Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Cowboy is racist?

The comment explained why cowboy was racist. Back in the good old days, white people called black men boys. The cowhands who  herded cattle were black. Notice Clint Eastwood was called a cowhand, not a cowboy. LOL I now know that a cowhand is a cowboy or cowgirl.

Another poster said Cowboys originated in Mexico and brought the term here. That makes sense as I now know the term cowboy came from vaquero, a Spanish word for a person who managed cattle while on horseback. Irrelevant to the article. The Congressman referring to "wiping out the American cowboy," was not claiming ownership of the term.

Yet another poster said they saw a group of men on horseback herding cattle across the highway, only none of them spoke English. I wondered how he could hear all those men galloping by with the herd hooves beats speaking. Maybe they were implying there are no American cowpokes anymore? Or a slur against immigrants or illegals? 

Since I am ending my addiction to Yahoo comments, I am going to post some of my copy/paste notes on this blog. After all that research seems a waste to just delete them. 

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