Sunday, November 6, 2022

Lonely, Bitter, Violent

Lonely, bitter, violent Qpublicans 

"Edwards prides himself on being pro-life, but anyone with an ounce of common sense knows that if abortion is criminalized in North Carolina, many women and girls may meet violent ends. He’ll tolerate that violence, though, because he belongs to a religion more concerned with sanctimony than empathy or people."

I do not know who Edwards is; relation to John Edwards? They claim not to condone violence, yet remain loyal to "punch 'em in the face", "carry him out on a stretcher," "fight like hell" "maybe the 2nd Amendment people can" (stop Hillary) Don. 

It is easy to see they are only pro-life if it means taking away women's right to liberty. It is also to see how Donny's words incite violence. Any true patriotic politician would loudly condemn and ostracize Trump.Instead they push his stolen election lie. 

Recently watched part of a show about militia groups who are training for civil war should trump get indicted for his crimes. I guess justice department is terrified of havoc that would ensue by upholding the law.Those that want a civil war would disrupt life of all, due to loyalty to a sham
artist. Sad.

I recently said that Mastriano would condemn women to death. Author of the opinion piece, P
at Brothwell, expressed it better than myself. 

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