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Monday, January 30, 2023

"Life at Conception Act of 2023, " or HB 2885,

"Life at Conception Act of 2023" or HB 2885

"preeminent set of divinely created beings commonly and collectively known and referred to as humans or humanity, consisting of two sexes, male and female, which are mutually dependent for procreation ; which are also that same set of divinely created beings descended from the first humans, Adam and Eve, as indicated in the historical record and genealogy provided in the Biblical Book of Genesis..."


Is it any surprise that West Virginia is rated lowest in education?

Jorge Aaron Riley ~ J6 'tourist"

 Jorge Aaron Riley another J6 "peaceful tourist?"

‘I’m here to see what my President called me to DC for. Hello from Sacramento!!!’”

‘We breached over there I think. We broke windows, we went into the door, we pushed our way in, and then we just kept going further and further. ... We went into, there was like a corridor building..We pushed our way to Nancy Pelosi’s office ... and then we were sitting in there yelling ‘f--- you, Nancy Pelosi.’


Riley was videotaping and posting while breaching the Capitol building; the "corridor building" was the tunnel between buildings. 

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Chadwick Clifton, J6 sentencing


Just don't arrest anyone else, erase Jan 6 let Trump walk away a hero, not one more news article ! There is nothing to be proud of being an AMERICAN anymore, a sad day

Oh, wait, Barbara really meant

Walter I was trying to say if they are not going to punish these people just stop pulling our leg stop wasting tax money the sentence is a slap in America face,


Most of the comments thought Chadwick Clifton's sentence of 21 days in jail, was too light. His sentence also included  "90 days home detention, three years’ probation and pay $1,000 in fines." His charge was for  “parading, demonstrating or picketing," because he knew he was not supposed to be inside the building due to certifying election results. 

I think the sentence is fair.


Comment by Timothy:

If only he had just burned down Portland and Seattle then he'd be in the clear.

Replies noted that the cities were not burned down, that there had been 14,000 arrests, and Minneapolis fires were set by MAWAs trying to incite a "race war."


Timothy and others like him just parrot what T told them on Truth Social. He used those exact words (burning down cities) in he Carolina rally campaign speech.

True history: Trump will go down as leader of White who tried to incite Civil War. Hope, hope, hope, he does not succeed, and he does not go down as the man who destroyed the once great U.S. of A.

Saturday, January 28, 2023


 "On some great and glorious day," wrote H. L. Mencken in 1920, "the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." 

"In the first eight years of the new century this first prediction is still fodder for debate, but the second is not." ~ unknown


Actually the plain folks got their heart's desire in 2016. Plain folks aka: silent majority, or White Supremacists. Remains to be seen if they will start a new civil war as they have threatened to do.

Trump promised “problems ... the likes of which perhaps we’ve never seen” if he is indicted. He has called on his thugs saying it is time to "deal with" the "cancer" "weaponized, thugs, tyrants" "FBI, DOJ, Democrats." 

In 2015 I said he was a believer in conspiracy theories. His QAnon support and spreading of their lies proved I was correct. Maybe he does not believe them? Just uses his sales skills to sell them to citizens?

He tested their willingness to act on his commands twice  ~ Michigan State House, and plot to kidnap Whitmer to execute her. Is not anyone paying attention? GOP House want to expunge the two impeachments. They are forming a committee to investigate the people who investigated him and 4 of them.It seems they want to get DJT back in the White House and then..

...we really will not have a country anymore. 

Friday, January 27, 2023

My Reply to Jack Ward

 Is New Jersey  a Mecca's of socialism? A cousin moved to Florida from New Jersey. He is a big trump supporter.

My two war veteran uncles started a print shop business in their father's garage. One uncle was born in Italy, as were their parents, the other in the U.S. of A. The cousin is son of the U.S. of A. born uncle. 

The print shop business flourished. That uncle retired young giving the business to his sons. He retired to Florida, a millionaire to live a life of ease playing golf, making bad investments. The reason he retired young was that he saw his two brothers die young and he wanted to enjoy life. I think he lived into his eighties. His wife, who still lives in Florida, sold their home to move in with my cousin. She is 99.

Never thought about it before, but my uncle and father who both died young were the two born in Italy. Ah, but the sister born there lived longer. The daughter of the uncle who died young, also moved to Florida. I do not know why she and her husband moved there from New Jersey. She despises DJT. 

I have other family that moved to Florida from New Jersey. One cousin on my mother's side of the family also despises Trump. Her foul mouthed brother who still lives in Jersey is so hateful of Democrats, I had to remove him as Facebook friend. 

I can not say what the rest of nieces/nephews politics are. We only communicate via Facebook, and they do not share political stuff. A cousin's daughter I used to babysit for is such a rabid hater of Democrats and lover T and Q/T social lies, I am likely to soon remove her as a FB friend. She also moved to Florida from Jersey.

Another cousin's daughter, a Jersey transplant to Florida, is also anti-trump lies. Her grandma was the sister of my father and two uncles. I guess she still is the sister even though all deceased now? 

Thursday, January 26, 2023


 Florida Today Letters to the Editor shared at Yahoo news comment:from Martin:

"let's gat the facts straight. these are not readers. they are democrats whining. you don't win a state in a landslide and the media always posts democrat complaining."

