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Thursday, November 21, 2024

The axe superpower?

 “You can sway a thousand men by appealing to their prejudices quicker than you can convince one man by logic.”  Robert A. Heinlein

 "Truly, those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities". often attributed to Voltaire 

the axe's secret of success ~ see J6th 

"we didn't have guns" ~ he won saying a lot about his MAWAs. 

The axe won

 “The forest was shrinking but the Trees kept voting for the Axe, for the Axe was clever and convinced the Trees that because his handle was made of wood, he was one of them.”— Turkish Proverb



 A woman wrote in Facebook chat that she uses dump when she writes about him, so the algorithm will not pick her posts or comments up. I have long used DJT. #45 went by the by, long time ago.

I can no longer look at news articles. Can not stand to see his smirk and ugly face. I wrote on a few Instagram posts, asking the person who made the videos, to please stop showing his face.

We know what he looks like. I agreed with everything they were saying, but why oh why did they have to show his face. No longer matters, my Instagram account was suspended. Seems their robots found me "spamming" repeating the same words, over and over again.

I guess so.

I have a document The Book of ****p. Might rename this blog (again) The Book of Dump. To dump all the saved quotes, I often posted on Yahoo article comments. 

Friday, October 18, 2024

3 Things

 Okay 3 things I like about Kamala Harris. Her smile and positive vibe. 

I am stumped. I do not mind the sound of her voice, her face, her style of dress. I am glad she praises people; does not brag about herself. I like that she is for women's right to chose; that she is pro LGBT, in that she does not discriminate, not saying she is rah-rah about them. Intelligent, mature.

I do not like that she recently said we should talk about reparations for Blacks. The country is way too in debt; where is the money to come from to repay people for what was done unto their ancestors? Oh, and I guess they want $$$ for job, education, housing discrimination in the past? 

How does it work? Michelle Obama, Craig Robinson get reparations, in addition to Shasa and Malia? Then will the young ladies' children also be entitled, if they have them? Whoopie Goldberg, Michael Jordan, Denzel Washington? Hakeem Jeffries? Jasmine Crockett? Walter Mosley?

Should citizen's today be made to pay for the sins of long dead U.S. citizens? Even though most citizens today are descended from immigrants, whose families had zero to do with slave trade or Jim Crow south? Do Crips/Bloods gangsters deserve $$$ when they are costing $$$ though thefts, court, jail, and costing lives, often of innocent people? 

DJT has the Klan types on his side; so maybe she would not lose votes due to the unpopular reparation's comment. 

3 Things

 DJT and Kamala Harris were each asked to name 3 things they like about their opponent. Neither one could say anything they liked about the other.

That got me to thinking about naming 3 things I like about DJT. Still thinking.

I loathe the way he sits, legs spread with his over long tie hanging in his crotch. Dirty thoughts spring, unbidden, into my mind. Is that why he does it? 

I hate the sound of his voice, his face, smile, amused at himself; his smirk. I hate his lying. I hate his ALL CAPS ranting and raving. I hate his nicknames. I hate his bragging ~ giving himself more credit than he deserves. Photos of him swinging a golf club ~ that belly hanging over his belt. I hate his whining; hyperbole. 

It is always "no one" has been treated as badly; is as smart as I am;" "my infinite wisdom." 

I would use an old insult to describe him: He is ugly and his mother dresses him funny.

He is good at shilling propaganda; inciting violence; encouraging hate. Okay that is 3 things he is good at doing. But not 3 things to admire. If only he was using his power over masses of citizens to spread truth, love, peace, harmony and beauty! What a wonderful world it would be!

And, oh yeah, all those !!! points he uses. 

Saturday, September 7, 2024


 Reasoning Wins wrote:

It is sad but so crystal clear that Trump is targeting the uneducated voters who think with their passions and not their brains. 

The sad part is that these unfortunate people are such easy targets and he knows it.

He plays to all the things that the lack of education make obvious. The fear of the unknown, hatred of "the other" (xenophobia, misogyny, homophobia and a log list of many other passion triggers).

It seems impossible for them to see that all the things he claims will help them are in actuality against their best interest. They vote their heart-felt passions without using their brains to figure out that if Trump actually does the things he says they will be hurt even worse while the storied 0.01% will profit "Yugely". 

