Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Comfort Zone

 I realized that commenting on Yahoo articles was an old comfort zone. I spend my twenties arguing with a bigoted, racist, my way or the highway man. Actually he would not let me take the highway. I told him I wanted a divorce soon after he arrived home from jail. 

Was it comfortable? Hell no. I do not know why it is called "comfort zone." It is what one is used to; if one is used to being abused during childhood, they unknowingly seek a partner that repeats that. Not that I was abused as a child. Nor was there arguments about racism. My parents argued a lot. Or at least my father was always yelling at my mother.

Ah, so maybe that was it? Fathers yelling at mothers = normal. I do not remember what they argued about or why he yelled so much. I do recall him saying he did not think women should be allowed to vote. Or maybe married women should vote the same way as their husbands.

Mom was Republican, Dad was Democrat. He felt her vote cancelled out his own. Or man should be head of household? 

Realizing that I was sort of reliving my young married life, is what made me realize I had to break the habit. 

Unable to sleep, I did scan Yahoo news headlines, after I played Wordie. I did not open the GOP Congress ones. I read comments on a few articles. No "political flags" in a school. Do teens really carry BLM, LGBT flags to school? I did not read most of the article about the student protest. One comment asked if a picture of MLK, Jr is considered political. 

I was tempted to copy a post about a politician who said the deep state is trying to do away with the American cowboy, and turn Monatanta into a state park. The comment was a long ramble. "My great grandparents were born here, I am an AMERICAN!" 46-year-old that implies that I am not a real U.S. of A. citizens because my father was not born here? 

Most of the comments were poking fun at the cowboy hat, that his father was a plumber and he a geologist; never owned a ranch with cattle;  the pickup truck replaced horses; that if the deep state was run by Democrats why did it elect Trump & himself. One person said the term cowboys was racist in origin. 

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