Is "gat" a new pronunciation of "get?" I wonder if Martin even read the Letters? The first long letter was praising an author for opinion piece written by a former NYC teacher with educator husband. I do not know if Crosswinds is a political organization.

The Orange Man was about storage units being built in an area that used to be orange groves. The mascot was a a cartoon man with an Orange for his face. That writer mentioned " in a time before our rockets graced the heavens and before a certain rodent came to town," which I think meant DJT. 

The next letter is about a sheriff and public schools. The writer does say Republicans are an embarrassment and need to work with Democrats. It goes on to criticize Biden and Kamela Harris. Might be an Independent or centralist voter.

A letter encouraging men to become guardian ad item, now that the name has been changed from GAL.

Next letter titled: Many Are Blind to Democrats "dual standards." LOL 'nuff said?

The next letter is a rant about George Santos. The writer ends bashing Democrats for this travesty in Congress. 

Followed by a rant about President Biden.

The last explains why Florida is #1. Jack Ward, Melbourne states: "there is a socialist movement rather than a patriotic  movement in the Democrat party."

Jack also asserts "the cost to rent a U-Haul to come to Florida is double what it costs to leave.Soon U-Haul may pay Florida haters to leave in order to return their equipment." Jack does not like people from states like CA and NY and  "Mecca's of socialism."

If the paper is biased, it seems it would be more biased in favor of GOP. 

Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Mr Pezzola's intention

Mr Pezzola's intention was only to seize the Capitol building, and not to disrupt Congress." 

If one seized the Capitol on J6, did that not disrupt Congress? 

As theysay, you can not make this stuff up.


As reported by Graig Graziosi on the Independent. Cleaning up blogs, so many links no longer available, so will stop using links to articles.


"This is f***ing awesome. I knew we could take this motherf***er if we just tried hard enough. Proud of your motherf***ing boy,” Mr Pezzola says in the footage, a cigarette dangling from his mouth.


Interesting tidbit, House just removed ban that prohibited smoking in the Capitol Building offices. Laws prohibit citizens from smoking just about everywhere. Yet makers of laws can make exceptions for themselves.

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Maria Shriver

 Maria Shriver comments during a Los Angeles rally for Senator Obama.

if Barack Obama was a state he'd be California

Think about it...diverse, open, smart, independent, bucks tradition, innovative, inspiring, dreamer, leader

not about himself, it is about us ~ the power of us ~ he empowers all of us

what kind of America do I believe in (have conversation with yourself and ask in your heart)

do I believe in an America that's about  unity, its about coming together, its about seeing beyond the labels,you gotta see beyond the labels that divide us

we should give a shout out to everyone who is running for president of the United States*

California is about unity, and because we're all about leadership, * I really believe these all good people all following their own(truth) (choice?), they're all following their own voice and they all believe they can make a difference in this country
I have been searching for a stump speech from Obama's campaign that impressed me. I thought perhaps it was Carolina Kennedy. What I remember was something like: 

We all want the same thing for the country, we just disagree on how to get it. Maria Shriver's speech was the closest that I found to what I recall hearing.

Monday, January 23, 2023

Proud Boy Manel


It is not letting my copy to paste. 

No Wanks

Must tattoo Proud Boy somewhere on your body.

Anthem: Proud of Your Boy from Aladdin  musical, should be sung at each meeting. Meetings should be held at bar with jukebox that has the tune. 

What? No phones to play the song? 

Secret handshake not in manuel, but will be taught at meetings. 

Membership open to all without regard to ethnicity or sexualty. No women. Women need to leave the room when they have a meeting. They have to take an oath, "I am a Western Chauvinist, who refuses to apologize for creating the modern world."

There is more, but almost midnight and I need to go to sleep. Hope link remains active. No wanks is hysterical. 

There are four degrees of memberships, stations, and cereals. 

Sunday, January 22, 2023

At conception fallacy

 Remember when conservatives were howling about alleged 'death panels' making their healthcare decisions?  They are now making healthcare decisions for women.


Pregnancy is established when a fertilized egg has been implanted in the wall of a woman's uterus. The definition is critical to distinguishing between a contraceptive that prevents pregnancy and an abortifacient that terminates it. 

Implantation of the pre embryo in the uterine lining begins about five days after fertilization. Implantation can be completed as early as eight days or as late as 18 days after fertilization, but usually takes about 14 days. Between one-third and one-half of all fertilized eggs never fully implant. A pregnancy is considered to be established only after implantation is complete.

American College of  Obstetricians and Gynecologists

18 states have enacted provisions premised on the notion that pregnancy begins at fertilization or conception blastocyst.

Fairly hard to prove moment of fertilization. Some females claim to know exact moment; most do not know until their period is late or missed. I have read it, did not believe it, until it happened to a cousin. She did not know she was pregnant until she went to emergency room in severe pain, and went on to deliver a baby.

How could she not know? What my mother called "a change of life baby." No more menstrual cycles due to menopause. Her mother and female siblings may not be obese, but way overweight. 


The fertilized egg (zygote) divides repeatedly as it moves down the fallopian tube to the uterus. First, the zygote becomes a solid ball of cells. Then it becomes a hollow ball of cells called a blastocyst.

Saturday, January 21, 2023

Jan 9, 2011

 Jan. 9, 2011

Judge John Role, Rep killed 

Gabby Giffords, Democrat, wounded

Christina-Taylor Green, child, killed, was born on September 11, 2001

Her mother, Roxanna said: "As young as she was, Christina-Taylor talked about getting all the parties to come together so we could live in a better country," Green told ABC News. "She was going to Giffords' event to ask questions about how she could help and to learn more about politics in our country."

