Saturday, January 28, 2023


 "On some great and glorious day," wrote H. L. Mencken in 1920, "the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." 

"In the first eight years of the new century this first prediction is still fodder for debate, but the second is not." ~ unknown


Actually the plain folks got their heart's desire in 2016. Plain folks aka: silent majority, or White Supremacists. Remains to be seen if they will start a new civil war as they have threatened to do.

Trump promised “problems ... the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen” if he is indicted. He has called on his thugs saying it is time to "deal with" the "cancer" "weaponized, thugs, tyrants" "FBI, DOJ, Democrats." 

In 2015 I said he was a believer in conspiracy theories. His QAnon support and spreading of their lies proved I was correct. Maybe he does not believe them? Just uses his sales skills to sell them to citizens?

He tested their willingness to act on his commands twice  ~ Michigan State House, and plot to kidnap Whitmer to execute her. Is not anyone paying attention? GOP House want to expunge the two impeachments. They are forming a committee to investigate the people who investigated him and 4 of them.It seems they want to get DJT back in the White House and then..

...we really will not have a country anymore. 

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