Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Happy in his ignorance, Cas

 Yes, i heard this on conservative talk radio. think for yourself instead of repeating whatever u hear.

I am not sure who Cas was replying to. Just in the middle of debate about slow election returns. One person said to be patient, we have been voting for 200 years. We get projected winners soon after polls close. Might have to stay up past ones bedtime to see how Alaska and Hawaii citizens voted. 

Oh, but, Cas, you must be extremely happy. He heard something then admonishes others to think, not repeat what he heard. Oh, man, laughing at his idiocy. 

Andrew wants a Skew code (bar code) issued to every voter, scan, move on. Simple, except for peeps in a hospital bed, or the military person overseas. Does the U.S. send machines to all those remote locations, hire poll workers to man the machines? Oh, excuse me a moment, Captain, I need to go vote, hold the fort until I get back.

I got bumped from article comments I was reading. I tried using the back arrow, but it went to Yahoo news page and I do not know which article I was reading. I was enjoying the sparring.

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