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Sunday, October 30, 2022

Gabby Giffords

 First assassination in my life was a Democrat, JFK. Bobby Kennedy, a Democrat.Dr.  Martin Luther King, Jr., I presume another Democrat. No proof that those murders were committed or condoned by Republicans. Surely a person who identified as Democrat would not have killed those men. Malcolm X probably did not vote, and his killing was reportedly done by his own Muslim people. Off topic. The comments blaming Democrats for politically motivated violence irked me.

Whatabout Democrat Gabby Giffords? She survived the point blank gunshot wound to her head. It was politically motivated. Judge John Role, Republican, was killed on that same day, January 09,2011. The killer was deemed mentally ill. He was motivated by hatred of government, so perhaps not simply violence against Democrats.

Also killed that day at the open-air event was Christina-Taylor Green, 

Her mother, Roxanna said: "As young as she was, Christina-Taylor talked about getting all the parties to come together so we could live in a better country," Green told ABC News. "She was going to Giffords' event to ask questions about how she could help and to learn more about politics in our country."

"She was proud of her country and wanted to know more about the political process..."

"All I want is awareness and change, just like Christina would."

"Things like this should never, ever happen again, I want there to be a stop for the violence and hatred and all the bashing of politicians isn't not helping, and it's not working."

The 9-year-old was elected Student Council President. (I did not know that students that age had Student Councils.) Being born on September 11, 2001, motivated the child to become interested in a future in politics. Four others also died in that attack.

Roxanna Green most likely thinks about her daughter every time there is another mass shooting, especially of school children. One never gets over the loss of a child. Yet she must relive that horrid day every time another senseless shooting happens; relive it every time she hears a politician spew hatred.

"Things like this should never, ever happen again, I want there to be a stop for the violence and hatred and all the bashing of politicians isn't not helping, and it's not working."

Comments Paul Pelosi attack

 I was reading comments on Paul Pelosi's attack with a hammer, articles. What about so & so. I have not found any results regarding Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia being attack being ignored by Democrat party. I have found mention of conspiracy theories about his death. I am also confused about Kavanaugh attack. Someone wrote that "it was not about politics, it was a neighbor angry that he dumped garage in his yard."

I need to return to the articles' comments to see if I can find it again. Which attack was the comment directed at? 

That dastardly MSM came up again. Or "establishment media." Those comments, of course, came from obviously MAWAs or GOP supporters. "They will let it go down the rabbit hole," "they need to investigate but will not because it is a Democrat."  It needs to be investigated by media or F.B.I. He should have had a gun. He did have a gun. Hanky panky while wife is away. Nancy & Paul were getting it on, then staged the attack.

Jussie Smollett is mentioned on different articles. Weak minds think alike? It is possible that Paul was on the downlow. Equally possible that the intruder intended to rape him. Younger men often rape defenseless elderly women. In Nursing Homes even. Imagine if you are asleep, awoken by a man in his underwear climbing into bed with you. It is reported that Paul's 911 call asked "What are you going to do to me?" Did not sound like he invited the guy inside.

Perhaps that is why some peeps think it was a setup or lie. Gee, whiz, okay, I will let you break my skull with a hammer, so we can...what? Blame Republicans? Qpublicans might be responsible for the attack. The attacker posted  Q stuff, although I did not see any screen shots proving such. Only photos of him taking photos at a Nude protest and hugging a nude lady (her back to camera, him all smiles.)

Most plausible that it was a T fan. He lead the "let's all hate Nancy together parade." "We're gonna go to the Capitol and fight like hell." Might be exact T quote. Reported that SS would not allow him to march with his fans, which angered him.What did those people yell? Kill Pelosi, where is Nancy, kill Mike Pence." 

Whatabout Nancy ripping up copy of his speech? Whatabout her laughing when she tore up his speech? She owes T an apology. Sigh.