"She was proud of her country and wanted to know more about the political process..."

"All I want is awareness and change, just like Christina would."

"Things like this should never, ever happen again, I want there to be a stop for the violence and hatred and all the bashing of politicians isn't not helping, and it's not working."


I did not credit source for this news article. I saved the info to rewrite with just the quotes and a reminder of political violence generated by GOP.

Friday, January 20, 2023


 "As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart’s desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." ~ H L Mencken, July 26, 1920


The United States Congress first organized in 1789, is an elected bicameral democratic legislative body established by Article I of the United States Constitution, ratified in 1788.


The Truman Doctrine 1947 ~ to peeps complaining about aid to Ukraine


Anytime someone comment's says "Democracy" someone points out that "we are not a Democracy, we are a Republic." Than another points out "we are a democratic republic." 

I equate democracy with freedom/liberty. Most of us do not want a dictatorship, we want democratic elections; the illusion that we are in charge of who rules us. 

Thursday, January 19, 2023

United States of America

 Ever since someone complained that the United States of American declare themselves Americans, as if they owned North, Central and South Americas, I stopped saying "Americans." It is easier to say than United States of America citizens. The other countries have unique names: Chili, Brazil, Panama, Peru and so calling ourselves Americans seems correct. 


On my quest to no longer post comments, clearing my copy/paste stuff.



there is not a liberal America & a conservative America
there is the United States of America
there is not a black America, & a white America, & Latino America & an Asian America
there's the United States of America

***                      ***                 *** 

E pluribus unum – Out of many, one vs: divide and conquer?

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Cheryl Hall cheat for Trump

 Clermont Florida resident Cheryl Hall changed voter's registration cards from Democrat and Independent to Republican. She was caught when residents complained that their Voter ID party had been changed. 

Chery,l a Trump supporter, posted on her Facebook Timeline attending political events for Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Rick Scott, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody, Sean Hannity, Roger Stone and Donald Trump, Jr.


Trump raved about Democrats doing exactly what she did. His accusations unsupported. 

When you listen to Trump accuse others, it shows he is guilty of what he claims they  do. My ex-husband did that to me, which is what caused me to see it in Trump. 

Minor Voter Fraud

 *Alma Yadira Juarez ballot abuse 

*Joseph John Marak convicted felon

*Bradley Haugen, convicted felon 

*John Mallozzi Democrat City Committee forged signatures

*Kimberly McPherson Troy NY GOP resigned city council after casting absentee ballots in the names of two people

*Frederick Gattuso Carteret NJ GOP mayor candidate voted twice using similar names

*Jerry Trabona, former Police Chief, member of City Council in  Amite City, Louisiana, offered people money to vote for Kristian "kris" Hart, Democrat

*Tennessee Richard Garret false address for his primary residence lived outside of district he represented Clarksville non partisan

*Alex Campbell, GOP Crescent City, CA city council man,mayor pro tem claimed he lived within city limits

*Guillermina Fuentes ~ collecting and depositing other voters ballots for them
*Trenae Mysehs Rainy, forged signatures nursing home Michigan
*Carless Clark, forged grandson's signature, grandson voted in person

*Edward Amirault voted in NH and Massachusetts
*Sigmund Boganski AZ & NH
*Joan Marie Halstead GOP voted in Florida, voted in her home state New York.*
*Jay Ketcik GOP voted in Florida and mail-in home state Michigan
*Charles Barnes, voted twice, Florida & home state of Connecticut

*Richard Patton Pueblo, DEM voter, accused of trying to put something in usb port
*Tina Peters GOP election worker copied hard drive, gave to an outsider

*North Carolina 61% voted GOP 16% registered as GOP contractor indicted, new election
The above information came mainly from Heritage Org. I verified most of these claims and found Heritage Org. info to be reliable.

Dead People Do Vote

Dead people do vote, who knew? 

Going back to 2015 Trump's claims of  dead people voting;  “people that have died 10 years ago are still voting;" I used to make jokes about vampires. Back then I was still going to polling places, had to show my Voter ID card, sign the roster. 

My mother was still alive, bedridden with dementia. Could I have traveled to her town to vote using her ID? Maybe, but some places where I have voted wanted to see DL as proof that I was the same person using the Voter ID card. 

I imagined that people who had died recently might still be on rosters, but did not imagine that many would used the deceased parents ID cards. Those that do have been caught when signatures are compared. A few:

Tracey Kay McKee ~ voted as dead mother

Marcia Johnson ~ voted in dead father's name

Krista Michelle Connor ~ voted using recently deceased mother's ballot, 

Melissa Fisher Quakertown PA voted at her deceased mother

Danielle Elaine Dooner, 56, of Buckingham voted as her deceased mother

Francis Presto South Park PA requested ballot for his deceased wife


Elizabeth Gale ~ signed as witness when using her mother's ballot ~ I do not know that her mother was deceased or just mentally disabled, as in dementia 

Barry Morphew completed ballot on behalf of his missing wife, because he wanted trump to win

I keep wondering why his wife was missing. 

