Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Maria Shriver

 Maria Shriver comments during a Los Angeles rally for Senator Obama.

if Barack Obama was a state he'd be California

Think about it...diverse, open, smart, independent, bucks tradition, innovative, inspiring, dreamer, leader

not about himself, it is about us ~ the power of us ~ he empowers all of us

what kind of America do I believe in (have conversation with yourself and ask in your heart)

do I believe in an America that's about  unity, its about coming together, its about seeing beyond the labels,you gotta see beyond the labels that divide us

we should give a shout out to everyone who is running for president of the United States*

California is about unity, and because we're all about leadership, * I really believe these all good people all following their own(truth) (choice?), they're all following their own voice and they all believe they can make a difference in this country
I have been searching for a stump speech from Obama's campaign that impressed me. I thought perhaps it was Carolina Kennedy. What I remember was something like: 

We all want the same thing for the country, we just disagree on how to get it. Maria Shriver's speech was the closest that I found to what I recall hearing.

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