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Friday, January 31, 2025

DC plane crash

J20 FAA director fired
J21 Air Traffic Controller hiring frozen J22 Aviation Safety Advisory Committee disbanded J29 Buyout/retirement demand sent to existing employees J29 First American mid-air collision in 16 years Making America Great Again? Of course his "common sense" "strong opinion" is that DEI hires caused the crash. He has a list of those DEI hires ~ all false info. Will he start ordering the removal of persons with disabilities from society? Those he claimed were hired by the FFA? Mentally deficient people (more projection on his part,) dwarfs and more?

I hope MAWAS are happy with the Felon they felt worthy of putting back in the Oval Office.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Week One

 Felon's Week One more idiocracy.

Interview with Hannity he repeats the lhe lie that other countries empty their jails and send criminals to us; migrants faces full of tattoos is proof of that. Does not anyone notice his insanity?

My Son-in-law, army war vet, full time National Guard, commutes an hour to work, and hour back. He used to do this 4 days a week; was able to work from home, the fifth day. The Felon put an end to that. What is wrong with working from home? It saves traffic, gas, and, in son-in-law's case ~ commute time. He used to work closer to home, but they transferred him to the new location. Why? I dunno. 

Daughter with two college students is in a panic due to Federal loan freeze. Did not read article about that being blocked. His end to birthright citizenship executive order was temporarily blocked as it violated the 14th Amendment. His Attorney General is investigating Military General Milley. Mainly due to his opposition to the Felon.

More outrage as Project 2025 goals are put into place via executive orders. Why, oh why, did anyone vote for the Felon?

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Smart guy Putin

 On Putin “The smartest one gets to the top. That didn’t work so well recently in our country. But they ask me, ‘Is Putin smart?’ Yes, Putin was smart. And I actually thought he was going to be negotiating. I said, ‘That’s a hell of a way to negotiate, put 200,000 soldiers on the border.’”

“I’d say that’s pretty smart. He’s taking over a country – really a vast, vast location, a great piece of land with a lot of people, and just walking right in.”

#Felon-elect wants to do likewise to Greenland and Panama. Maybe even Canada if they continue to refuse becoming USA's 51st state.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Interrupt this book of dump bring you an important message:

"He was very effective. He knows those computers better than anybody. Those vote counting computers and we ended up winning Pennsylvania in a landslide. It was pretty good. Thank you to Elon." The Felon in the Oval Office

Maybe that is why my vote did not get counted at state level here in PA?

No Wars Peace President?

 Trump said Friday he was not seeking regime change, but ordered the attack to protect Americans. "Under my leadership, America's policy is unambiguous: To terrorists who harm or intend to harm any American, we will find you; we will eliminate you," he said.Jan 4, 2020

The attack was U.S. air strike in Iran. Two days later he failed to find and eliminate domestic terrorists. 2025 Felon-elect threatens to use military force against Greenland and Panama if he has to do so to gain control. (sounds a bit like Putin and Ukraine) He is taking credit for Gaza/israel cease fire.

The world knows he will create peace?  Of course, the Biden admin has been working towards the cease fire and exchange of hostages. A long 4 lying and miserable years ahead of U.S. citizens. 😢

Friday, January 24, 2025

Both Sides

 2018: Reporter: "Are you to blame at all for what happened, Mr. President? Does it bother you at all?

Trump: "No, not at all. No, I mean — not at all, no. There’s no blame. ... There’s no anything. ... If you look at what happened on — numerous of these incidents, they were supporters of others. No.

Man with ties to trump suspected of sending bombs to prominent liberals; political and religious violence ~ would he apologize for his role in inflaming crowds and contributing to online animosity.

2019: You have people on both sides of that. They admitted their guilt.” Re: Central Park 5, after they were exonerated. 

After being badgered for hours, scared and hungry one kid plead guilty. He later recounted his plea. Many, like DJT, dissed him for doing so. Read: John Grisham's An Innocent Man. Even prior to reading that, I was aware what some cops do to elicit an innocent person's guilty confession.

"Some very fine people on both sides." Alt Right Virginia rally

Very fine people do not carry lit torches chanting "Jews will not replace us." 

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Rosh Hashanah greetings

 The Felon's Rosh Hashanah greeting: 
“Just a quick reminder for liberal Jews who voted to destroy America & Israel because you believed in false narratives! Let’s hope you learned from your mistake & make better choices moving forward!” Sept 17, 2023  Truth Social

Compared to other Presidential greetings: 
"Jill and I extend our warmest wishes to all those celebrating Rosh Hashanah in the United States, Israel, and around the world. May we all be inscribed in the Book of Life. May it be a happy, healthy, and sweet New Year. Shana Tovah U'Metukah. President Biden 2023

"Shalom everybody, and Shana Tova. As they have for thousands of years, the High Holidays mark the beginning of a season of renewal – and also of reflection. An opportunity to start over, as well as an obligation to look back with humility.