Tuesday, January 17, 2023

Happy BIrthday

 I truly do not like to say happy birthday to deceased people. "Happy birthday in heaven, Dad (mom, dog, grandma.") Google will often say it is someone's 150th birthday. I could go for 150 days ago so & do was born, or the anniversary of someone's birth. Do people age once their bodies die? I do not know. 

Yet I listened to Stevie Wonder's Happy Birthday song many times yesterday. You Tube sidebar had "greatest speeches" ~ "nothing to fear but fear itself,." "ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for our country," "yes, we can."

I liked Al Gore's concession speech. Some peeps liked Bush's 911 speech, I thought he looked silly standing on pile of rubble with arm around fire fighters neck, big smiles on his face. Was he happy jet planes flew into tall buildings? FDR, Truman, Nixon, did not impress me much. 

I shared the speech video on my Facebook page. Along with I Have A Dream song by Common from Freedom Writers Diary. Upbeat song. Yet missing Long Beach. I drove past that school many times. Later walked past it on the way to a park. I would walk to MLK Jr celebration at another park in LBC.  This year, after trip to get blood test, shopping, lunch with daughter, home alone the rest of the day.

Did not check to see where Allentown Martin Luther King, Jr. Day celebrations were being held. I would not be able to get there on my own power anyway. (Maybe someday I will try Uber or find taxi cab #.) Too cold and dreary/rainy out. I guess it was raining in sunny So Cal Long Beach. I did not check out stories about those celebrations.

The bands! A lot of love in the air. Too few white people there however. 

I also posted comments on my shared speech video, concession speeches from various presidents. DJT's inspiration, Bob Dole? Maybe after I post all my drafts, I will share the concession speeches here.

Monday, January 16, 2023

Best words

 Trump's best words:

Nazzeez, U-licious, United Shates, Utaur, southern half of Korean pein-shula, Jaroozum, Missuria, 

Yo Semites and Yo Seminites, Statue of Lieberty, Hover Dam, statics, some sa-tiks-tics coming out on – STA-TIS-TICS, Nasta, Anonymnush? A…mominoush privit, neonetical, overdoth (over dose), 


Sunday, January 15, 2023

Party of Rule-or-Ruin

 "I don’t think there should be any punishment or reprisal just because he had an animated moment.” Gaetz

(Mike Rogers)


So that is what physically attacking a person is called now-a-days? Kinda like a violent attack being called "a peaceful protest?" 


"If the Democrats want to make people like Donald Trump pay taxes, they need to change the tax code." 

James Comer on Meet the Press

Actually makes sense to change the tax code. Just rather silly suggesting that a president should not pay taxes. 


I forgot to add this to last post about "never a threat" DJT comment re: J6:

...violence that day left officers with head wounds, cracked ribs and smashed spinal disks. I think the number of injured guards is 140. 

Saturday, January 14, 2023

Santos compared to Einstein?

 Santos will resign

Oh my, this is hard. I so want to reply to Bear:

I see.. So you calling hs dropouts Einstein, Tarantino, Branson, Walt Disney, John D. Rockefeller, etc., as having no clue.. you funny clown..

Bear was replying to someone who mentioned Santos with no college education, high school dropout who earned a GED.

Did Einstein, Walt Disney, the others completely fabricate a resume to get elected to Congress?

William had the best reply:

Bear: So your putting Santos in the same league as the people you mentioned ? And who is the funny clown here?

Friday, January 13, 2023

Fake History, by Alyce

 History: General Trump lost his first battle against the United States after leading his troops of Anti-American thugs to an attack on Capitol Building. He feels this makes him a better president than General Washington who led his troops to take the airports from the British. ~ Alyce Rocco


Some of his non-threatening thugs:

*Adam Johnson stole podium

"No one helps us, only we can help us" 

*Mikhail E. Slye ~ tripped guard using bike rack

*Pauline Bauer ~ "hand over Nancy Pelosi"

*"I tore down the barricades." Daniel Braun

Copied from comments: 

*Nicholas Ochs,  Nicholas DeCardo, Jake Angeli, Stewart Rhodes, Timothy Hale-Cusanelli,

*Jeremey Bertino pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy.  John Stewart pleaded guilty seditious conspiracy. Joshua James pleaded guilty to seditious conspiracy, so did Brian Ulrich.   Charged with seditious conspiracy>> Ethan Nordean, Joseph Biggs, Zachary Rehl, Charles Donohoe, Dominic Pezzola


I have more names, but since I am no longer commenting on articles, ditching the notepad doc. 

Thursday, January 12, 2023

Never a threat

 "they were never a threat to law makers" "they walked in, they walked out" "they had great relationships with the guards; hugging, kissing police and guards" ~ DJT

*Edward Badalian in chat, he wrote: “we need to violently remove traitors" Clashed with cops, Trashed lawmakers’ offices.

*Mark Andrew Mazza Carried Taurus revolver w/shotgun shells & hollow-point bullets., Swung baton at cops, screaming “This is our f*cking house.

*Aiden Henry Bilyard, Cary NC, 19, arrested in 2020 on J6

shot orange bear spray at officers, used baseball bat to shatter Capital windows

The police officer who was hit by the bear spray that Bilyard allegedly fired on Jan. 6 said it caused him "extreme pain and incapacitated him.”

*Bradley Rukstales threw a chair at cops inside Capitol,  tussling with police, took 3 to take him into custody

*Broadway actor James Beeks is charged in Capitol riot.