Thankfully I believe there are enough reasonable people left in this country that Trump will go down in flames come November. Only time will tell but I, for one, will continue to hope that Americans are much smarter than the ones that Trump is targeting. 

From same random saved document ~ 2015. I do not know who Wins is; I am guessing I meant this was his or her reasoning? 


 Random from an old USB thingy.

“The judge, who happens to be, we believe, Mexican, which is great. I think that’s fine. You know what? I think the Mexicans are going to end up loving Donald Trump when I give all these jobs, okay?” (Curiel ~ who was born in the USA)

Trump:  "I was well known, but not really well known. After taxes, I would say I lost $3 million. And I got a billion dollars of free publicity."

“I’m going to open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We’re going to open up those libel laws. So when The New York Times writes a hit piece which is a total disgrace or when The Washington Post, which is there for other reasons, writes a hit piece, we can sue them and win money instead of having no chance of winning because they’re totally protected.”

check link

 Asked by a reporter whether the airline takeover was boost to his ego, Trump replied, “Truthfully, it was great for the Trump ego.”

Trump Shuttle, which never turned a profit for Trump, was turned over to his creditors in early 1992, as part of the assets Trump had to sell to settle the first of three corporate bankruptcies.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Letter to Congress

 How many children and adults need to die before Congress will make laws regarding Well Regulated State militias?

State law can not violate Federal Law (except in the case of female liberty.) thus there needs to be a Federal Law to enforce Well Regulated state militias. 

Liquor sales are well regulated; vehicles and drivers' licenses are well-regulated; prescription drug sales, well regulated. The government well regulates just about every aspect of our lives, starting with birth corticates, ending with burial and death certificates. 

Why is it so hard to well regulate state militias? 

There does not seem to be any state militias; more apt: citizen militias. The Constitution was not written to give citizens the right to kill thy neighbor or slaughter children, concert goers, people watching parades, attending religious services, grocery shopping. 

Children should not have to grow up with active shooter lockdown drills, causing fear to go to school. How do parents reassure their children that they will be safe, when they are not assured themselves?

Japan is greater that the USA in stopping mass shootings of strangers. Surely the USA can do likewise?

Friday, August 23, 2024

Brian Kene Lazo

 Brian Kene Lazo, was sentenced for his part in J6th attack on Congress.

Officers were pelted with batteries, beer cans, soup cans and rocks.

My notes to clear; I think Brian is the one who attached officers with a metal handrail with metal bracket still attached neary 6 feet long.

This just in ~ djt is hosting a party to celebrate the brave people who courageously attacked Congress and law enforcement on J6th.  

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Sharp as a tack

 "I guess you could say it was surreal, but it wasn't surreal, ya know, I was telling somebody you have instances like this, or a lot less than this where you feels it's a surreal situation and I never felt that way, "

"we need a man, or a person, who is unbelievably sharp, in order to stop all the  nuclear dangers, and all the dangers that I am talking about"

djt 08/12/2024 Musk interview

New Hampshire rally:

 "We have become a drug-infested, crime-ridden nation, which is incapable of solving even the 'solllest'... smallest problem. The simplest of problems we can no longer solve. We can't do anything. We are an institute in a powerful death penalty. We will put this on.

We have to bring in the death penalty if we want to stop the infestation of drugs coming into our country,"

Sharp as a tack? Nah. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

What is nuclear warming?

 "ya know, the biggest threat is not global warming, where the ocean is going to rise an eight of an inch over the next 400 years, the big, and you'll have more ocean front property, right, the biggest threat is not that, the biggest threat is nuclear warming" DJT. Musk Interview, 08/12/2024

Trump's mouth gets ahead of his brain. Again. (400 years the big, and you'll have?)

Sunday, July 7, 2024

Broken Oath question

DJT's first answer when asked about people saying he broke his oath on J6th:

 "I don't think many believe that.

“On Jan. 6, we had a great border, nobody coming through, very few. On Jan. 6, we were energy independent. On Jan. 6, we had the lowest taxes ever, we had the lowest regulations ever,” Trump claimed. “On Jan. 6, we were respected all over the world.”

“I did nothing wrong. We have a system that is rigged and disgusting."

