Thursday, February 29, 2024

Another "non violent" J6th rioter?

Another one bites the dust? 


"Busloads of Antifa dressed as trump supporters?"

I am anti fascism, but can never find a local or national Antifa organization to join. Djt supporters must support fascism if they object to "antifa" guys? 

I guess the non organization could include females willing to riot to fight fascism in the U.S. of A. But whenever I see photos, they are usually young guys. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Greatest Presidents survey

Facebook would not let me share this ~ said it was spam. 

Greatest President's survey

Friday, January 12, 2024

Thomas Webster

            Thomas "Webster then aggressively shoved the metal gate into the officer’s body. He raised the flagpole and forcefully swung it toward the officer. The officer managed to wrest the flagpole away. Webster, however, then broke through the metal barricade, tackled the officer to the ground, and tried to remove his helmet and gas mask, choking him. During this attack, the officer struggled to breathe. While Webster had the officer restrained on the ground and unable to breathe, others in the mob began kicking the officer. The officer sustained several injuries as a result of Webster’s attack."


Webster came prepared wearing a bulletproof vest. Why would he do that for a "guided tour?" 


Sunday, January 7, 2024

Georgia Rep. Mike Collins, spin

 “J6 messaging from the left and media is all about making regular Americans the enemy and manipulating facts to accumulate power,” Georgia Rep. Mike Collins.

He also called it the "lamest insurrection in history," and that only one person died. The article mentioned the guards who died, later, as a result of the attack. But failed to mention the person who died from drug overdose, who, it had been first reported, was stomped to death by the mob. 

Only DJT, GOP elected officials, FOX news, manipulate facts, to accumulate 'power.' Or to keep trump's idolatoers on their side. Clear indication what the GOP wants for the U.S. of A. ~ trump/party over country. 

Best wishes to the young ones if they are not stopped. 

Saturday, December 9, 2023

fatal genetic disorder

 “The State claims that it alone has the power to value Ms. Cox’s current nonviable pregnancy more highly than Ms. Cox’s own life..."

Texas Supreme Court blocks lower court's order to allow a woman to have doctor assisted termination of her pregnancy. The fetus was diagnosed with a fatal genetic disorder; or, it might not survive the pregnancy, resulting in a stillborn baby. 

People gripe on Yahoo  comments calling Joe Biden a dictator, and Democrats taking away freedoms, or rights. The only right I have seen taking away is female's freedom over their own health care. 

And they warned about Obama's "death panels." that never happened? 

I am irate. I want to share the article on Facebook; but have mostly stopped posting anything political. Social Media? Well, if I had someone to talk to at 6:15AM I would be venting; and it is called "media."

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Spider Nazi

 Spider Nazi 

Plead guilty to charges stemming from J6th attack on Congress. jan-6-charge-rcna124089

There have a lot more of these guys sentences. I had started recording them, to show how the guards, did so not wave them inside.

Photo in article show Brandon Dillard scaling the Capitol building wall. 

Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Terminate parts of the Constitution

 “A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution." Trump 2020

The Donald walked back on that comment, saying he was not suggesting he could terminate parts of the Constitution. 

"Allows for?" Someone at FOX or Carlson's new X (formerly known as Twitter) show, to point out what part of the Constitution allows for that. Not that there was any massive fraud, except in his deluded mind. 

Is this really what MAGA/MAWAs want?  Throw out the Constitution with all its amendments, new Rule by One Man? IE: dictatorship. And he and they call Democrats fascists, Communists, turning the country into a "Banana Republic." 

Henry Winkler reportedly said it is a scary time for U.S. of A. The MAWAs blasted him. One wrote: "Fonzie, you are a hypocrite," because of who the character's behavior. It made no sense at all. MAWAs lacking in logic skills.

It is scary that people actually trust DJT. A nightmare that will not end. 

Sunday, August 27, 2023

The Kubrick Stare?

The Kubrick Stare?

He looks like a petulant child who was told he could not have another McDonald's milkshake. 

Whatever look he was trying to convey, he failed miserably. Except, of course to his many MAWA fans. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Jamie Buteau, Jennifer Buteau

 Jamie Buteau, 50, and Jennifer Buteau, 46

Jamie Buteau picked up a chair and threw it at the officers. The chair bounced off a wall and hit one officer in the arm.

Peter Francis Stager struck the Metropolitan Police Department officer with his flagpole at least three times as other rioters pulled the officer, head first, into the crowd outside the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021. 

Stager also stood over and screamed profanities at another officer, who was seriously injured when several other rioters dragged him into the mob and beat him

After the beatings, Stager was captured on video saying, “Every single one of those Capitol law enforcement officers, death is the remedy. That is the only remedy they get.”
Back the blue? Law & Order president thugs decided Capitol Guards should be dead? Why?