Arrested before performance of “Jesus Christ Superstar” in Milwaukee.

Plays Judas. (Now suspended from show)

Marched with Oath Keepers.

Michael Jackson jacket ID’d him.

*Adam Johnson walked off with Nancy Pelosi’s lectern pleads guilty 

*Jenna Ryan says she’s preparing for her 60-day prison term by watching YouTube videos.

Says riot was peaceful and “I have a problem with remorse.”

*Edward Kelley obtained a list of over 35 law enforcement personnel who investigated him. then discussed plans to kill the officials with an acquaintance, the filing alleges.

Anthime Gionet, known as “Baked Alaska, filmed riot as it was happening J6, “i can’t believe i’m going to jail for an nft salesman.”


Perhaps James Beeks needs to look at the man in the mirror, and make a change, eh?

Fight Like Hell

 "All of us here today do not want to see our election victory stolen by bold and radial left Democrats, which is what they are doing, and stolen by the fake news media. That is what they have done and what they are doing. We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn't happen. 

You don't concede when the is theft involved. Our country has had enough. We will not take it anymore, and that is what this is all about. and to use a favorite term that all of you people really came up with, we will stop the steal...

We will not let them silence your voices. We're not going to let that happen...Republicans are constantly fighting like a boxer with his hands tied behind his back. It's like a boxer. And we ant to be so nice, so respectful of everybody, including bad people. 

And we're going to have to fight much harder...Because you'll never take back our country with weakness. You have to show strength and be strong..We fight and we fight like hell. And if you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country anymore."


How can someone box with no arms and gloved hands, because they are tied around their back? Now I get his NFT pixel featuring his life and career as a boxer.

THIS IS MY COUNTRY TOO, arsehole. I think I get it now. All this Civil War being threatened, Trump's claims to be better than Abraham Lincoln, he wants to take us back to 1860s when America was great. Lead his weaponized thugs to a Southern states win over the North.

 Evidentially he has the support of "The Grand Old Party has become the Rule-or-Ruin Party."

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Blast from the Past

 Cleaning up documents on laptop, found this blast from the past:

"When you test, you have cases. Why you test,  you find something is wrong with people. If we don't do any testing, we would have very few cases." ~ DJT

Such logic and he wonders why he did not get re-elected. Also:

"I never understood wind. You know, I know windmills very much. I studied it better than anybody." ~ DJT  Yes, he learned the noise caused cancer. At that time I did research. Windmills near Palm Desert area  did not higher rates of cancer than any other area. 

Did not matter what subject was "no one does it better than himself". He was best at selling propaganda and leading his White Nationalists thugs to fight like hell to stop the steal. His cohorts in Congress are now on committees. DJT might still go down in history as the man responsible for turning the U.S. of A. into a fascist dictatorship. 

Sad. We were a mostly great nation until he came along.

MAWA Marches

 Too bad I am not going to comment on Yahoo articles anymore. I was posting notes from Unthinkable: Trauma, Truth, and the Trials of American Democracy, Jamie Raskin's book. He wrote about 11/14/2020 and 12/20/2020 MAWA marches that turned violent. 

People comment about BLM burning down cities, but no mention of Proud Boys setting a black congregations church on fireI do not remember those two events. I do not watch TV news, just check headlines, so may have missed it. I did not read much about BLM protests either. Maybe I was just playing Facebook games? 

Oh, wait, 2020 was when I was diagnosed with Mantle Cell Lymphoma. I was hospitalized twice that year. Spent an entire month in hospital and nursing home for rehab. Came home to massive bedbug infestation. COVID Apt. complex no longer a polling place. TY for mail-in ballots. I guess I was not paying much attention to news.

I was vaguely aware of Proud Boys starting violence at peaceful BLM protests. And of "antifa" showing up to fight with MAWAs at their protests or rallies. And quite award of trumps photo op in front of a church holding Bible upside down. Notice how quick he was to call out National Guard on peaceful protesters, but not at all when it was his violent mob attacking Congress. 


13-year-old killed

 A 13-year-old boy was shot and killed, when a man heard noises, went outside and shot the boy dead.

Comments on article are typical, don't do the crime if you can't do the time. They do not use that same logic with Ashli Babbit; they see her as an innocent women murdered by Capitol guard; a martyr. 

And those pointing out: Crimes eligible for death penalty in America - curfew violations, no tail lights, counterfeit money, shoplifting and jaywalking, being out at 4AM. (sitting on picnic table with BB gun, shopping in Walmart holding BB gun being purchased after selecting dog food, sleeping in a park)

So basically any kid you see roaming around @0400 is fair game...

Because he's a thug and taking advantage of people. This was a present to the rest of civilized society

the shooting could have been in self-defense

13 years old and out on the streets at 4am. Sorry ma'am your son was involved in a robbery and unfortunately he found out the hard way that he made a poor decision.

So making a poor decision means death penalty? Where in the article is their evidence that the boy had a gun? The shooter's identity has been kept secret, fearing attacks on the man. Article says he is a black. Comments say he is a "government worker." Maybe an off-duty cop? 

The peeps think the kid got what he deserve, do not get it. Vigilante killings is not just; arrest, evidence presented in court trial, or plead guilty, sentence is how law in the U.S. of A. work.  Men with guns wanting to be heroes for killing young teens and other unarmed suspects

George Santos COVID lie

Reported that George Santos said: "Unfortunately on the 9th of March I became symptomatic with what we all know now very well, COVID-19 a.k.a coronavirus, commonly known as the Chinese flu. On the 11th I ended up in the hospital. It was really bad, fever, body aches."