From the moment the Book of Life is opened on Rosh Hashanah until the gates are closed at the end of Yom Kippur, Jews in the United States, Israel, and around the world will ask family, friends, and neighbors for that which only they can give: forgiveness for the ways we’ve all fallen short. It’s also a time to ask God for that which only He can give: His compassion and mercy, and His will to inscribe us for a good year.

Just as important, the Days of Awe are a time to ask of ourselves something only we can control: the strength to do better. To be better. To make the world we live in a kinder, more peaceful place. To hear in the sacred shofar blast a call from within to change." President Obama 2016

I send greetings to those celebrating Rosh Hashanah.

On this occasion of spiritual reflection, people of the Jewish faith in our country and around the world recognize the blessings from the Almighty as they commemorate the anniversary of the creation of the world. During this holy time, men and women take time to remember the past, contemplate the sweetness of the new year, and look forward to a promising future.

This special occasion is also an opportunity to celebrate the history of the Jewish people and the values that bind us all together.

Laura and I send our best wishes for a meaningful Rosh Hashanah and L'shanah tovah.
George W. Bush September 29, 2008 

People should be ashamed that they voted for the J6th riot traitor. Some people upset with Cabinet pick: Peter B. Hegseth. Why? Only White Nationalist/Supremacists; Christian Nationalists allowed on the Felon-elect's Cabinet. Shows a lot about Congress who applauded when V.P. Harris certified his election. 😢

Wednesday, January 22, 2025


 01/15/2025 4:55AM another insomnia night 

Tried to drive thoughts of the election out of my head. What is wrong with Congress people applauding when Vice President Kamala Harris certified the election results? Many of those people were there on Jan. 06, 2021. Did they agree with Dump's Thugs for attacking law enforcement and trashing the Capitol Building?

How is it possible that the manchild rated 3rd worst president in U.S. history won all swing states? How is it possible that millions of U.S. citizens approved of that domestic terrorist attack on our own government, led by a sitting U.S. president? Do they not hear his lies? Do they believe his boasting about how wonderful he is?

I tried to lull myself back to sleep with dreams of winning the lottery, getting a passport and leaving the country. Maybe Belize. Someplace warm. Saw a movie last night. Longed to go to Killarney, Ireland. In the movie "the ocean is not far from here." Looking at a map, the town is not walking distance to the ocean. I miss water. I miss Long Beach, California, the Pacific Ocean. Memories of my beach days, did not lull me back to sleep. 

I have been finishing up my Dump documents, by posting them with future date. To keep things in order, posted this today, to be published next week. Who cares!

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Losers and Haters, Tweets

Trump tweets:
March 19, 2013

Sorry folks, but Donald Trump is far richer and much better looking than dopey @mcuban!

May 8, 2013

Sorry losers and haters, but my I.Q. is one of the highest — and you all know it! Please don’t feel so stupid or insecure, it’s not your fault.*

April 18, 2015

For all of the haters and losers out there sorry, I never went bankrupt — but I did build a world-class company and employ many people!

*And they voted for that? Too bad media did not widely publicize those statements, eh?

Monday, January 20, 2025


 After January 20th we will no longer have a POTUS  ~ it will be Felon of the United States, Ie: FOTUS.7 million citizens voted for that?

Glad you did not sneeze!


Cognitively Imparied?

 "We have a man who is totally corrupt and the worst president in the history of our country, who is cognitively impaired … we would be in World War 2 very quickly if we’re going to be relying on this man.”

“There will never be a war if that happens— there will never be a war like this. It will obliterate everything there is, everybody, it will obliterate every country.”

“it is frankly disgusting the press is able to write whatever it wants to write."

Trump on apologizing 2008 to Jimmy Fallon:  “Apologizing is a great thing but you have to be wrong. I will apologize sometime in the hopefully distant future if I’m ever wrong.”

Did he apologize to President Biden for the insults. He does not know that we already had WWII and claims Joe is cognitively impaired? Of course that is the Felon projecting his faults onto Biden. The Felon-elect was rated 3rd worst president in history. 

Metaphor 2025


Do not know if this image is in Public Domain ~ see it shared everywhere. 

Sunday, January 19, 2025

MLK Jr Day

 “I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of character." Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.

Image courtesy of 

"maybe not in time for you or me, but someday at Christmas time?"