Officer Christopher Owens

 “My physical scars, bruises and wounds have healed, but my mental trauma haunts me to this day,” Metropolitan Police Officer Christopher Owens told the court ahead of the sentencing of several Oath Keepers leaders who were convicted of seditious conspiracy and other charges.

I imagine the same is true for Officer Daniel Hodges.

More traitors to the U.S. of A.

 “Today the American People proved we have the power. We physically took control of the Capitol building in a hand to hand hostile takeover. We occupied the Capitol and shut down the Government – we shut down their stolen election shenanigans . . .” William McCall Calhoun, Jr., Georgia Attorney

“The tree of liberty often has to be watered from the blood of tyrants. And the tree is thirsty,” he wrote on Jan. 7 under the Parler name @PatriotBruno. “WE THE PEOPLE have a right to rise up and overthrow a tyrannical government.” He wrote in another post that there “will be no ‘warning shot’” the next time the people rose up. And he wrote on Jan. 8 that everyone in Congress “is a traitor to the people and deserves a public execution.”

 “Bring other weapons if you prefer, like pepper spray, tasers, baseball bats, whatever you want,” he wrote on Parler days before the attack. “I don’t know who needs to hear this, but they can’t arrest all of us. Do not back down and do not be discouraged. Show up and be ready to fight. This really is our #1776.”

Joseph Bierbrodt and brother, William who wrote on Parler app

"Obama cronies" should be "shot in the head" "Time for revolution French style."

They entered the  building through Fire Exit, Williams used cane to break a window, on the exit door, allowing other rioters inside, causing over $1,100. damage.

Joseph slammed an officer against a wall, guards stopped them with pepper spray. William was riding a mobility scooter and held a cane due to foot injury.


 "The Mainstream media is out of control. They constantly lie and cheat in order to get their Radical Left Democrat views out their for all to see. It has never been this bad. They gone bonkers, & no longer care what is right or wrong. This large scale false reporting is sick!"

Lesley Stahl of 60 Minutes asked Donald Trump why he demonzies the press. He said, "I do it to discredit you all and demean you all so when you write negative stories about me no one will believe you."

July 24, 2019

As lawsuit proved, that MSM would be FOX. Yet the 🎺🦜🦜 scream about Fake News! MSM lies! Telling strangers to stop watching CNN, MSNBC, and, maybe, CBS. 

Many moons ago, I did not know what people meant when they berated MSM. They were the Obama haters. Or maybe even earlier. It is tiresome.

MAWAs do not consider their beloved FOX to be Mainstream Media? Or Newsmax? What is the opposite of mainstream? Minor stream? 

I checked the definition: the ideas, attitudes, or activities that are regarded as normal or conventional; the dominant trend in opinion, fashion, or the arts.

Ah, I see, the MAGA types do not like normal, convictional media? 

And they often cry: they all lie. So are we to believe that there was not a destructive wildfire in Maui? Or other MSM news reports? 

Monday, August 21, 2023

Christopher Michael Alberts

 Christopher Michael Alberts, 35 military vet 

metal-plated body armor and a gas mask 
loaded gun

said he "wasn't trying to hurt anybody,” he said. “I just wanted it all to stop.”

Judge Cooper told Alberts that he was one of the leaders of the mob that day.“You were not simply a bystander."

Alberts, a former Virginia National Guard member, spent six hours on Capitol grounds on the day of the riot. He was armed with a 9-millimeter pistol — loaded with hollow point and high-pressure rounds — and
brought an extra magazine of ammunition.

urinated on a wall
Why bring a deadly weapon if there was no intent to hurt anyone? He wanted it to stop, but stayed for 6 hours? 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

Peaceful tourists? Not.

 Dustin Martin, 29, and Cody Lee Tippett, 32

Stephen Roy Sexton, 38
broke chair and carried leg with him, "We need the militia. The Civil War has begun."

Jacob “Jake” Hiles wearing a gaiter
“Feelin cute … might start a revolution later, IDK — in Capitol Hill.

suing CNN for reporting about his involvement 

Chad Dustin Suenram, a U.S. Marine veteran
had flag painted on his face & wore face mask with stars

Matthew DaSilva, 51, pushing against an officers outstretched riot shield, grabbed and pulled it away from officer, swatting the officers arm away when he tried to deploy pepper spray 

Michael St. Pierre, 46, 
"Hopefully they’ll bust through, and I’ll join them to rush the Capitol, to grab Nancy Pelosi by the hair and f—— twirl her around,” he said in video he posted online. 

Thursday, August 10, 2023

Kristan Hawkins

 Kristan Hawkins was 23 when she started her quest to end abortions in the U.S. of A. 

