Sunday, October 23, 2022

Crazies on display

Crazies on display

Mastriano, Lindell, Stone, Flynn, Eric Trump, and Clay Clark to name a few. I do not know who Clay Clark is. Michelle Obama should sue him for defamation of character. She is too nice. "When they go low, we go high," she often said. 

This is a Pennsylvania crowd which scares me how (as reported) the crowd applaud and yell "is a male" regarding Clay's question about the lovely Michelle's gender. I would not expect better from the MAGA Birther group. 

Was there ever another time in history when these crazies were so prevalent? Maybe. People mocked the Wright Brothers, and "Fulton's Folly" among other things. Maybe those that mocked them also favored political candidates that opposed Women's Suffrage?

Read the comments on the article. Self-appointed smug authorities are lambasting those who make comical comments about the craziness. Deflect; whataboutism, abounds.

So typical: calling others sheep brainwashed by MSM. They do not seem to realize that FOX news is Main Stream Media. If news is to believed, FOX is the #1 television news media. If they had the ability to step outside of themselves, they might realize they are sheep brainwashed by FOX, Trump and his allies. 

McDonald's deep state? These trumpets have been yelling about this Deep State, never considered why their idol got elected if the Deep State was in charge. Unless, of course, this deep state wanted people to blindly believe everything the Lying King told them. 

It is too sad, and too scary for me to keep thinking about it. I am too scared to kill myself if Mastriano and snake oil salesman, Dr. Oz gets elected by the crazies that applauded that QAnon sponsored event and other voters just like them. 

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