President for Life

 “Think of President Xi. Central casting, brilliant guy. You know, when I say he’s brilliant, everyone says, ‘Oh that’s terrible',
“Well, he runs 1.4 billion people with an iron fist. Smart, brilliant, everything perfect. There’s nobody in Hollywood like this guy.”
“He’s now president for life, president for life. And he’s great, And look, he was able to do that. I think it’s great. Maybe we’ll have to give that a shot someday,” March 3, 2018

He also praised Putin for giving himself a third term. If he had won in 2020, he would have run again in 2024. Or simply declared himself President for Life. Or, as I often said, "King." In order to pass his throne down to his sons and daughter. Now he suggests Don Jr for 2028, to create a dump dynasty. 

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Random lies, slurs & whines

 "Nobody has been treated ever in history so badly as those people nobody's ever been treated in our country."

In history? You mean like JFK? For one?

 "Boom. OK. Missile launch. Woosh. Boom."

Does he consider how a dome covering the USA would work with border wall? The cost to build such an impossible thing? 

“Windmills are causing whales to die in numbers never seen before. Nobody does anything about that; they’re driving the whales, I think, a little batty,” djt 9/28/2023

He thinks? I prefer elected officials who rely on facts; knowledge. 

“Now that the ‘strike’ is over, the talentless, low rated CREEPS of Late Night Television are back. I knew there was a reason I didn’t want to see it settled - True LOSERS!!!”

 “poorly rated and not at all funny” shows were a “major” campaign contribution to Democrats.

“I think had they not done it to me ... perhaps you wouldn’t have it being done to them, And this is gonna happen with indictments, too.”djt told Kelly

He is the one who committed crimes, then whines about being unfairly indicted?

“I’m allowed to have these documents. I’m allowed to take these documents, classified or not classified. And, frankly, when I have them, they become unclassified. People think you have to go through a ritual. You don’t, at least in my opinion,” DJT

His opinion? It is not a "ritual." There is well defined protocol regarding classifying and declassifying documents

“Will you testify to that under oath?” moderator Kristen Welker asked.

“I’ll testify. It’s a fake charge by this deranged lunatic prosecutor who lost in the Supreme Court nine to nothing, and he tried to destroy lots of lives.”  Teflon Don? 

Friday, January 17, 2025


 “So we have the worst education almost in the large world, in the world the people know about.” DJT

An example of poorly educated old man? 

President Jimmy Carter (RIP) admin started the Department of Education. Project 2025 aims to get rid of the Department. They want to let states make their own Public Education rules. So, that Oklahoma and Louisiana can turn public schools into Christian schools? 

What a mess that could become. The Dept. of Ed. was to ensure no child would be left behind. Rules such as having wheelchair ramps, and special Ed classes would be thrown out. Among other unifying principles. Giving states the right to deny liberty to females has lead to deaths of pregnant women and their fetus' along with the mother. 

I wonder why so many people I know who were educated via Public Schools want to see an end to Federal Dept. of Ed? Or were they unaware? 

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Bragging re: Turkey.

 "As I have stated strongly before, and just to reiterate, if Turkey does anything that I, in my great and unmatched wisdom, consider to be off limits, I will totally destroy and obliterate the Economy of Turkey (I've done before!) They must, with Europe and others watch over the captured ISIS fighters and families. The U.S. has done far more that anyone could have ever expected, including the capture of 100% of the ISIS Cliphate. It is time now for others in the region, some greater wealth, to protect their own territory. THE USA IS GREAT!" DJT Truth Social post 10/22/2023

Google is not helpful; I asked for 10/22/2023 Truth Social post about Turkey. Results are 2024, Biden, Wikipedia, explanations of what it is, and links to the site. No thanks. Since I could not find the quote, I fixed spelling errors, which may have been his. I left "Cliphate." Not sure what he meant by that word. 

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

NY Times

 “The Failing New York Times story, leaked by Deranged Jack Smith and the Biden ‘Political Opponent Abuser’ DOJ, about a red haired weirdo from Australia, named Anthony Pratt, is Fake News.  I never spoke to him about Submarines;" "the Times journalists  never called me for a comment.”  Tweet October 7, 2019

The Times story included a statement from both a Trump spokesman and Trump himself.

Any media outlet that tells the unflattering truth about him, he labels, "failing," "irrelevant," "no one reads it," and otherwise defamatory remarks. 

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Space Force

 Did we really need a Space Force? Even tho' the Felon-elect was not sworn in yet, he is creating a new department headed by Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, Department of Government Efficiency. My  understanding is that Congress needs to approve new Departments; yet much press about "DOGE." They could start by disbanding Dump's Space Force.

