Sunday, August 28, 2022

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Peter Clemenza
Liberal mentality, no problem killing babies but go nuts about criminals getting the death penalty,they need some seriuos mental help

Jane Morris
Democrats want to slice and dice babies alive in the womb until birth. Pure evil.

Unintelligent people who spew lies that were fed to them. 

No, #Jane Morris, Democrats want females and their doctors to determine if a pregnancy is viable; and they want females to have their 14th Amendment right to liberty. Of course, #Jane Morris, maybe you do not believe women are now to be given the same rights as male citizens of the U.S. of A.?

#Peter Clemenza, no, Democrats do not condone killing babies. They believe in a woman's right to make her own choices regarding her health. Do not see rapists being castrated ~ not that castration prevents them from raping again with other objects or parts of their bodies.

The reason, #Peter Clemenza, people oppose the death penalty is that innocent people have already been put to death for crimes they did not commit. I do not label myself other than Independent voter, I choose candidates, not parties. Although I will probably never vote for a Republican again, even for City Council or other local election.

A person proven guilty of raping, killing a child, for instance; yeah, let the parents do as they want to them. I would not want to see them coddled; lock them up with other serial killers, rapists, heinous criminals, no cells to keep them safe from each other. No TVs, radios, mail, canteen. Just the basics. That they may suffer the same fate as they visited upon the children. 

Death does not punish them, it might save tax dollars in the long run, and prevents them from repeating their crime. I personally could not do the killing ~ except in a state of rage, perhaps. Perhaps you would be willing to "pull the switch," administer the injection. My Democrat sister (may she RIP) would gladly have pulled the switch. As righteous religious Christian as she was, she favored the death penalty. 

Just to be funny, 
 #Peter Clemenza, "Republican spelling..."

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