"So, I'm free, coronavirus free, so they're calling me a survivor, I don't know if I really survived anything. It's just flu."

He also claimed he had hallucinations. He is trying to sound like his hero DJT, except I think he called it "the China flu."

Comment by Dave
This man is a simply a symptom of a greater problem. If you want understand the problem, read the rest of the comments here with a focus on the replies.

So I did, The majority of the comments basically poking fun at Santos. I liked: next he will be claiming he kilt a bear when he was only three. Some likened him to Biden and Democrats. george534 wrote a long, no white space, comment that sounded like an alternate fact conspiracy theory to me. Then commented on his own comment:

It's why Trump held his covid meetings in high-security meeting rooms, the so-called "Sensitive Compartmentalized Information Facility" usually reserved for intelligence and military operations. This is the big secret the US is hiding about covid.

Okay if it is a big secret how come george534 knows so much about it? Was he in the "high-security meeting rooms?" Maybe George is George Santos and joined trump in the "Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility?"

Was that a room located at Mar-a-Lago, or other golf club facility? I do not recall trump doing much other travel, other than to hold rallies. Maybe the "big secret" was recorded on one of the documents he kept? 

Can always tell when a poster is a gaga MAWA. The article is political, it is not news, left leaning propaganda, and so on. Not a word about George Santos latest lie. 

The best comment was the one that said he should be removed from office. I agree, I do not want a man that is just blathering GOP lines voting on bills that will affect all U.S. citizens. We already have enough Liar -in-Chief loyalists in Congress keeping his lies alive. We do not need more. 

Cowboy is racist?

The comment explained why cowboy was racist. Back in the good old days, white people called black men boys. The cowhands who  herded cattle were black. Notice Clint Eastwood was called a cowhand, not a cowboy. LOL I now know that a cowhand is a cowboy or cowgirl.

Another poster said Cowboys originated in Mexico and brought the term here. That makes sense as I now know the term cowboy came from vaquero, a Spanish word for a person who managed cattle while on horseback. Irrelevant to the article. The Congressman referring to "wiping out the American cowboy," was not claiming ownership of the term.

Yet another poster said they saw a group of men on horseback herding cattle across the highway, only none of them spoke English. I wondered how he could hear all those men galloping by with the herd hooves beats speaking. Maybe they were implying there are no American cowpokes anymore? Or a slur against immigrants or illegals? 

Since I am ending my addiction to Yahoo comments, I am going to post some of my copy/paste notes on this blog. After all that research seems a waste to just delete them. 

Comfort Zone

 I realized that commenting on Yahoo articles was an old comfort zone. I spend my twenties arguing with a bigoted, racist, my way or the highway man. Actually he would not let me take the highway. I told him I wanted a divorce soon after he arrived home from jail. 

Was it comfortable? Hell no. I do not know why it is called "comfort zone." It is what one is used to; if one is used to being abused during childhood, they unknowingly seek a partner that repeats that. Not that I was abused as a child. Nor was there arguments about racism. My parents argued a lot. Or at least my father was always yelling at my mother.

Ah, so maybe that was it? Fathers yelling at mothers = normal. I do not remember what they argued about or why he yelled so much. I do recall him saying he did not think women should be allowed to vote. Or maybe married women should vote the same way as their husbands.

Mom was Republican, Dad was Democrat. He felt her vote cancelled out his own. Or man should be head of household? 

Realizing that I was sort of reliving my young married life, is what made me realize I had to break the habit. 

Unable to sleep, I did scan Yahoo news headlines, after I played Wordie. I did not open the GOP Congress ones. I read comments on a few articles. No "political flags" in a school. Do teens really carry BLM, LGBT flags to school? I did not read most of the article about the student protest. One comment asked if a picture of MLK, Jr is considered political. 

I was tempted to copy a post about a politician who said the deep state is trying to do away with the American cowboy, and turn Monatanta into a state park. The comment was a long ramble. "My great grandparents were born here, I am an AMERICAN!" 46-year-old that implies that I am not a real U.S. of A. citizens because my father was not born here? 

Most of the comments were poking fun at the cowboy hat, that his father was a plumber and he a geologist; never owned a ranch with cattle;  the pickup truck replaced horses; that if the deep state was run by Democrats why did it elect Trump & himself. One person said the term cowboys was racist in origin. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

White nationalist

 White nationalist groups espouse white supremacist or white separatist ideologies, often focusing on the alleged inferiority of nonwhites.

An irate MAWA demanded of a stranger: Do you know what a White Nationalist is? Have you ever met one? (Yahoo article comment section)

I jumped in: Yes, I do and yes I have. After J6 how could anyone not know what White Nationalist groups are? Even earlier was the Unite The Right rally in Charlottesville, Virginia.  Gee, most every student and adult knows about the KKK and lynchings.

2003 someone wrote in a comment that she did not know the KKK still existed. I did. The local Klan wanted to hold a parade through Bangor, PA where I lived before hosting a picnic. The mayor refused to give them a permit to carry guns under their robes, so they cancelled the parade.