Thursday, October 27, 2022


antonewilliam comment:
 The question I ask very conservative members of the republican party who support such ideas as the stolen election claim:

Do you really think that Eisenhower, Nixon, Goldwater, Reagan, Bush, Bush would go along with the current iteration of their party? Really? George B: I disagree that "very conservative members of the republican party" support the stolen election claim. I see these people as radical Republicans that do not exhibit conservative values. Joseph: I'm gonna back you up on this one. The true conservatives, Liz Cheney et al, know that their party was corrupted by the Mango Mussolini stirring up al Qaeda (translation: the base). Unfortunately the American Taliban sect of republicans have managed to shout down the true conservatives. It may not be that there's more of the uneducated deplorables, but since they embrace violence as a political method the true cons live in fear of asserting themselves. George: Agreed, calling magas conservatives is a joke. They are Qpublicans. Daniel Dennis: Depending on the state, I know in Washington there are no polling sites only mail in. Which I personally think is great, I can track my ballot on line and the evidence of voter fraud doesn’t exist to any extent that could alter an election unless it’s a complete tie, which never has happened. No comment, except to say I agree with Daniel Dennis. Or election day needs to be national holiday, with enough polling booths and hours to give every citizen an opportunity to vote. I also believe Primary election days need to be national holiday and all citizens to vote in any and all primaries. Trump would never have been chosen to run as a Republican if all citizens could choose the best candidates to run in all Parties.
The remainder of comments I read were the typical back and forth: "we are a Republic, not a Democracy, Clown," followed by "we are a Democratic Republic, Clown." The MAGA's out in force believing every stolen election lie they were fed. One lady wrote that her very Republican father would turn over in his grave if he saw what the GOP has become today. I once said my very intelligent, political savvy, Democrat father would turn in his grave if he saw Trump elected. My sister meanwhile wrote that our father would turn over in his grave if he saw what happened to his beloved Democrat party. I now question her intelligence due to her adoration of the con-man. I did not think her racists or bigoted (except maybe towards Indian/Americans, the people her ex used to call "dot-heads") ~ although she is common law married to a man I would label: Redneck if I still used that term.
He asked if I liked Hillary of Donny ~ I replied that I did not like either of them. That frustrated him because he could not bait me into an argument. I have seen him gaslight her. No one in the family understands what she sees in him.


 Ocean Commented on article about Schwarzenegger:
We believe in FREEDOM Democrats believe in FREE FREE followed by Elaine who said: You believe in free free for the rich and well connected. To which Ocean replied: No I dispise the Democrats and their cronies...these are the filthy rich in Ameirca spelling errors are as Ocean typed them. So, okay, Ocean which is it? Are they rich or want "free, free?" Actually Democrats do believe in Free-dom as much as many Republicans. Or maybe not, It is the GOP politicians that do not believe in women's right to liberty = Freedom of Choice. Nor do the citizens that vote for them. I almost want to log in to Yahoo, so I can mention that to Ocean. Can not reason with people that can not provide fact based comments; just parrot what they heard a politician or talk show host said.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022

7" grain of rice

What Early Abortions really look like

Women (and at least one man) comment telling their heartbreaking stories of miscarriages at 11 or 12 weeks, wanting a child but forced to have an abortion due to non-viable pregnancies, needing a D & C a month after her miscarriage and so on.

So along comes Mimi:
I have had miscarriages, too, but I still mourned the potential child that I was carrying because I wanted that child. Wanting it or not wanting it does not negate the FACT that it is a human being in the making. These pictures are just to make pro-choice people feel better about their stance. So, do you have to see a hand or foot or eyes to not want to kill a growing human child? In 2-3 weeks from that 6 wk picture, there will be a heart and a spine and a head. Is that too late? Excuses and emotional justification for murder is all that is. You either accept that you are ending the life of a human in development and you are okay with it or you aren't. You can't call it something else to feel better about it because it is inconvenient to carry to full term and give he or she up for adoption. Yes, it is a hard choice, but it is the choice for life of another human. The other choice is death of another human so you can go on your merry way. Plain and simple. If Mimi had read comments she might realize it is not plain and simple. That clump of tissue is not a human being that is being murdered or killed. There is no guarantee that the clump of tissues will fully develop a brain, heart or lungs. It might develop into conjoined twins. It is of no concern to Mimi or the government to force a pregnant woman to carry a dead fetus to term. My mother had a stillborn baby. A friend had two ectopic pregnancies. She desperately wanted children. When physician attempted to save the pregnancies they aborted. People like Mimi bring out the violence in me. She is a hateful person, who would condemn strangers to death. By the way, Mimi, those 7' clump of tissues you care so much about saving. might not only kill the mother, those tissues will die along with her.