She slept in her office, took showers at Gold's gym, wore an eye mask at night, left the lights on in an effort to keep cockroaches away.

I stopped reading the long BBC article on this woman who decided it was fine to give states the right to deny liberty to females.

At 23 what did she know about stillborn babies? I knew, because my mother had what she called a "born dead" baby, an older sister's twins, since childhood. I never thought about how it would feel to carry a fetus to term, only to have a stillborn baby.

I read a story from a woman who choose to deliver the baby, knowing it had died in the womb. She & hubby wanted to hold a funeral, and celebrate the life that may have been.

Hawkins, also probably is not aware of ectopic pregnancies. I was not, until a sister-in-law suffered two of them. There are other reasons a female  might opt doctor assisted termination of pregnancy. It is a personal matter between the woman, her physician, and possibly a god. 

Kristian's crusade, means, in today's world, females like my sister-in-law, could be arrested, imprisoned, if a physician tries to save the pregnancy, and it ends up aborting. She & doc might avoid jail, proving that it was not intentional. 

But why should any woman have to prove a miscarriage was not a doctor assisted pregnancy termination? 

Saturday, July 29, 2023

Z If Trump were captain of the RMS Titanic

Yahoo shared article about trump's CNN defamation lawsuit being thrown out. Someone with User name "Z" wrote:
IF trump were captain of the RMS Titanic…

There isn't any iceberg.
There was an iceberg but it's in a totally different ocean.
The iceberg is in this ocean but it will melt very soon.
There is an iceberg but we didn't hit the iceberg.
We hit the iceberg, but the damage was very minimal.

The iceberg is a Chinese iceberg.
This iceberg is fake.

Look, passengers need to ask nicely for the lifeboats if they want them.

We don't have any lifeboats, we're not lifeboat distributors.

We have lifeboats and they're supposed to be our lifeboats, not the passengers' lifeboats.

The lifeboats were left on shore by the last captain of this ship
To be captain I qualify as not smart, but genius, and a very stable genius at that!

This iceberg is a hoax.
The FBI planted the iceberg.
Never heard of that iceberg.
Nobody could have foreseen the iceberg.
Deep State trying to make me look bad.

It's a very nasty iceberg.
I was very busy.
It's not my fault.
I take no responsibility.
It was bravado, there's no iceberg.

There's no colliding, it's a witch hunt.
I never make mistakes.
Never met that iceberg before.
This iceberg is not my type.
This iceberg is highly overrated.

This iceberg has done significant harm to my reputation, I'm suing.
I'm a legitimate person, I never do wrong things.
This iceberg is weak and pathetic.
THEY create a lot of phony icebergs.

I didn’t know what an iceberg really was until i became captain.
This iceberg doesn’t frighten me.
This iceberg is harassing me now.


Wednesday, July 12, 2023

William Stover

 William Stover, 46, arrived at the tunnel, joining the mob trying to push past the officers. He hoisted himself up over the side of a tunnel and reached over the heads of the rioters to grab the helmet of the nearest police officer

He grabbed a U.S. Capitol Guard Shield, handed it to someone who climbed up behind him, who started attacking the guards with the shield.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Matthew Beddingfield, ~ weapon of choice: flagpole

 Matthew Beddingfield, 22, was given a 3 year sentence for attacking a guard with flagpole on J6.  Why attack a guard who is waving one inside, eh? Heil Trump, is probably his motto. 

On J6 he was out on bail for attempted murder charge. He took an "Alford plea," assault with a dangerous weapon, and was given probation. And they wonder why there are protests. For killing a black teenager, he is free to attack guard on J6? 

Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Michael Oliveras ~ over consumed conspiratorial sources

 50 year old Michael Oliveras attorney said he should be given leniency because he was "an over-consumer of conspiratorial sources of news," and “had no way to independently verify the accuracy of what those sites were reporting as 'fact' when making allegations regarding the integrity of the election process."

Are there TV conspiratorial sources of news? Or is that like Q/Anon websites, @therealdonaldtrump on Twitter? A steady diet of FOX's Carlson? So he heads to D.C. prepared for war. 

"Where are they?" "Drag them out by their effing hair." He also shoved officers, when he tried to re-enter the building after being put out twice.

Why did they put him out? I thought the GOP narrative ~ believed by MAGAs ~ that is was a peaceful, guided sightseer tour by the guards? 

Walking in room with smashed media equipment piled on the floor, he said: "This is what happens to fake news." 

Do they know how idiotic they are saying "fake news?" The real fake is DJT's claim of a stolen election. When I see those two words on article comments, I picture a young guy, or juvenile. Odd, I do not picture females; they have user names such as "IhateLibs" thus do not know gender. I also picture them white.