Around that same time a white pointed hood robed Klan Person stood on the sidewalk down the block from my apartment. Standing next to him was a child (or midget, who knows) dressed identically, handing out literature. One person was arrested; she spit on the man. Local news reported that people would take the literature drive around the block, throw it out, then come back for more. I was so enraged I did not walk down there, even though I needed something from the store they were standing by.

My ex-husband put me on a Klan mailing list. I read the booklets and came to understand how they use the Old Testament Bible to justify their superiority. Maybe they are unaware that it is the Hebrew Bible? 

My ex was denied membership in the Klan because our children (teens) refused to sign up with him. He and an ex brother-in-law were big time racists and bigots.

Sister's hubby admired Adolf Hitler. I learned so many derogatory names ~ ethnic slurs. More from him then from my ex. Sis' new guy, common law married, is also a racist & bigot. Since she adores Trump, I think she is likely into White Supremacy herself. I know she is bigoted towards Indians (as in Hindus.)

I was like one and done when I still dated. N-word? Bye, bye. Made that mistake once, never again. The Rahway prison guard a co-worker fixed me up for a double date; her husband's co-worker. I do not remember the husband's exact words, something about the # of smokers of Kool cigarettes could not be wrong. He talked about using violence against blacks as well.

When my date took me home, he said "I am not like him." I did not go out with him again, because he wanted to marry and have children. I found it embarrassing to tell I had my tubes tied years ago. I also did not want anymore children.

Did the he irate MAWA consider what ethnic the poster might be? Could be any color, nationalities and could be they had faced discrimination due to their ethnicity. 

6 New Mexico shootings

 Andrew Hay Reuters

Police arrested suspects in shootings of 6 Democrat officials homes and/or office. 

"The attacks follow a rise in threats and intimidation against U.S. politicians, government officials and sometimes their families. Members of Congress from both major parties have experienced a rise in harassment since the Jan. 6, 2021 attack on the Capitol."


John: The fact that the suspects identity has not been released leads me to believe it doesn’t fit the agenda.

Joe Avg. : this is simple communist

s. Massive illegal


I bet we'll sooner then later

find all those



allowed into the country

under his watch

that were sent to




back in.

Puckeater: Dem shoots at their own place then call and say we are being shot at...

aka memo: New Mexico has always had an element of armed right wing militia gong back to the Minute Men back in the '60s. We are also in the top ten for gun ownership per capita and top five for gun deaths among states. Albuquerque Metro comprises about half the population of the State's 2 million. Guns are the weapons of choice by citizens in resolving personal problems since before Billy the Kid. The majority of gun deaths come from suicide or domestic violence. That there is outliers, Lone Wolves, who would resort to gun violence for political purposes is rare but not surprising given the current political atmosphere in the US.

Jim: Where are all the puzzle solvers today?

El Libertarian de PRRemember when the left cheered when there was a shooting at a baseball game in DC? Pepperidge farms remembers.


The rest of the comments were typical mawa/others back and forth. I am on the next article, so not reading anymore of the comments.


 My commenting on Yahoo news articles had to end. I did okay for a while, staying logged out of Yahoo, just copying and pasting comments here, to reply.Yesterday I signed out of my account, coped and pasted a few comments here. Tried to read a paperback book while using leg massager, but print too small. I wonder if I should bother finishing it. I remember liking The Great Gatsby all those years ago, but so far wondering why. Someone gave me the copy. I have 4 books on Kindle that I will start reading later today.

I did watch two Prime movie videos yesterday. 

I had hope that at least one person would read one of my comments and say, "ya know, she is right, I never thought about it that way." My old expression: here comes that tsunami wave we all be running. Ha, I guess that should now be: here comes a mob looking to kill and hang, all Congress and staff be running and hiding. But as soon as mob threat is gone, we will immediately start spinning "peaceful protest," "antifa," "like tourists, walked in and walked out," nonsense. 

Every political article will have the same MAWA posting the same stuff: TDS, rent free in your head, lying liberal MSM, what about BLM, Antifa, Hillary, Obama, Joe, some other senator whose name escapes me who fudged his Vietnam war service. (One vet read me the riot act when I said something that that senator's lie was nothing compared to George Santos. I should have copied it. Said I was a Jane Fonda, X%^&*  Too late I thought I should have replied: Nah, just a grumpy old lady.) 

They have large cut/paste comments telling how great things were under Trump. I have my own cut/paste info I gathered, for things. Like when they talk about Massive election fraud, I counter with names of convicted minor election fraud. I am a bit biased; I lead with the guy who voted as his missing wife (I wonder why  she was missing,) because he wanted Trump to win. Followed by a Democrat, then a string of GOP voters, some elected officials. I end with Tina Peters and Richard Patton for balance.

The mawas "get over it," "no Russian Collusion" "witch hunt" " kangaroo court" "6 years and no convictions" (actually, no J6 was not six years ago) Nancy, AOC, Hunter's laptop, Biden crime family (I guess they made that up due to people saying  "trump crime family") the border, the border, the border and fentanyl, fentanyl, fentanyl,  gas prices, inflation, the jab (that one especially irritates me, but I guess it is like me using GOP rather than Republicans, because it is faster to type) Brandon

Both sides with infantile, often sexually vulgar, name calling, "your mother's basement," kool aid, sheep, typos or indicators of low intelligence. A number will talk about "this forum." It is article comments, not a forum. Some (MAWAS usually) will demand proof of an opinion. Others demand links to prove the claims. Well Yahoo does not allow posting of links (though I have seen some) but I just fact check claims (and 97% of the MAWAS claims turn out to be false.)