Monday, October 24, 2022

 Fred wrote:

That's a nice thought, that others would view this as a warning but that's not the way the world works. Most parents I know treat their children like furniture or at best, a pet. They ignore their lives and are surprised when they get in trouble, fail classes or end up with a biker boyfriend 10 years their senior.

Fred replied to a comment saying parents should be held accountable for their children's crimes, so that other parents would see it as warning.

I come from a big family. Only one aunt is still alive. I lost track of how many cousins I have. Facebook has introduced me to many of those cousins' children many of whom are married with children also. My nieces and nephews are making me a great aunt. 

My point: I know a lot of parents. They do not treat their children like furniture or a pet. Most all those children I have known were excellent students. The boys were drafted or joined a branch of the military at 18. I assume some were poor students due to their FB posts. LOL I do not know if any of them failed classes or ended up with a biker boyfriend 10 years their senior.

They never spoke about it, but I am guessing some parents were taken by surprise to learn their sons or daughters were homosexual. 

Peeps asked Fred if his daughter married a biker. No, he does not have a daughter. One commented that he must live in a rough neighborhood.

I did not sign in to say he must not know many parents.

Someone commented that she felt the opposite ~ that parents lavished attention on their children, spoiling them, and blaming others when their children got into trouble. Their kids could do not wrong.

Maybe Fred's parents treated him like a piece of furniture or a pet. I wonder how old he is. He said he does not have a daughter. Might be a teen himself, eh.


 I grew up with eight siblings. 

As an adult I asked one brother why he broke house rules. He told me a long story that did not answer the question. Or maybe it did. He wanted to do something, so he did it. 

I was sitting on front porch steps with a friend. A boy came into the yard carrying  a kitten. He said someone tried to drown it. We had a lot of cats around our house. Maybe that is why he asked if I would take it. I do not know why I did. I named it Ginger because the family had just come back from a Make Believe Land, featuring a Gingerbread Castle. 

Years and years later the same brother laughed about how he and his friend used to put cats in bags, with rocks, tie it shut and throw them in the brook to drown them.

Ah, maybe it was only one time and one kitten. Maybe the boy knew where my brother lived and brought it up the street to us?

He was a bully. He started smoking at age three, picking up butts he and his friend found in the woods, next to the brook. He skipped church using his collection money to play pinball machines. As an adult he was nicer. But an alcoholic who beat some of his sons.

He was in the Reserves or National Guard (I do not recall which) He owed his own business. Bought a house; sold it and then bought another. I do not think he lied or stole. He and his wife did go to church. She told him either quit drinking or get a divorce. He quit drinking.

I doubt any of my other siblings would try to drown cats. The two other  older brothers stopped going to church, soon after Confirmation. The younger two, myself and three sisters regularly attended church. One other brother is likely alcoholic and beat his son. My father was not a drinker, but he did beat my older brothers with a belt, as did his father.

An older brother started getting into trouble in high school. He ended up using heroin on and off his entire adult life.  My siblings and I pretty much grew up the same. Which is why I do not think parents should automatically be held accountable for their teen children's crimes. 

My mother was a SAHM until the youngest started school. With 9 children, it is possible my parents were not able to keep track of their children's activities. They probably never knew their son tried to drown a kitten (or cats) or that he was puffing on discarded cigarette butts. 

Or that a son stole cough syrup from drug store where he worked, as did his friend who got him the job. They did not get caught. When bro left the job and the other brother took it. He got caught stealing cough syrup for the friend. Codeine? Used to get high.

Eight children did not use heroin. Just because one son did, does not make it the parent's fault. 