The U.S. Space Force's $30 billion budget request for Fiscal Year 2024 is about $3.9 billion over what was enacted for the service in FY2023. More than 60% of the Space Force budget, about $19.2 billion worth, is aimed at research, development, testing and evaluation.

He wanted to be the "no war president," yet prepares for Star Wars? 2025: will invade Greenland and/or Panama to get what he wants. Sigh.

Monday, January 13, 2025


 "...the one with the most propaganda can persuade people to believe something do something or despise something" unknown

I guess I answered my own query about why anyone would consider the Felon-elect to be qualified to be president. Again. 

Veterans & Vermin

 2023 Veterans day He "made a “pledge” to “root out the Communists, Marxists, Fascists, and Radical Left Thugs that live like vermin within the confines of our country in honor of our great Veterans on Veteran's Day."
”get rid of vermin within"

Example of #45 messages. Why people think that is presidential and appropriate is beyond me.

Rhetoric invokes a term frequently used by Nazis to dehumanize Jews, including a 1939 quote attributed to Hitler: “This vermin must be destroyed. The Jews are our sworn enemies,” he told the Czech foreign minister, according to historical accounts.
(used the word vermin)

Stolen Election

A guy named Al Schmidt, a Philadelphia Commissioner and so-called Republican (RINO), is being used big time by the Fake  News Media to explain how honest things were with respect to the Election in Philadelphia. He refuses to look at a mountain of corruption & dishonesty. We win!
9:03 AM · Nov 11, 2020

Gold Star family slur

 "If you look at his wife, she was standing there. She had nothing to say... Maybe she wasn't allowed to have anything to say. You tell me." DJT about Ghazala Khan, when her husband was blasting him. 

President Bill Clinton said "I cannot conceive how he can say that about a Gold Star mother."

Tim Kaine said Trump's remarks were inappropriate. "He was kind of trying to turn that into some kind of ridicule. It just demonstrates again kind of a temperamental unfitness. If you don't have any more sense of empathy than that, then I'm not sure you can learn it."

Tariffs & 1929

*The Smoot-Hawley Act was created to protect U.S. farmers and other industries from foreign competitors.

*The Smoot-Hawley Act increased tariffs on foreign imports to the U.S. by about 20%; at least 25 countries responded by increasing their own tariffs on American goods.

*Global trade plummeted, contributing to the ill effects of the Great Depression.

*Prior to signing the Act, more than 1,000 economists urged President Hoover to veto it.

*Hoover's successor, President Franklin D. Roosevelt worked to reduce tariffs and was given more authority to negotiate with heads of state under the Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act of 1934.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Let the lies begin

Felon Trump wrote on Truth Social: "Newsom refused to approve a “water restoration declaration” that “would have allowed millions of gallons of water . . . to flow daily into many parts of California” to instead “protect an essentially worthless fish called a smelt."

Every "MSM" needs to write or air this, educating citizens on the fact that there is no such thing as a Water Restoration Declaration." WTF 

He not only lied he used a nasty nickname for Governor Newsom; probably to the delight of his loyal gaga MAGAs/MAWAS.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Election 2028

 The Felon has not been sworn into office yet, and they are talking about Election 2028. Dump suggested his son, Don, Jr. run for office, starting a Dump dynasty. Because he is so qualified? Maybe if Dump wants a dynasty, he and family should sell Trump, Org, new owners rename it. 

Lara Trump's saying Democrats are doing everything they can to thwart the will of the people, and the November 5th manate. LIke Kamala Harris' supporters stormed the capitol, attacked guards, broke into the building trashing it, after she held a "stop the steal rally?" 

A family of liars? Or a delusional family? WTF?

Lara Trump idiocracy

 "They lied when they said they wanted a smooth and peaceful transition."
"That was a lie because what they’re doing, throwing everything in Donald Trump’s way, trying to thwart the will of the American people and the mandate they sent out on November 5 is absolutely disgraceful but it is the only thing the Democrats know how to do."

Lara Trump

A dynasty of liars? 

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Rep. Jamie Raskin

 Raskin tells a joke about J7th 2021. He was in Nancy's office and people are calling saying they were in her office "yesterday" and might have left their phone, purse, "do you have a lost and found." Yes, give us the guards your name, address, etal. 

I did not know who Jamie Raskin was until it was reported he had lymphoma. So many nasty comments about the man on the article. Oh, I see: J6th committee. I read his book Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials Of American Democracy. 

I was impressed and hoped he would run for the presidency. Quite intelligent. 

Monday, January 6, 2025

Info re: J5th pipe bombs

J 5th 2021 pipe bombs. 

