appropriate is beyond me.

Rhetoric invokes a term frequently used by Nazis to dehumanize Jews, including a 1939 quote attributed to Hitler: “This vermin must be destroyed. The Jews are our sworn enemies,” he told the Czech foreign minister, according to historical accounts.
(used the word vermin)

Stolen Election

A guy named Al Schmidt, a Philadelphia Commissioner and so-called Republican (RINO), is being used big time by the Fake  News Media to explain how honest things were with respect to the Election in Philadelphia. He refuses to look at a mountain of corruption & dishonesty. We win!
9:03 AM · Nov 11, 2020

Gold Star family slur

 "If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say... Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me." DJT about Ghazala Khan, when her husband was blasting him. 

President Bill Clinton said "I cannot conceive how he can say that about a Gold Star mother."

Tim Kaine said Trump's remarks were inappropriate. "He was kind of trying to turn that into some kind of ridicule. It just demonstrates again kind of a temperamental unfitness. If you don't have any more sense of empathy than that, then I'm not sure you can learn it."

Tariffs & 1929

*The Smoot-Hawley Act was created to protect U.S. farmers and other industries from foreign competitors.

*The Smoot-Hawley Act increased tariffs on foreign imports to the U.S. by about 20%; at least 25 countries responded by increasing their own tariffs on American goods.

*Global trade plummeted, contributing to the ill effects of the Great Depression.

*Prior to signing the Act, more than 1,000 economists urged President Hoover to veto it.

*Hoover's successor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt worked to reduce tariffs and was given more authority to negotiate with heads of state under the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Let the lies begin

Felon Trump wrote on Truth Social: "Newsom refused to approve a “water restoration declaration” that “would have allowed millions of gallons of water . . . to flow daily into many parts of California” to instead “protect an essentially worthless fish called a smelt."

Every "MSM" needs to write or air this, educating citizens on the fact that there is no such thing as a Water Restoration Declaration." WTF 

He not only lied he used a nasty nickname for Governor Newsom; probably to the delight of his loyal gaga MAGAs/MAWAS.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Election 2028

 The Felon has not been sworn into office yet, and they are talking about Election 2028. Dump suggested his son, Don, Jr. run for office, starting a Dump dynasty. Because he is so qualified? Maybe if Dump wants a dynasty, he and family should sell Trump, Org, new owners rename it. 

Lara Trump's saying Democrats are doing everything they can to thwart the will of the people, and the November 5th manate. LIke Kamala Harris' supporters stormed the capitol, attacked guards, broke into the building trashing it, after she held a "stop the steal rally?" 

A family of liars? Or a delusional family? WTF?

Lara Trump idiocracy

 "They lied when they said they wanted a smooth and peaceful transition."
"That was a lie because what they’re doing, throwing everything in Donald Trump’s way, trying to thwart the will of the American people and the mandate they sent out on November 5 is absolutely disgraceful but it is the only thing the Democrats know how to do."

Lara Trump

A dynasty of liars? 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Rep. Jamie Raskin

 Raskin tells a joke about J7th 2021. He was in Nancy's office and people are calling saying they were in her office "yesterday" and might have left their phone, purse, "do you have a lost and found." Yes, give us the guards your name, address, etal. 

I did not know who Jamie Raskin was until it was reported he had lymphoma. So many nasty comments about the man on the article. Oh, I see: J6th committee. I read his book Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials Of American Democracy. 

I was impressed and hoped he would run for the presidency. Quite intelligent. 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Info re: J5th pipe bombs

J 5th 2021 pipe bombs. 

MAGAs Are Not Better Than That

 "I write too much, I worry myself to death," to paraphrase an old tune.

In reply to the Substack article I shared, "We Are Better Than This," I wanted to add to the post: no, MAGAS are not better than that. 

#45 took credit for SCOTUS giving states the right to deny liberty to females. (Roe v. Wade) MAGAs obviously approve of that ruling. MAGAs put the felon back in the White House. Note: #45, was a president who said "I take no responsibility at all," many times about many things. When he does publically take responsibility, MAGAS vote for him. That is, they are not better than that.

My daughter's MAWA co-worker, is a "baby killer," woman. You abort a nonviable pregnancy, you killed a baby: "Case closed." Woman like that disturb me as much as the men. A woman should know about ectopic pregnancies, and all the other reasons a female might need a doctor to terminate the pregnancy. 

Amber Thurman is only one of many females that died ~ along with the fetus she equates with a baby. MAGAs like horses with blinders on; just see what they want to see; not open to discussion or logical thinking.

Too sad; I was looking forward to "mind your own business," Tim Walz as Vice President. MAGAs gave us "childless cat ladies," Vance instead. 

We Are Better Than This

 We Are Better Than This  Substack by JoJoFromJerz

The article starts with Amber Thurman's last words: Promise me you'll take care of my son."

Amber died because doctors were afraid to treat life threatening infection, least they be arrested due to SCOTUS giving states the right to deny liberty to females. To wit: Roe v. Wade. 

When GOP's goal was to end Roe v. Wade, I stopped considering them for any elected position. The first thing I would check in any election was a candidate's position on Roe v. Wade. I was pregnant 3 times; the father wanted me to abort all three. His parents tried to convince me to abort #2. I refused. I told him I would abort #3, if he came up with the money. I knew that he would not. So why do I care about Roe v. Wade?