More Crumbly article comments

 At least Silly kept her comments short. Not so 

Robb who wrote:

Parents assume that the public schools and the mainstream media are providing a moral education for our youth. While both parents work hard to earn a living  and put food on the table and gas in the car in spite of  massive inflation and and a horrific tax burden (So Congress can waste dollars on usless wars and hollow projects) they overlook the fact that they will have to undo the damaage to their brainwashed and poorly educated kids with their purple hair and violent rap music and give up any relaxation they feel entitled to and educate their children at home and in their Synagogue, etc.

Has Robb been drinking? Typos are his. I do not know any parents who assume public schools are providing moral education for our youth. People who commented to Robb agreed that parents think schools are to teach reading, writing, 'rehmetic ~ the basics. Along with History, used to include Art & Music & physical education, etal.

MSM. Again. What parent assumes that MSM is providing a moral education for our youth. Children learn what they live. If their parents lack morals, they too usually lack them. Our elected officials often teach the opposite of morals. I doubt that kids are paying much attention to FOX news or CNN or their local news channel. They might tune in to hear sports or weather. 

Probably not. They use their Smartphones to get info. 

Purple hair and violent rap music. Their may be boys and girls who listen to violent rap music that have purple hair. A 40+ niece who does not listen to any type of rap music dyed some of her locks purple. It seems to me that the emo crowd goes for multi-colored hair. But, wait, was Robb alluding to black teens? 

The rest of his rant makes little sense. GOP has been trying to do away with Middle Income Americans for many years. Tax cuts for the wealthiest, increase taxes to make up the difference. 

Is Robb upset that the poor,  overworked, overtaxed parents who had to use their precious little leisure time to unbrainwash Ethan whose lack of morals were due to school and MSM?

Did he read the article?  A teacher found Ethan's drawing of guns and blood, noting that he can not stop the thoughts. She was concerned about his mental health and notified the parents. They refused to take him out of school to get mental health evaluation. 

When Ethan was caught searching for ammo on his phone, the mother texted him: LOL. I am not mad. You have to learn how not to get caught. 

Perhaps Robb has a troubled teen, or has to beat them in order to teach them right from wrong? Maybe he is a gun nut; belongs to one of those militia training groups. Training for civil war? 

As for me I do not think parents should automatically be charged if their teen is guilty of a mass shooting. Investigate them, sure; just do not assume it was bad parenting that led to the tragic deaths of innocents. 

Ethan Crumbley

 Ethan Crumbley's parents are being charged due their son's slaughter of 4 students in his Michigan high school, when he was age 15.

Oh, those Yahoo readers' comments!

Silly wrote: 

You know exactly what would happen if you tried to hold the parent\grandmother accountable for what their spawn does. You would be labelled a racist, democrats would back that claim and people would riot, loot and set fire to US cities all over again.

Gee did she read the article? The parents have been arrested and charged. No public outcry. Most people that have commented about teen mass shooters want parents to be held accountable. I do not know if Silly is talking about Huntington Beach surfer contest rioting. Or maybe riots that happen when fans' sport team loses. Or their team wins. Or maybe when a coach gets fired. Rioting over pumpkins?

Most of those rioters were adults, or young adults, not teens. I doubt that I am being silly if I think Silly is talking about peaceful BLM protests turning violent. Would people who felt the Huntington Beach rioters should be punished, be called racists? Or, gee, the Capitol Building rioters, are peeps who think they should be penalized being called racists? Is their an outcry from Democrats demanding that the MAGA rioters not be charged with crimes? That they not be held accountable?  

I am guessing that the looters, rioters during BLM protests were likely teens. Looters that were caught after Hurricane Ian in Florida looked to be adults ~ 30 or 40 something years of age. 

I am also guessing that Silly is a bigoted, ignorant person. 

Sunday, October 23, 2022

Crazies on display

Crazies on display

Mastriano, Lindell, Stone, Flynn, Eric Trump, and Clay Clark to name a few. I do not know who Clay Clark is. Michelle Obama should sue him for defamation of character. She is too nice. "When they go low, we go high," she often said. 

This is a Pennsylvania crowd which scares me how (as reported) the crowd applaud and yell "is a male" regarding Clay's question about the lovely Michelle's gender. I would not expect better from the MAGA Birther group. 