It is an education I tell you. I have a few books on my 'to read' list suggested by peeps in comments. I did not know about that senator whose name escapes me or Biden's "plagiarism." I did not even know who Senator Jamie Raskin was and other senators mentioned in comments. Nor the senator whose name also escapes me that brought her dog to Congress. 

Yahoo Comments

 After going to my Yahoo e-mail to open links to pay Electric and Cable bills, deleting most of the other unread mail, I signed out. I have lost interest in my last Facebook game. Needing to sit for a while when I first wake up, I started reading articles Yahoo shares. I used to only check out Google News. I used to spend a lot of time on forums, and had several websites and blogs that did not earn me a penny, which is likely how I started playing FB games. 

One day I just had to log in to Yahoo to reply to an ugly comment. Then it became my new addiction. I miss going for walks, smoking, doing community jigsaw puzzles, being able to afford newspapers, doing their crossword puzzles (online crossword puzzles too easy due to hints) and have gotten rather lazy when it comes to doing housework. I used to cook and bake a lot more, also. Painful trigger fingers, makes me shy away from doing stuff requiring a lot of chopping or stirring. Plus hard to cook for one when used to cooking for 4 or 5 or 40.

My new routine was to go to Yahoo news after a short trip to Farmtown, Google News and doing Wordie puzzle. It would suddenly be 2 o'clock and I was still sitting glued to computer. Yikes, Mar, you did not shower, lunch overdue, yesterday's dishes still in sink, if you don't put a move on that body I will be forced to give you a ticket. I should really turn on some music and hit the "dance floor."  What a colossal waste of time. 

My mantle cell lymphoma could come back at any time. A race between that and perhaps a fatal heart attack. What am I thinking? I have to clean out my junk, not sit at computer all day long. Somedays I would get up to do the dishes, shower, then jump right back to an article I was reading comments on.

What is the point? No one is going to convince a gaga MAWA that Trump is the worst president of all time. The MAGA' s are never going to convince anyone that Q/T social propaganda and alternate facts are truth. War on Drugs started long before Joe Biden became president. Under Trump it was heroin being smuggled across the border. Under Bidn it is fentanyl. Blaming an administration for addiction problems is wrong. Prohibition against alcohol did not stop drinking.

If it is not one drug it will be another. Homegrown meth, stolen prescription meds, cough syrup with codeine, cocaine, whatever is trendy at any given time period. Reefer or pot has been around a good long time. Maybe even smoked in native's "peace pipes?" 

My commenting addiction? 

Monday, January 9, 2023

Biased Proud Boy Jury?

 More comments on Proud Boys trial jury selection.

Lee to Rich:

Pushing back against militant criminals isn't hate

Um, same Rich?

It probably is biased considering the amount of censorship and propaganda that's out there


Kind of like Trump claiming the election was being rigged against him till he won, then claiming the next wouod be rigged against him a year before any votes were cast.


No republican could get a fair trial in DC


Then maybe they should have chosen a different place to commit crimes.


If the jury is going to consist of decent Americans who love their country, then we need a change of venue to the Free State of Dumbazzistan.


If only they could convince the American public that they are victims. Why not ask those people that lost family members on January 6th to be jurors.


The whole trail for Jan 6Th is biased. January 6th was nothing more than a protest that went "trustpassing".

Why you mad? unless you had a whole jury of proud boys, yes, they will be biased. Because the majority of America knows they were in the wrong.... it's like trying to find a jury not biased towards hitler.


Political bias has taken over our courts and our Justice Dept. and Justice System. Any investigation that has to do with Trump will get a guilty verdict based on political bias and hatred for Trump.

#1 American

That is why no one from the National Socialist Democrat Party can be called a “ patriot”


You can thank our biased media for that.


anyone with ties to the republican party will never get a fair trial in washington dc.

Forrest Trump

This is what happens when the "nuts", get the keys to the "nut house"......


Easy to pick out the gagaMAWAs in commens.

I did not see anyone questioning why no Trump Q/T social GOP showed up for jury duty.

I 'rescued' myself from one jury because it was to decide on giving the guilty party death penalty. Until our justice system does not make mistakes and send An Innocent Man to jail, I oppose the death penalty.

That feed us their drivel?

Yahoo article about Proud Boys upcoming trail and jury selection Rich wrote: 

Reading the comments on here I've found that I have alot in common with people on here - just like most on here that have learned to hate the Proud boys by watching woke propaganda and censored news lie CNN, I've learned to hate Antifa as fascists watching Fox news. Its time we unite as only americans can and stop the rich elites that feed us their drivel


I am anti fascist. I guess small groups of local teens that go out to protest fascist alt right groups, do not think to invite this old lady to join them.

Is Rich saying "antifa" is watching FOX News? Or that he is also an anti fascist who watches FOX so learned to hate, um, I dunno what Rich is saying.

I can not say I hate Proud Boys. I am appalled what they did on Jan. 6, 2021. I can say I probably would not make an impartial jury member.

The first time I watched CNN was on J6. I was oblivious when daughter texted me. I quickly turned on TV surfing news channels. CNN was best ~ showing violence as ti was unfolding. No biased censoring there. Online can watch hundreds more videos from J6 from various sources.