Read the article.

It explains part of my reason. Physicians should not fear being arrested if they assist a pregnant female, because the needed care might cause the fetus (embryo) to abort.  D & C's have been standard care after natural miscarriages for as long as I can remember. 

Medical professions should not have to fear treating a pregnant female involved in a car crash, because treatment might induce a miscarriage.

A raped 14-year-old girl's parents should not have to travel to another state to have doctor assisted termination of the unwanted pregnancy.  No raped female should be forced to carry her rapists fetus to turn. If men gave birth, they would know to force childbirth is cruel & unusual punishment.

Who is adopting all those unwanted babies? Those forced childbirths? Put into the system, abused by foster parents, aged out at 18 with no place to go? 

It has zero effect on my life if a teenager, gotten pregnant by boyfriend  ~ whose first words are: "It isn't mine," ~ leaves her to deal with the unwanted pregnancy, choses doctor assistance to terminate the pregnancy. 

Let the choice be between the pregnant females and her religious beliefs. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Tesla explosion outside of Trump hotel

 "The remains were burned beyond recognition and investigators have not definitively identified them as Livelsberger, but the IDs and tattoos on the body..."

Okay, body burned beyond recognition, yet the tats were visible? 

There's No Love Left

 There's No Love Left

On November 7, 2025, I posted "World Without Love," by Bobby Rydell. I happened upon "There's No Love Left" by the Isley Brothers, at You Tube a minute ago. It was a B-side of 45RPM. I always listened to B-sides. This is the only one I listened to over and over again; most got one play and done. 

Do not know why I related to those two tunes as a teen. I did not have any boyfriends or love life back then. Perhaps a reflection on the state of the world? Reading comments on a Never Trumper short, hate from MAWAs is strong (and lies) and truly mocks the song of "peace on earth goodwill to men." 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


 Day one 2025, a man drove a truck into crowd at New Orleans, killing ten, wounding others. 

Dump wrote:

"When I said that criminals coming in are far worse than the criminals we have in our country, that statement was constantly refuted by Democrats and the Fake News Media, but it turned out to be true. The crime rate in our country is at a level that nobody has ever seen before."

The man is a U.S. born/raised citizen. FOX news retracted a statement that the man's truck was seen entering the US from a border checkpoint "two days ago." Perhaps DJT first heard about the incident from FOX? M.T. Greene repeated FOX's lie. 

Hello 2025! Facts show that it is true, homegrown citizens commit more crimes than immigrants, legal or not. MAGAS were quick to criticize President Biden and praise trump for quick response to the tragedy. I guess FOX did not tell them that Joe contacted New Orleans mayor, and issued a White House statement before dump posted his lie. 

Crime increased during his years in office; crime has steadily decreased under Biden's admin. But to dump it is "never seen before." So sad MAWAS put him back in the Oval Office. 

Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Called Pete Buttigieg Alfred E. Neuman

 DJT nicknamed Pete Buttigieg "Alfred E. Neuman," because he looks like the MAD magazine "what, me worry" character. Pete had to look it up on Google; said "it must be a generational thing."

Later in an interview when asked how he felt Pete replied:
"we talk a lot about elevating dialogue so I guess the fact that I inspired him to make a literary reference for the sake of..."


 Easily distracted from my goals, paused dumping my saved #45 comments. Not that anyone reads this, but did not want so many new posts daily. So take breaks. One day I got an e-mail that someone followed me on SubStack. What is Substack? Seems one of this Blogs posts is what caused the lady to follow me. How it got on SubStack, I do not know. 

Between SubStack and Bluesky, I get distracted and add something to this blog, pausing my goal of moving all documents here. Will make that my New Year's goal to finish up this project. 


 "It's not her, it's the people that surround her. They're scum. They are scum, and they want to take down our country. They are absolute garbage."

Someone posted an image of MAWAS wearing garbage bags, with words "proud to be garbage," after President Biden called them garbage. They all forget when Dump called Kamala supporters garbage. 

Sunday, December 29, 2024

Dump's Carter tribute

 “I just heard of the news about the passing of President Jimmy Carter. Those of us who have been fortunate to have served as President understand this is a very exclusive club, and only we can relate to the enormous responsibility of leading the Greatest Nation in History.#dump Truth Social Post
(makes it about him)

He "“strongly disagreed” with Carter “philosophically and politically."
(of course he did)

 “He was also very consequential, far more than most Presidents, after he left the Oval Office." Dump (has to criticize other presidents)

President Obama had positive words about Carter's work as President, teaching Sunday school, and The Carter Foundation. Eloquent, as always.

President and Jill Biden also wrote a fitting tribute to President and Rosalynn Carter. 

I will never understand how he got elected again. I was hoping for sanity. 

Real Men


President Obama asked President G. W. Bush if he could meet all the living presidents. These are real men who deserved to be in the Oval Office. Not petty like "I am the only one who can fix what is wrong with America," malignant narcissistic megalomaniac Dump.

Image used without permission: Pres. Bush, Pres. Obama, Pres. G.W. Bush, Pres. Clinton and Pres. Jimmy Carter. RIP Jimmy Carter.