MAGAs Are Not Better Than That

 "I write too much, I worry myself to death," to paraphrase an old tune.

In reply to the Substack article I shared, "We Are Better Than This," I wanted to add to the post: no, MAGAS are not better than that. 

#45 took credit for SCOTUS giving states the right to deny liberty to females. (Roe v. Wade) MAGAs obviously approve of that ruling. MAGAs put the felon back in the White House. Note: #45, was a president who said "I take no responsibility at all," many times about many things. When he does publically take responsibility, MAGAS vote for him. That is, they are not better than that.

My daughter's MAWA co-worker, is a "baby killer," woman. You abort a nonviable pregnancy, you killed a baby: "Case closed." Woman like that disturb me as much as the men. A woman should know about ectopic pregnancies, and all the other reasons a female might need a doctor to terminate the pregnancy. 

Amber Thurman is only one of many females that died ~ along with the fetus she equates with a baby. MAGAs like horses with blinders on; just see what they want to see; not open to discussion or logical thinking.

Too sad; I was looking forward to "mind your own business," Tim Walz as Vice President. MAGAs gave us "childless cat ladies," Vance instead. 

We Are Better Than This

 We Are Better Than This  Substack by JoJoFromJerz

The article starts with Amber Thurman's last words: Promise me you'll take care of my son."

Amber died because doctors were afraid to treat life threatening infection, least they be arrested due to SCOTUS giving states the right to deny liberty to females. To wit: Roe v. Wade. 

When GOP's goal was to end Roe v. Wade, I stopped considering them for any elected position. The first thing I would check in any election was a candidate's position on Roe v. Wade. I was pregnant 3 times; the father wanted me to abort all three. His parents tried to convince me to abort #2. I refused. I told him I would abort #3, if he came up with the money. I knew that he would not. So why do I care about Roe v. Wade?

Read the article.

It explains part of my reason. Physicians should not fear being arrested if they assist a pregnant female, because the needed care might cause the fetus (embryo) to abort.  D & C's have been standard care after natural miscarriages for as long as I can remember. 

Medical professions should not have to fear treating a pregnant female involved in a car crash, because treatment might induce a miscarriage.

A raped 14-year-old girl's parents should not have to travel to another state to have doctor assisted termination of the unwanted pregnancy.  No raped female should be forced to carry her rapists fetus to turn. If men gave birth, they would know to force childbirth is cruel & unusual punishment.

Who is adopting all those unwanted babies? Those forced childbirths? Put into the system, abused by foster parents, aged out at 18 with no place to go? 

It has zero effect on my life if a teenager, gotten pregnant by boyfriend  ~ whose first words are: "It isn't mine," ~ leaves her to deal with the unwanted pregnancy, choses doctor assistance to terminate the pregnancy. 

Let the choice be between the pregnant females and her religious beliefs. 

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Tesla explosion outside of Trump hotel

 "The remains were burned beyond recognition and investigators have not definitively identified them as Livelsberger, but the IDs and tattoos on the body..."

Okay, body burned beyond recognition, yet the tats were visible? 

There's No Love Left

 There's No Love Left

On November 7, 2025, I posted "World Without Love," by Bobby Rydell. I happened upon "There's No Love Left" by the Isley Brothers, at You Tube a minute ago. It was a B-side of 45RPM. I always listened to B-sides. This is the only one I listened to over and over again; most got one play and done. 

Do not know why I related to those two tunes as a teen. I did not have any boyfriends or love life back then. Perhaps a reflection on the state of the world? Reading comments on a Never Trumper short, hate from MAWAs is strong (and lies) and truly mocks the song of "peace on earth goodwill to men." 

Wednesday, January 1, 2025


 Day one 2025, a man drove a truck into crowd at New Orleans, killing ten, wounding others. 

Dump wrote:

"When I said that criminals coming in are far worse than the criminals we have in our country, that statement was constantly refuted by Democrats and the Fake News Media, but it turned out to be true. The crime rate in our country is at a level that nobody has ever seen before."

The man is a U.S. born/raised citizen. FOX news retracted a statement that the man's truck was seen entering the US from a border checkpoint "two days ago." Perhaps DJT first heard about the incident from FOX? M.T. Greene repeated FOX's lie. 

Hello 2025! Facts show that it is true, homegrown citizens commit more crimes than immigrants, legal or not. MAGAS were quick to criticize President Biden and praise trump for quick response to the tragedy. I guess FOX did not tell them that Joe contacted New Orleans mayor, and issued a White House statement before dump posted his lie. 

Crime increased during his years in office; crime has steadily decreased under Biden's admin. But to dump it is "never seen before." So sad MAWAS put him back in the Oval Office.