Was there ever another time in history when these crazies were so prevalent? Maybe. People mocked the Wright Brothers, and "Fulton's Folly" among other things. Maybe those that mocked them also favored political candidates that opposed Women's Suffrage?

Read the comments on the article. Self-appointed smug authorities are lambasting those who make comical comments about the craziness. Deflect; whataboutism, abounds.

So typical: calling others sheep brainwashed by MSM. They do not seem to realize that FOX news is Main Stream Media. If news is to believed, FOX is the #1 television news media. If they had the ability to step outside of themselves, they might realize they are sheep brainwashed by FOX, Trump and his allies. 

McDonald's deep state? These trumpets have been yelling about this Deep State, never considered why their idol got elected if the Deep State was in charge. Unless, of course, this deep state wanted people to blindly believe everything the Lying King told them. 

It is too sad, and too scary for me to keep thinking about it. I am too scared to kill myself if Mastriano and snake oil salesman, Dr. Oz gets elected by the crazies that applauded that QAnon sponsored event and other voters just like them. 

Sunday, October 16, 2022

The United States of America

There's the United States of America
there are those who are preparing to divide us 

I say to them tonight

there is not a liberal America & a conservative America

there is the United States of America

there is not a black America, & a white America, & Latino America & an Asian America

there's the United States of America

the pundits like to slice and dice our country into red states, blue states,

we are one people all of us pledging allegiance to the stars and stripes,

all of us defending the United States of America


The good ole' days. 

Saturday, October 15, 2022

more comments

Irene: How is crime committed in the name of one ideology over another less criminal or more excusable than the other? To me, there really is no difference, crime is crime. It should not matter which side one agrees with. *** Because, Irene, breaking into the Capitol building to stop the peaceful counting of Electoral College votes, is an insurrection or coup attempt. Treason. Shoplifting is usually a lesser crime than home invasion, or bank robbery. Shooting and killing someone is self-defense is a lesser crime than slaughtering strangers in a mass shooting. I almost want to log in to Yahoo to reply to that one. Sign. *** Doug: Pearl clutching. First we are a Republic not a democracy and if a few hundred numb nuts could end democracy then we are in worse shape than I thought. I played out the riots in my head and could not come up with a single scenario where our Republic was actually ended. Dearest Doug: A republic and a democracy overlap. So what if people say "democracy" rather than "republic." How about Capitalist country? If the sitting president had responded to the rioters by declaring Martial Law, and naming himself President for Life, a democratic election process would be over. See? If they had hung Mike Pence or killed Nancy Pelosi, as they intended, Doug, what would you call it? *** If the Dougs and Irenes actually loved the United States of America, they would be as horrified as the rest of us, of the violence lead his fans to commit on his behalf.

Friday, October 14, 2022

John Lawrence comment

 John Lawrence

NOTHING in the 2nd Amendment says anything about infringing our constitutional right to bear arms with a minimum age requirement. It says "well-regulated militia necessary to the security of a free state," and that's it! And according to the individual rights doctrine affirmed by the U.S. Supreme Court, ANYONE holding a loaded gun is by legal definition a well-regulated militia!

KNOW the LAW before you spout off your weak, woke, violent, hate-filled, radical left socialist liberal hate! And, I might add, they weren't killed for "nothing" either. They were killed to keep the libbies from stealing our constitutional right to keep and bear arms in defense of our republic against all enemies foreign and domestic. *** I do not know who John Lawrence was replying to in his comment on an article about a 15-year-old who shot and killed 5 people in Raleigh, North Carolina. Was Mr. Lawrence drunk when he spewed out his hatred? What does a 15-year-old killing adults have to do with the latest mass shooring? Perhaps, John Lawrence is describing himself? Or did he know the kid and his victims? Did he sic the kid on those people due to knowing their political ideology? Yahoo often warns me a comment I make might offend people, and recently rejected one. I never write anything like John Lawrence wrote. It seems that I am not allowed to mention non-viable pregnancy terms. Nor am I to mention QAnon in relation to #45. I do not refer to him using the word orange, as many do. Nor do I refer to him a tRump. I do not even use #45; sometimes I might just say trump without capitalization. John Lawrence's comment most definitely goes against Yahoo Community Guidelines. Sigh.

