Monday, October 31, 2022

Free Whitey

 Free Whitey is a username on Twitter. 

When Twitter first arrived a homeless lady internet friend asked me to join. I declined. Who would want to read my news? What news did I have to share? She hitchhiked around the country, got picked up by truck drivers, invited to stay with people, usually female, until she decided to move on. She had news (or adventures) to share. How that small site has grown.

Articles sometimes shares a Tweet. Sometimes I can read responses, such as these from Fox & Friends regarding outrage that Cornell University kicked Jesse B Waters off campus. I happened upon it when searching to find out if  Cornell News was reputable. I will share the article I wanted to verify in another post.

Free Whitey's profile photo is what is used as a Confederate flag. He wrote:

Columbia and other commie colleges are just so loving and open. NOT. They all gave us PC-ness, globalism, hate Did he see the headline? Cornell? I can not read anymore. The Don said liberals are thin skinned. A bit later someone parroted "thin skinned." And they claim they are not sheep? Too sad. Liberals are commies, liberals are <insert whatever hateful adjective.> Conservatives, however, are denied freedom of speech. Going to Boycott the overpriced university. (How does one do that? Stand outside holding sign, "I boycott?" The students were too busy marching with BLM and Do Not Say Racist. <insert 4 letter word starting with F, rhymes with duck> Finally: (*I forgot to copy username) congrats, to Cornell for standing up to the biased network of fox news
The person allegedly kicked off campus was interviewing students. When asked about the campus vibe a student said "we are very diverse." He was then asked why 96% of campaign donations from teachers went to Democrats. Maybe because they are intelligent? Could be that they knew the zero political experience Birther was going to be a disasters for the U.S. of A.
His trumpets still love him. Inflation, gas prices, open borders. COVID and Russia invading Ukraine are responsible for inflation, high gas prices. Oil companies' profits, anyone? At one time the Don said (tweeted?) that it would be good if Russia and Saudi Arabia withheld oil barrels ~ would be good for OIL COMPANIES. But his faithful fans still think he is for them? Cornell professors are much smarter than myself, so they likely came to same conclusions I did.

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