Wednesday, November 9, 2022

Knife threat

 A 38 year old man was arrested after he walking into a polling place in West Bend, Wisconsin, with a knife, demanding they stop the voting. No one was hurt, voting was stopped for 30 minutes. Library staff, poll workers and citizens hid in a closed voting room location until police cleared the location for more possible violence. 


"Austin Gene Combs confessed to shooting Anthony Lee King “several times with a revolver” while the 43-year-old victim and his wife were doing yardwork..." Okeana, Ohio. 

Austin killed King because he thought King was a Democrat. 

Comments about political violence:

John wrote

It started with Gingrich as he demonized Democrats by referring to them as the "enemy" instead of opponent. Trump made it worse and now we have this...welcome to GOP's America.

Casey replied:

No, it started with Medal of Freedom "winner" Rush Limbaugh becoming popular and creating syncophants and imitators on right wing "news" radio in the early 90's. Before that there was division but at least a moderate amount of respect to those with diverging opinions. Now it's just unbelievable how unstable this whole right wing has become towards their fellow Americans. Sorry not sorry, but patriotism is more than just how many flags you can stick on your pickup truck, and there is more to the Constitution than just the 2nd Amendment.

Zelda's 'two cents'

Yes, Rupert Murdoch has contributed to the destruction of journalism in multiple English-speaking countries, including the U.S.

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