Moderator asked him the same question as second time. Then a third, when he said "I did nothing wrong." 

BIden's rebuttal:
“Look, he encouraged those folks to go up to Capitol Hill, number one … He sat there for three hours. Three hours watching, begging, being begged by his vice president and a number of colleagues on the Republican side as well, to do something. To call for a stop. To end it.”
Joe won the Debate, not djt, as people claim. 

The Narcissist's Prayer

 Read a quote from The Narcissist's Prayer by Danya Craig. Omigod, I thought, that sounds exactly like DJT.

That didn't happen.
And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
And if it was, that's not a big deal.
And it is, that's not my fault.
And if it was, I didn't mean it.
And if I did you, you deserved it. 

I read an article about Brian Sicknick's brother bemoaning giving djt immunity. He only has immunity for official duties. He has claimed his act on J6th was "official" duty; something about sanctity of election. It will be up to court to determine if inciting attack on Congress was official act. His duty was to concede lost election, and allow for peaceful transfer of power.

MAWA comments on the article said, "it was not that bad," "it was not an insurrection," "it was Nancy's fault," "the guards betrayed us." And the ever popular: "guard murdered an unarmed white woman". (why must they include skin color, not that many people actually have white skin)

During the debate DJT appeared to imply that the rioters were justified because I was a perfect president. 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

Another "non violent" J6th rioter?

Another one bites the dust? 


"Busloads of Antifa dressed as trump supporters?"

I am anti fascism, but can never find a local or national Antifa organization to join. Djt supporters must support fascism if they object to "antifa" guys? 

I guess the non organization could include females willing to riot to fight fascism in the U.S. of A. But whenever I see photos, they are usually young guys. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Greatest Presidents survey

Facebook would not let me share this ~ said it was spam. 

Greatest President's survey

Friday, January 12, 2024

Thomas Webster

            Thomas "Webster then aggressively shoved the metal gate into the officer’s body. He raised the flagpole and forcefully swung it toward the officer. The officer managed to wrest the flagpole away. Webster, however, then broke through the metal barricade, tackled the officer to the ground, and tried to remove his helmet and gas mask, choking him. During this attack, the officer struggled to breathe. While Webster had the officer restrained on the ground and unable to breathe, others in the mob began kicking the officer. The officer sustained several injuries as a result of Webster’s attack."


Webster came prepared wearing a bulletproof vest. Why would he do that for a "guided tour?" 


Sunday, January 7, 2024

Georgia Rep. Mike Collins, spin

 “J6 messaging from the left and media is all about making regular Americans the enemy and manipulating facts to accumulate power,” Georgia Rep. Mike Collins.

He also called it the "lamest insurrection in history," and that only one person died. The article mentioned the guards who died, later, as a result of the attack. But failed to mention the person who died from drug overdose, who, it had been first reported, was stomped to death by the mob. 

Only DJT, GOP elected officials, FOX news, manipulate facts, to accumulate 'power.' Or to keep trump's idolatoers on their side. Clear indication what the GOP wants for the U.S. of A. ~ trump/party over country. 

Best wishes to the young ones if they are not stopped. 

Saturday, December 9, 2023

fatal genetic disorder

 “The State claims that it alone has the power to value Ms. Cox’s current nonviable pregnancy more highly than Ms. Cox’s own life..."

Texas Supreme Court blocks lower court's order to allow a woman to have doctor assisted termination of her pregnancy. The fetus was diagnosed with a fatal genetic disorder; or, it might not survive the pregnancy, resulting in a stillborn baby. 

People gripe on Yahoo  comments calling Joe Biden a dictator, and Democrats taking away freedoms, or rights. The only right I have seen taking away is female's freedom over their own health care. 

And they warned about Obama's "death panels." that never happened? 

I am irate. I want to share the article on Facebook; but have mostly stopped posting anything political. Social Media? Well, if I had someone to talk to at 6:15AM I would be venting; and it is called "media."

Thursday, November 9, 2023

Spider Nazi

 Spider Nazi 

Plead guilty to charges stemming from J6th attack on Congress. jan-6-charge-rcna124089

There have a lot more of these guys sentences. I had started recording them, to show how the guards, did so not wave them inside.

Photo in article show Brandon Dillard scaling the Capitol building wall.