Democracy vs Republic

 Earl Qualls

We don't have democracy and never have had a democracy. We are a Constitutional Republic. In a democracy people are the law of the land, the Constitution is the law of land. They keep trying to conflate us as a democracy, so you don't notice them pecking away at the Constitution. The only reason Trump is a threat to their "democracy" is because he is an outsider that did not play the establishment game. How many false investigations do you have to go through, how many millions in tax dollars have to spent on these false committees and trials before you sheep wake up and see who the true wolves are. ***
Poor, poor Don the Con. He tells the Earl Qualis of the United
States his lies, they believe, repeat, and defend him. T, himself is the cause of investigations.

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Open Borders?

Open Borders?

I have not followed the hullabaloo about Invasion of Southern Borders. I do not follow politics much now-a-days. I am more concerned about women losing their 14th Amendment right to liberty ~ freedom of choice, and the Russia invasion of Ukraine, then the open border controversy.

I am most interested in trump getting his comeuppance. Until GOP stops their support of the con artist, I will not feel safe that the United States of America will survive, rather than following in Nazi Germany's footsteps. Oh, I do not think our government would be so cruel to start executing those it feels are undesirable. 

I fear a dictatorship. Being forced to worship a state mandated religion, and salute the dictator or face imprisonment. The former guy has lead citizens in that direction and they applaud him. Anyone who sees through his act are called sheep, when it is they, themselves who sheepishly follow their leader, no matter how outrageous his behavior. 

I wonder what would happen to the real Americans ~ the descendants of tribes whose land our forefathers stole. Unless you are one of them, you, too are here due to immigration from other lands. 

Whole Earth

 The only flag I would fly is a Whole Earth flag. 

Christians and others, but mostly Christians, insist that their God created the earth. He did not create countries, humans did that. They decided it was okay to claim ownership over areas of land, give it a name, rule the people living upon that land. They fly flags; They fight. I want your land to be my land. I want your natural resources to be my natural resources. I do not want your people to come to my land.

One earth, people should be able to move about it freely without restrictions. Imagine a no borders world! Of course, I understand, that can create problems. People bringing diseases or invasive species into other areas. 

I happened upon a PBS series: The U.S. and the Holocaust Some one who favored allowing Jews to immigrate to the United States said something I often say: there is plenty of room in the United States, let them come. How many Jewish lives could the United States have helped to save if they had allowed an influx of Germany (Poland, etal) Jews to flee Nazi Germany?

Does the United States have enough jobs and natural resources to support a large influx of refugees and immigrants? Probably not. Droughts and water shortages, limiting available water for drinking, growing crops, bathing and all else that needs water. 

Could the government place refugees on large stretch of unoccupied land, and let them create their own towns, their own jobs? The government owns all unoccupied land, so bring back the Homestead Act. Let newcomers settle the land, much like in pioneer days. Humane would be to give them tents and seeds to get started. If they arrive with all their worldly possessions, they might have useful tools. They also might be skilled professionals ~ doctors, nurses, technicians. 

I have never been able to travel, but got to meet people from around the world, living in the "International City," Long Beach, California. I love learning about their cultures, their religions, and getting to taste their foods. 

What a wonderful earth if people stopped hating the others, rather than embracing them. 

Invasion at the southern border

 Lately I have noticed comments from trumpets about the Invasion at Our Southern Border. They blame Biden's "Open Borders" policy. 

Russia invaded Ukraine. To the best of my knowledge no one arrived at our southern borders with armed forces, invading the United States of America. A home invasion is when wannabe burglars enter premises when occupants are present. They usually break and enter carrying weapons. I do not know if I ever watched Invasion of the Body Snatchers. People's bodies invaded by alien seeds? Is the southern border being invaded by body snatching aliens? 

Could it be compared to an invasion of Lantern Flies? I suppose the anti crowd would liken persons fleeing war torn countries to be an invasive species? 

I have read headlines about DeSantis bussing migrants out of Florida. (Today I saw a headline saying Florida is going to take in Hurricane Fiona exiles.) 

By invasion do they mean a large influx of refugees seeking asylum? 

The anti's who use the word invasion are quick to point out that immigrants or illegal aliens come to the country bringing diseases, are responsible for increased crimes, they want to overthrow the U.S. of  A. (I guess they are referring to immigrants from Muslim countries?) They are dirty, they will not learn to speak English, they do not assimilate to the American culture. 

Millions have been arrested at the border. They are being detained until their case goes to court, where upon they are deported. How can people who were never allowed to enter the country be invading it? 

Just a lot of GOP propaganda hogwash. People need to learn the difference between refugees seeking asylum, immigrants and those who enter the country illegally to live as citizens or those who overstay their visas. 

Sunday, September 18, 2022


 Southern Bred Boy article comment:

"And you think the Democrats are any saner, letting their hatred of one man lead them to ignore the actual rule of law and any other rule they say applies to everybody in order to destroy that one man and anybody who even remotely supports him? Let's face it, there is insanity on both sides, but the bulk seems to reside with politicians with a big D next to their name." How ironic. Democrats are definitely saner. Who could love a con man, a lying, corrupt businessman hellbent on destroying the U.S. of A.? tbc

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

What Are You Hungry For?

 What Are You Hungry For? Is Deepak Chopra's solution to weight loss. Or a book explaining weight gain, and how to overcome it without really trying.

What does that have to do with Roe v Wade or politics in general? Stress.  High cortisol levels contribute to belly fat. High cortisol levels are related to too much stress. According to Deepak and others, when people are stressed they eat more.

I am not stressed. Unless it is the post traumatic disorder kind. I am basically calm. Insomnia, vivid, wild, crazy dreams that you remember are also symptoms of stress. Aha. In a word trump. Irritability and anger are signs of stress. I can think I am living a calm, stress-free life, when actually I get irritable and angry reading comments by trumpets. 

Are they willfully ignorant or blind? He should be irrelevant and shunned due to his misbehavior, especially on Jan. 6th when he led his pets to storm the Capitol to "stop the steal." Why do elected Republicans still support the man?

Its a conspiracy I tell you, as my son used to say. 

He is still holding rallies spewing his lies to the faithful. It scares me. It saddens me. It makes me angry. Um, stress, I see. 

Biden vs Trump

 In previous post it was noted that Democrats and Republicans agree that the U.S. democracy is in danger of collapse ~ according to poll ~ 69% of each group. Republicans blame Biden; Democrats blame Trump.

Loyalty to party rather than loyalty to country, and Republicans call themselves patriots? 

Will President Biden claim he won the election if he loses it? Will he hold a rally on January 6th, tweeting "be there, it will be wild" and telling his supporters to "Stop The Steal" by marching to the Capitol building? No, no, and no. 

Losing candidates have sometimes contested the election results; but none have held rallies on the day Electoral college votes were to be counted. None asked their VP to illegally change state votes in his favor. None, except Trump have called governors asking them to find votes. Crooked through and through. 

Yet Republicans are so blind they can not see that the wannabe President for Life is the enemy of democracy?

I read comments. 😎 Trump fans insist Jan. 6th was a riot, not an instructionss. An insurrectionn is a violent uprisingg against government. They claim that in no way was the sitting president responsiblee for the breaking,enteringg of the Capitoll Building.He told them he was going to march with them to the Capitol to "stop the steal." What were they going to do when they got there? Stand outside chanting: Stop the Steal; give trump the win?

Too bad common sense is not. How did trump think his fans were going to stop Congress from doing their job? How do those 69% of Republicans polled think it was okay for the protestors to break into a government building in an attempt to "stop the steal." If the woman had not been illegally in the Capitol building climbing through a broken glass window, she would not have gotten shot. 

Why was she there? Because her man trump told her to be there to stop the steal.

In a way I am sad that it is highly unlikely I will live to see the U.S. of A democracy  collapse because of an outspoken Birther, corrupt con man. He supports White Nationalists to the extent that he refused to host President Obama at a White House  unveiling of Obama's portrait. 

This is what will destroy the United States of America ~ white Republicans hatred of black, brown citizens. They are also  misogynist, so that if enough white women get disgusted with them, we still have a chance to remain a nation.